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Islamphobic Indians Polluting Young Minds - Indian text book controversy


Nov 21, 2012
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Sunday, July 2, 2017

The biggest democracy of world apparently isn’t so much democratic after all. Sometimes innocent's blood is spilled over eating beef and other times minorities have to bear unreasonable behavior by certain extremist elements. There is no denial to fact that humans fundamentally are all beautiful with attractive heart and striking souls but just like this fact, it is also a fact that there are few black sheep in every society. Such people may get to their objective by controversial means and get the cheap publicity they desired but in the process they shame the whole society and be a black mark of a community’s forehead.
One such incident was reported in New Delhi where a book published by Selina Publishers of Daryaganj, sparked a controversy. The book named “Integrated Science” for VI standard has used a picture of mosque in one pictorial where sources of noise pollution were being showed. The writer probably was a diehard fan of Sonu Nigam and decided to register his protest for Sonu at wrong place and wrong time.
Sonu Nigam sparked this controversy in April this year when he said that he was woken up by sound of (fajir) “azaan”- early morning call for prayer amplified by loud speakers.
The picture showing a train, car, airplane and a mosque, all with symbols depicting loud sound, net to a disturbed man covering his ears with his hands, went viral on social media last week and created uproar among Muslims, Human Right activists and liberals.
This message was circulated by a father on Whatsapp. The father saw the book of his daughter studying in Vi standard and noticed the irregularity.
The message circulated was:
“I was quite furious looking at the image myself. What message is the image trying to give? What is it doing in a little child’s textbook? What is it doing to such tender impressionable minds? Aren’t these minds supposed to be future of my COUNTRY….!!??? WHY DID THEY CHOSE ONLY THIS RELIGION for the image?”
Muslim father rightly pointed out why only one religion was deliberately targeted. Popular Front of India has filed a complaint in Pune Police station against Selina Publishers, book editor SK Bhasin and publication’s owner.
Selina publisher current editor BK George admitted out that it was a mistake but not a deliberate one. The book was discontinued but many copies were already circulated. The Editor will make sure to remove the mistake and not let the anything like this happen in the future.
Hemant Gupta, the publisher in his apology said that the structure resembles a portion of fort and other noise producing objects. Hemantapologized for hurting sentiments of anyone.
Clearly Hemant isn’t even ashamed but making excuses to a cover up for a deliberate mistake. Calling a structure with dome, 2 minarets and speakers, a part of fort?? Obviously he needs to retake his history classes.
Netizens have launched an online petition asking these books to be withdrawn. ICSE board officials were nowhere to be found to comment about this incident.
Such publishers are needed to be fined heavily who use such controversial content to gain attention and at the end succeeds in it. They just hurt many people sentiments and get away with a simple apology. The Rising trend of controversial contents being found in Indian text books attest to the claim of cheap publicity.
Indian universities at least stand in a decent rank among Asia or World ranings..
We all know what Madrassa teaches..
Why don't you care for yourself rather than our education system?Most terrorist groups in Pakistan are served by their govt funded Madrassas..
Height of paranoia
Indian textbook portrays mosque as sign of noise pollutant
By News Desk
Published: July 4, 2017


NEW DELHI: A picture in an Indian school’s science textbook showing a mosque as a source of noise pollution has caused massive outrage on social media.

The grade VI textbook, published by Selina Publishers, has a chapter on the causes of noise pollution. Internet users took to social media to demand an apology from the publisher and the promise that the picture would be removed in the following editions, India Today reported.

Bomber planning to attack Makkah’s Grand Mosque blows himself up: ministry


The picture shows a train, car, plane and a mosque, all with symbols depicting loud sound, next to a man frowning and shutting his ears.

An online petition has been launched demanding the book to be withdrawn.

Publisher Hemant Gupta said, “This is to inform all concerned that we will be changing the picture in subsequent editions of the book.”

Gupta further explained saying that the diagram on page 202 of its publication, Integrated Science, consisted of “a structure resembling a portion of a fort and other noise producing objects in a noisy city”.

Poster for temple in place of Babri Masjid carries Muslim cleric’s photo

“We do apologise if it has hurt the sentiments of anyone,” he said.

Gerry Arathoon, chief executive for Indian School Certificate Examinations said, “If any book with objectionable content is being taught in certain schools. It is for schools and publisher to ensure such a thing does not happen.”

Earlier in April, famed singer Sonu Nigam sparked a controversy when he tweeted saying that he was woken up by the sound of azaan.

There have been several incidents of controversial content being found in Indian school textbooks in recent months. Excerpts from one textbook showed defining a figure measurement of 36-24-36 as the “best body shape for females”.
Indian textbook portrays mosque as sign of noise pollutant
By News Desk
Published: July 4, 2017


NEW DELHI: A picture in an Indian school’s science textbook showing a mosque as a source of noise pollution has caused massive outrage on social media.

The grade VI textbook, published by Selina Publishers, has a chapter on the causes of noise pollution. Internet users took to social media to demand an apology from the publisher and the promise that the picture would be removed in the following editions, India Today reported.

Bomber planning to attack Makkah’s Grand Mosque blows himself up: ministry


The picture shows a train, car, plane and a mosque, all with symbols depicting loud sound, next to a man frowning and shutting his ears.

An online petition has been launched demanding the book to be withdrawn.

Publisher Hemant Gupta said, “This is to inform all concerned that we will be changing the picture in subsequent editions of the book.”

Gupta further explained saying that the diagram on page 202 of its publication, Integrated Science, consisted of “a structure resembling a portion of a fort and other noise producing objects in a noisy city”.

Poster for temple in place of Babri Masjid carries Muslim cleric’s photo

“We do apologise if it has hurt the sentiments of anyone,” he said.

Gerry Arathoon, chief executive for Indian School Certificate Examinations said, “If any book with objectionable content is being taught in certain schools. It is for schools and publisher to ensure such a thing does not happen.”

Earlier in April, famed singer Sonu Nigam sparked a controversy when he tweeted saying that he was woken up by the sound of azaan.

There have been several incidents of controversial content being found in Indian school textbooks in recent months. Excerpts from one textbook showed defining a figure measurement of 36-24-36 as the “best body shape for females”.
So much paranoid you
So much paranoid you
really? blame the author not me.. lolz and by the why do you really think that in india where already alot of noise pollution surrounding every where. realy a Azaan of few mints can harm the beautiful peaceful noise free environment of india?
It is absolutely true.. Mosques blare 5 times a day disturbing sleep and everybody routine. Either they should accept the truth or stop using loudspeakers..

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