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Israel and Lebanon reach ‘historic’ maritime border and gas fields deal


Dec 14, 2017
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Israel and Lebanon reach ‘historic’ maritime border and gas fields deal

Israeli PM hails groundbreaking agreement that could boost natural gas production in the Mediterranean


Israel and Lebanon have reportedly agreed a deal in a dispute over gas fields and the two countries’ maritime border, a groundbreaking diplomatic achievement that could boost natural gas production in the Mediterranean before the European winter begins.

Yair Lapid, Israel’s prime minister, said on Tuesday that months of US-brokered negotiations had resulted in a “historic agreement” between the two nations, which have technically been at war since Israel’s creation in 1948. The deal would “strengthen Israel’s security, inject billions into Israel’s economy, and ensure the stability of our northern border”, he added.

A statement from the office of the Lebanese president, Michel Aoun, said the latest version of the proposal “satisfies Lebanon, meets its demands, and preserves its rights to its natural resources”, adding more consultations would be held before an official announcement.

agreement is expected to enable Israeli production of natural gas from the Karish maritime reservoir, which with the nearby Tanin field is estimated to hold as much as 2-3tn cubic feet of natural gas and 44m barrels of liquids. Lebanon had previously claimed part of the Karish field as its own.

While relatively small in terms of global production, bringing Karish online is a welcome development for Israel’s western allies, as the invasion of Ukraine has sent energy prices soaring and left Europe searching for alternatives to Russian oil and gas.

Lebanon, mired in a deep economic crisis, hopes the neighbouring prospective field, Qana, could provide a financial lifeline worth billions of dollars. A delegation from TotalEnergies, the French hydrocarbon giant, arrived in Beirut on Tuesday to discuss immediate gas exploration and development.

Talks on resolving the border dispute began in 2020 but have faced repeated setbacks, including threats towards Israel from Lebanon’s powerful Shia movement, Hezbollah, warning against beginning extraction from Karish before the deal went through.

After Israel brought a London-listed Energean production vessel into Karish over the summer, Hezbollah launched unarmed drones towards it, which were shot down by the Israel Defense Forces.

Momentum towards an agreement hit a roadblock last week, when Israel said it planned to reject Lebanon’s proposed changes to a final draft put forward by the US energy envoy Amos Hochstein, Washington’s chief mediator, and Israeli defence minister, Benny Gantz, put troops on high alert. However, with pressure to reach a deal before Aoun’s term as caretaker president expires on 31 October, and before Israel holds elections on 1 November, negotiators managed to deliver a modified proposal on Monday night acceptable to both parties.


“Of course there was compromise on both sides,” said Orna Mizrahi, a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies, an Israeli thinktank. “By implication maybe the deal is a little more restricted than I would hope, but this is still a very important agreement. It even raises hopes that there could be real change in the relationship between the two

“In the end, Hezbollah has decided to get on board; it seems they realised they can’t be the spoiler in the talks any more given the urgent economic situation in Lebanon.”

“In the end, Hezbollah has decided to get on board; it seems they realised they can’t be the spoiler in the talks any more given the urgent economic situation in Lebanon.”
Hezbollah always was on board with Lebanon government , guess what they are part of it. they are the only party that never attacked Lebanon army and whenever it needed help come to their aid


Israel and Lebanon reach ‘historic’ maritime border and gas fields deal

Israeli PM hails groundbreaking agreement that could boost natural gas production in the Mediterranean


Israel and Lebanon have reportedly agreed a deal in a dispute over gas fields and the two countries’ maritime border, a groundbreaking diplomatic achievement that could boost natural gas production in the Mediterranean before the European winter begins.

Yair Lapid, Israel’s prime minister, said on Tuesday that months of US-brokered negotiations had resulted in a “historic agreement” between the two nations, which have technically been at war since Israel’s creation in 1948. The deal would “strengthen Israel’s security, inject billions into Israel’s economy, and ensure the stability of our northern border”, he added.

A statement from the office of the Lebanese president, Michel Aoun, said the latest version of the proposal “satisfies Lebanon, meets its demands, and preserves its rights to its natural resources”, adding more consultations would be held before an official announcement.

agreement is expected to enable Israeli production of natural gas from the Karish maritime reservoir, which with the nearby Tanin field is estimated to hold as much as 2-3tn cubic feet of natural gas and 44m barrels of liquids. Lebanon had previously claimed part of the Karish field as its own.

While relatively small in terms of global production, bringing Karish online is a welcome development for Israel’s western allies, as the invasion of Ukraine has sent energy prices soaring and left Europe searching for alternatives to Russian oil and gas.

Lebanon, mired in a deep economic crisis, hopes the neighbouring prospective field, Qana, could provide a financial lifeline worth billions of dollars. A delegation from TotalEnergies, the French hydrocarbon giant, arrived in Beirut on Tuesday to discuss immediate gas exploration and development.

Talks on resolving the border dispute began in 2020 but have faced repeated setbacks, including threats towards Israel from Lebanon’s powerful Shia movement, Hezbollah, warning against beginning extraction from Karish before the deal went through.

After Israel brought a London-listed Energean production vessel into Karish over the summer, Hezbollah launched unarmed drones towards it, which were shot down by the Israel Defense Forces.

Momentum towards an agreement hit a roadblock last week, when Israel said it planned to reject Lebanon’s proposed changes to a final draft put forward by the US energy envoy Amos Hochstein, Washington’s chief mediator, and Israeli defence minister, Benny Gantz, put troops on high alert. However, with pressure to reach a deal before Aoun’s term as caretaker president expires on 31 October, and before Israel holds elections on 1 November, negotiators managed to deliver a modified proposal on Monday night acceptable to both parties.


“Of course there was compromise on both sides,” said Orna Mizrahi, a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies, an Israeli thinktank. “By implication maybe the deal is a little more restricted than I would hope, but this is still a very important agreement. It even raises hopes that there could be real change in the relationship between the two

“In the end, Hezbollah has decided to get on board; it seems they realised they can’t be the spoiler in the talks any more given the urgent economic situation in Lebanon.”

So Hezbollah just recognized Israel and made deals with them. So much for their fake propaganda and complaints about other Arab countries doing business/having relations with Israel. Hypocrites but this was made completely clear during their criminal involvement in Syria and aiding of a criminal anti-Muslim dictator (Al-Assad regime).

Hezbollah always was on board with Lebanon government , guess what they are part of it. they are the only party that never attacked Lebanon army and whenever it needed help come to their aid

Hezbollah criminals are busy engaging in drug trade as well when not helping destroy the Lebanese economy and Lebanon.

It is funny that whenever there is Iranian Mullah regime involvement in the region, countries turn into/or are failures. Very telling.

Hezbollah always was on board with Lebanon government , guess what they are part of it. they are the only party that never attacked Lebanon army and whenever it needed help come to their aid
So Hezbollah just recognized Israel and made deals with them. So much for their fake propaganda and complaints about other Arab countries doing business/having relations with Israel. Hypocrites but this was made completely clear during their criminal involvement in Syria and aiding of a criminal anti-Muslim dictator (Al-Assad regime).

Lebanon has very serious economic problems .

They have electricity for only few hours a day , and they need a break . Having their own Gas field is something they cant just throw away.

At this situation , Hezbollah could not afford to take the blame for ruining this deal.

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If the deal doesnt include enough buns for Nasrallah, Hezbollah will get angry.
The only reason Israel agreed to sign an agreement with Lebanon is Hezbollah. Otherwise, Israel would extract gas and Lebanon could not do anything. The rest of the Arab super state probably support Israel...
This deal reduces Lebanon dependency on Iranian support . Lebanon will now have it's own energy supply , so off course they are not happy.

I dont know how good is giving resources to your future enemy.

I think Israel should pay Lebanon only in basic humanitarian help, food and things like that.

Humanitarian food for common Lebanese people, they need it, in a boxes with a big Israeli flag.

So they will know who feed them and who bring them chaos, destruction and death.

And hypocrites corrupt Lebanese leaders couldn't refuse that.
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I have a bad feeling about this. As if the next Israeli PM will change the deal and take it all on his terms. I guess this is what happens when you dont have a strong military
I dont know how good is giving resources to your future enemy.

I think Israel should pay Lebanon only in basic humanitarian help, food and things like that.

Humanitarian food for common Lebanese people, they need it, in a boxes with a big Israeli flag.

So they will know who feed them and who bring them chaos, destruction and death.

And hypocrites corrupt Lebanese leaders couldn't refuse that.

Well , we are not giving them any charity , the Gas field is on area that cross both borders , it has been debated for 11 years who owns it and now finely it can be worked and both sides will benefit.

As a general ruled - when there is mutual economic interests , and corporation it usually ( not always ) contribute to the peace and stability in the border between countries.

Those who want to see this happen will support this agreement. Those who want to keep the border tense and with conflict will naturally object.


I have a bad feeling about this. As if the next Israeli PM will change the deal and take it all on his terms. I guess this is what happens when you dont have a strong military

The next Israeli PM ( if bibi gets elected ) would love nothing more than to get credit for this deal. The only reason he objects , is because of the coming election and not wanting to give credit to Lapid.

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next Israeli PM ( if bibi gets elected ) would love nothing more than to get credit for this deal. The only reason he objects , is because of the coming election and not wanting to give credit to Lapid.

lets hope this deal lasts
Thank you hezbollah for protecting lebanese sovereignty yet again.

Israel would have taken everything it wanted and given lebanon a middle finger if it wasnt for hezbollah.

Those gas fields are simply not viable economically unless hezbollah approves. No serious contractor on earth will touch a project that will be under a permanent hezbollah target. The risks of your multi bbilion dollar investment and the lives of your workers is too great.

Israel would need to spend 3x as muxh as it takes out on 24/7 security without hezbollah approval. And incase of another 2006 style war, say goodbye to all of it.

Hezbollah has the zionists completely by the balls. And they know it
Well , we are not giving them any charity , the Gas field is on area that cross both borders , it has been debated for 11 years who owns it and now finely it can be worked and both sides will benefit.

As a general ruled - when there is mutual economic interests , and corporation it usually ( not always ) contribute to the peace and stability in the border between countries.

Those who want to see this happen will support this agreement. Those who want to keep the border tense and with conflict will naturally object.


The next Israeli PM ( if bibi gets elected ) would love nothing more than to get credit for this deal. The only reason he objects , is because of the coming election and not wanting to give credit to Lapid.


I know it's not charity, but it's dangerous give money to a enemy that it can be used to build weapons and kill you.

In my opinion, Israel should treat problematic neighbors in the same way that USA treats Central American states.

If you disarm yourself, and you forget your sovereignty, you will get everything from me (Panama, Costa Rica).
But if you want weapons and sovereign adventures, up to you, but you will get nothing from me (Nicaragua).

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