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Israel carries out ground incursion into Lebanon


Jun 1, 2012
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Anyone remember how bvtthurt Israel got at Hezbollah's "unacceptable" violation of Israeli sovereignty, when it send in that Iranian drone to fly over Israeli territory?

Israel carries out ground incursion into Lebanon

Published Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Eleven Israeli soldiers carried out a ground incursion into Lebanon Wednesday morning, breaking the border's barbed wire fence near the village of Wazzani and mounting a sandbag barrier roughly 15 meters past the demarcation line.

The soldiers reached a Lebanese military zone, Lebanon's National News Agency reported.

Ground and air incursions into Lebanon are direct breaches of UN resolution 1701 which ended Israel's war on Lebanon in 2006. Israel has carried out more than 20,000 illegal surveillance flights over Lebanon since that ceasefire.

The Lebanese Army and the UN's international peacekeeping force in Lebanon, UNIFIL, are on high alert.

What the hell are the Zionists doing, they are trying to inflame things further.
Time to rain down missiles Mr. Nasrallah.

What the hell are the Zionists doing, they are trying to inflame things further.

whahah :laugh:

Oh come on, they would never do that. This is Israel's first ever illegal activity and provocation ! :D
who came up with the word incursion?

The headline should be:

israeli terrorists invaded a cowardly and compliant lebanon which will not fight back cos it has no brave men just like any other plain vanilla spineless arab state.

I think thats a better headline..dont ya think :cheers:

Bro Al-harbi,

How was the terrorist jews defeated in Gaza? can you state on what premise you base that one on?

I agree with you on your second phrase....but I will add that the spineless arabs will not do nothing except cry and appeal to their american masters.

after the recent defeat in Gaza,the Zionists are seeking for anthor one

by the way,the Zionists are about start a new war and they will blame Arab on it(As usual)
Tiny Israel acts a bully because he knows that we back him. Right-wing nutjobs in Israeli establisment must understand that Israel needs to stay in its limits.

No wonder our military commanders call Israel a "strategic liability" instead of an asset.

Israelis @ this forum : Why do you guys always pick right-wingers as your government? C'mon now!

Without US/West backing, the combine military power of Arabs (aided with tens of proxies like Hamas/Hezbollah/Islamic Jihad etc) will pulverize Israel and throw it into the red sea...

It is not 1967 when Arab armies didn't even have basic sophomore level geometry skills and they fired artillery on their own advancing infantry.

Israelis really think that they are the best military power in the world and they can do anything they want but the fact is , Israel never even faced one professional adversary. They only faced Arabs of 1967 etc. How would Israel fare against 'actual' military powers from Islamic World say Turkey or Pakistan? :rolleyes:
Bro Teeta,

I agree that the terrorist jews have not faced a proper actual army...but it is laughable to suggest that arabs can defeat the terrorist jews?

Whatever you are smoking dude...I want some of it lol

Arabs do not have intelligence and are more interested in cowering before their yank and terrorist jewish masters than fighting against them dude.
Turkey is still pally pally with the terrorist jews..and pak cant fire a single bullet without a nod from mother america. pak gets raped by drones almost everyday.

bottom line: the so called muslim 'armies' are not a functioning military unit..they are incapable of defending their homes nor engaging any enemies except their own people who they will kill and terrorize so as to maintain the status quo.

So wake up..its another lousy cold winter...have yourself some apple pie and hot chocolate while you watch the snow fall..:cheers:

Tiny Israel acts a bully because he knows that we back him. Right-wing nutjobs in Israeli establisment must understand that Israel needs to stay in its limits.

No wonder our military commanders call Israel a "strategic liability" instead of an asset.

Israelis @ this forum : Why do you guys always pick right-wingers as your government? C'mon now!

Without US/West backing, the combine military power of Arabs (aided with tens of proxies like Hamas/Hezbollah/Islamic Jihad etc) will pulverize Israel and throw it into the red sea...

It is not 1967 when Arab armies didn't even have basic sophomore level geometry skills and they fired artillery on their own advancing infantry.

Israelis really think that they are the best military power in the world and they can do anything they want but the fact is , Israel never even faced one professional adversary. They only faced Arabs of 1967 etc. How would Israel fare against 'actual' military powers from Islamic World say Turkey or Pakistan? :rolleyes:
Bro Teeta,

I agree that the terrorist jews have not faced a proper actual army...but it is laughable to suggest that arabs can defeat the terrorist jews?

Whatever you are smoking dude...I want some of it lol

Arabs do not have intelligence and are more interested in cowering before their yank and terrorist jewish masters than fighting against them dude.
Turkey is still pally pally with the terrorist jews..and pak cant fire a single bullet without a nod from mother america. pak gets raped by drones almost everyday.

bottom line: the so called muslim 'armies' are not a functioning military unit..they are incapable of defending their homes nor engaging any enemies except their own people who they will kill and terrorize so as to maintain the status quo.

So wake up..its another lousy cold winter...have yourself some apple pie and hot chocolate while you watch the snow fall..:cheers:

Offcourse , my whole post was hypothetical.

There is nothing as 'terrorist jews' , btw. Israeli government is right-wing nutjob and thats it...Hope Israelis choose better option this time.
Tiny Israel acts a bully because he knows that we back him. Right-wing nutjobs in Israeli establisment must understand that Israel needs to stay in its limits.

No wonder our military commanders call Israel a "strategic liability" instead of an asset.

Israelis @ this forum : Why do you guys always pick right-wingers as your government? C'mon now!

Without US/West backing, the combine military power of Arabs (aided with tens of proxies like Hamas/Hezbollah/Islamic Jihad etc) will pulverize Israel and throw it into the red sea...

It is not 1967 when Arab armies didn't even have basic sophomore level geometry skills and they fired artillery on their own advancing infantry.

Israelis really think that they are the best military power in the world and they can do anything they want but the fact is , Israel never even faced one professional adversary. They only faced Arabs of 1967 etc. How would Israel fare against 'actual' military powers from Islamic World say Turkey or Pakistan? :rolleyes:

Ignorance of any factual historical facts. Not only has Israel faced Soviet forces but killed quiet a few of them too when they fought for the Arabs. It is Israeli brain and muscle which discredited any superiority complex the soviets and their allies felt about the superiority of Soviet engineering over the American one.

The West betrayed Israel when they voted for politics rather than reason, except the US, Canada, Czech republic and the 5 other nations who've stood loyally by Israel's side. Most of the "West" in Europe are more anti-Israel than the Arabs themselves, sucking up to Arab oil.

You think this is a rightist government in Israel? You are wrong. This is a centrist government at best. In January we'll replace this government with an actual rightist government, do not fret.

Where is your other flag?
@PteX Jewish planes got shot down by the Pakistanis many times. When faced with a competent military they are nothing special. It is only because they faced incompetent Arabs that they look good.

Russians are not good at air-combat anyway. That is why they have always had the best SAM defences in the world.
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@PteX Jewish planes got shot down by the Pakistanis many times. When faced with a competent military they are nothing special. It is only because they faced incompetent Arabs that they look good.

Russians are not good at air-combat anyway. That is why they have always had the best SAM defences in the world.
The Russians are not good at air-combat? In which reality are you living in?
Oh, yes. The Pakistani myth about the hundreds of Israeli jet's they've took down. I hear it was in the thousands even.
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