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Israel defence section 'need of the hour'

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Dec 24, 2010
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i think it would be better due to the current situation in the Middle east to have a Separate Israeli defence section. It would greatly help in organizing all the articles and recent developments that are taking place regarding Israel/gaza into one location, instead of looking for it under different sections. i have tried to take this issue up before but was denied, cause it wasnt the right time. But i think, now would be a good time to create such section. What do you guys think?
Pakistan doesnt recognize Israel as a country, this is pakistan defence forum
Pakistan doesnt recognize Israel as a country, this is pakistan defence forum

We recognize Bangladesh as part of Pakistan as well and not a separate country. We gave Bangladesh a section. But this suggestion has nothing to do with country's policies but rather organizing a section so that its easier for the reader to navigate through articles of personal interest
you recognize Bangladesh as part of Pakistan?? Oh boy!!

I was making a point but you failed to understand it. Kindly refrain from trolling. Everyone gets what your stand is on this issue, let other members share their views as well. Thanks
Sure :cheers: relevant idea. I was thinking, to avoid conflict, Israel/Gaza defence. i wouldnt go as far to calling it just Palestine, because they dont have a standing army. But the main purpose is to arrange topics and articles related to the conflict, allowing the reader an easier access. So sure, whatever works.
Currently, Israel related threads are in Turkey, Iran, Arab, Middle East, Africa and World Affairs sections. What I am suggesting organizes it :sniper:
How about Israel/Palestine section? :cheers:
No, we should have one sticky topic " war crimes of Israel against Palestinians" which suit better in current scenario
Post in Middle East the section.

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