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Israelies along Gaza border get toghters to see bombing as a football match

Amazing retort. Surely I can in no way come back to such a logical and well researched argument. You win this round with you sheer brilliance sir.
:lol: , Sorry If that hurt, but it hurts more when you prefers your own logics , How many times indian forces and Pakistani forces or Afghanistani forces fired missiles rockets insides each others territory, but never seen that any nation have started any war on that, Thats called mature nations, Isreal itself is not a nation, They are occupiers, second Wat is the point of killing Hamas leader and doing one sided action on international matters, its a clearly an act of starting a war by state acters of Israel .
:lol: , Sorry If that hurt, but it hurts more when you prefers your own logics , How many times indian forces and Pakistani forces or Afghanistani forces fired missiles rockets insides each others territory, but never seen that any nation have started any war on that, Thats called mature nations, Isreal itself is not a nation, They are occupiers, second Wat is the point of killing Hamas leader and doing one sided action on international matters, its a clearly an act of starting a war by state acters of Israel .

How many times did Indian rockets land just outside islamabad or karachi?
Indians should stay away from this. We fought for 9 months and freed our lands from Pakistanis. Only Dhaka left as the core of Pak army and some checkpoints encircling it. Manipulating the history won't work for you cause the world knows the truth. Some Indian p ussy should not meddle in this conflict or it may bring some real sufferings in future. Believe me! You alliance with Israel is never enjoyed by Muslims and ask your 20% Muslim population too. Dare not to meddle in something that can be used against you in future.

not only muslims all the humans wont accept inter human killings. and coming to yur point, who said indian muslims wont accept indo israel relation. come and ask here first they will like pakistan or not. then go to israel.
How many times did Indian rockets land just outside islamabad or karachi?

Its a different case that the distance b\w Tel avev and Gaza isn't that much, but cases of bombings and spying had happened with Islamabad and Karachi, Lots of foriegn spys and agents are released interms of peace process. and atacks on tel avev is understandable when Israel forces ar pounding Gaza in war which Israel itself has started.
Its a different case that the distance b\w Tel avev and Gaza isn't that much, but cases of bombings and spying had happened with Islamabad and Karachi, Lots of foriegn spys and agents are released interms of peace process. and atacks on tel avev is understandable when Israel forces ar pounding Gaza in war which Israel itself has started.

Again, you have no answer. Alright then lets try it this way

How many hundreds of rockets has India sent into Pakistan this year?
Again, you have no answer. Alright then lets try it this way

How many hundreds of rockets has India sent into Pakistan this year?
If rockets attack on borders are your point, then better you should search it yourself , I'm sure you will easily find each and every incident in this forum, and then If your question is about missiles, then how many missiles both nuclear nations would fire on each other , and then whos gon'na left in end, I mentioned a term Mature nations, which ability you may not find among jews .
Better If you ask point carrying questions, instead of repeating pointless points.
If rockets attack on borders are your point, then better you should search it yourself , I'm sure you will easily find each and every incident in this forum, and then If your question is about missiles, then how many missiles both nuclear nations would fire on each other , and then whos gon'na left in end, I mentioned a term Mature nations, which ability you may not find among jews .
Better If you ask point carrying questions, instead of repeating pointless points.

No my question, that you cant seem to answer, is simple. How many times has Indian ammunition landed near highly populated areas of Pakistan.
Most Pakistani's expect that like them, Israel will sit back and watch its citizens get killed by terrorists.

Eg, Taliban behead Pakistani troops, policemen and civilians and we dont say anything. They shoot 15 year old girls in the face for wanting an education and set schools and fire and we sit and watch. Too busy with politics to protect our own people.

Fact is, not everyone is without a backbone. Israel does not sit and watch its citizens being attacked by these terrorists like Pakistan does. They go and make sure the threat is eliminated. Unlike Pakistan, their army is not just a show piece.

All you see in this thread is people who cant handle that fact.
If India fired a single rocket into islamabad or lahore will you sit quietly? No you will go into hyper mode screaming death to india/america/israel and demanding revenge.

Israel was attacked. Palestinians showed their intention to kill women and children by firing HUNDREDS of rockets into urban areas. Still you support these murderers?

And please learn some history. Palestinians already have their country. Its called Jordan. Yet they refuse to sit down peacefully and clearly state that their aim is to wipe Israel off the map.

Why the **** do you want to bring india into this?

dont even use us an example and stick to your pathetic situation of sympathizing with the terrorists.
There are striking similarities between Israelis and Hamas..ie

Israelis do not care how many Palestinian lives are lost, as long they get to kill a few Hamas.
And even Hamas does not care how many Palestinian lives are lost(in Israelis counterattack), as long they get to kill a few Israelites.

Ironical hunh..

Makes you wonder, if Hamas is really fighting for the Palestinians??!!
Why the **** do you want to bring india into this?

dont even use us an example and stick to your pathetic situation of sympathizing with the terrorists.

Simmer down sister. I will use whatever example I want. If you dont like it theres a cross you can press on the top right.
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