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ISSB Questions & Answers

ISSB is the same for all forces, whether you appear for Pakistan Navy, Air Force or Army... further more, the schedule for all courses e.g GD(P), CAE, PMA LC, TCC, PN Cadet Term is exactly the same, all have to through same series of tests. But selection criteria depends on what course you have applied for, thats upto the ISSB to judge that for which course you are best suitable. For example, if you appear for TCC, & you are not scoring much points in the academic section but you are physically & mentally very tough plus with a bit of intellect as well, they don't reject you, they recommend you for the PMA LC instead.. dont worry about this, they dont let the potential go to waste :)

That's not the case.

You are selected for what you have applied for.

The only thing that can happen is; After you were selected for TCC or GD(P) and thereafter you screwed your studies during the degree course or for that matter you got dropped from flying, they would give you an option to join the regular Army.
well if you think otherwise, i do not agree with that because there have been many cases around me in which the ISSB recommended candidates for courses other than they applied for, GC Ashaar, one of my friend gave the ISSB for PMA LC, but he was called for TCC. OC Zohaib, another friend, gave the ISSB for CAE but he was recommended for PN Cadet Term 2010 (A). I myself have cleared the TCC ISSB alhamdullilah, now i can opt for PMA as well, just have to write a conversion letter to the GHQ. ISSB controls where the recommended candidate has to go, they know how to get the best out of you thats why at times, they select you for the course other than you applied for
well if you think otherwise, i do not agree with that because there have been many cases around me in which the ISSB recommended candidates for courses other than they applied for, GC Ashaar, one of my friend gave the ISSB for PMA LC, but he was called for TCC. OC Zohaib, another friend, gave the ISSB for CAE but he was recommended for PN Cadet Term 2010 (A). I myself have cleared the TCC ISSB alhamdullilah, now i can opt for PMA as well, just have to write a conversion letter to the GHQ. ISSB controls where the recommended candidate has to go, they know how to get the best out of you thats why at times, they select you for the course other than you applied for

This is not correct . I refer to the previous post by Xeric who rightly pointed out the fact. This is unusual for someone to apply for PMA LC and then end up as PN Cadet by ISSB intervention.
for your kind information, Old school... My father's course mate is a Deputy President in ISSB Kohat, he briefed me about each and every possibility, that the ISSB can do whatever it wants to, you cannot challenge it... it works in full co-operation with GHQ, NHQ & the AHQ. All records of candidates are sent to the respective HQs & the final verdict is made by the GHQ. I hope he knows a lot more than both of you as he is currently serving there as a Dy. President.
& i did not say that it happens all time, i only informed you about the possibility that these cases can happen, i have witnessed such cases. Now its upto you, whether you believe it or not. If anyone of you are in the Armed Forces or their father is in the Armed Forces, you can confirm the details provided by me quite easily, just contact anyone among the ISSB officials who are frank with you, they will tell you in detail.
If you are related to the Armed Forces, you can easily contact Group Captain Ejaz, Deputy President ISSB Malir.
He can tell you about the possibility mentioned by me, in detail.
If you are related to the Armed Forces, you can easily contact Group Captain Ejaz, Deputy President ISSB Malir.
He can tell you about the possibility mentioned by me, in detail.

Please make sure that you have received active consent to mention the name of a 'serving armed forces officer' in a forum as you did above. Otherwise , do not use any serving officers' name. Armed forces members usually adopt pseudonym in public forums and their participation in a public forum is not officially encouraged.

Secondly , we do not think that it is appropriate to make a query to any serving officer based on second hand information which has nothing to do with him. ISSB is an old institution which has been served by countless officers ever since it's establishment. Therefore, the relevant rules and policies are not restricted to a particular person.
let me inform you that i have received his consent to mention his name here in the forum, its not a big deal. He is like my uncle, so there is no fuss in mentioning the name of a "serving armed forces officer". Secondly, as you said, 'we do not think that it is appropriate to make a query to any serving officer based on second hand information which has nothing to do with him.' For God's sake he's a Dy. President, if he doesn't know the rules & regulations of the ISSB, either current or existing, then you know? huh.. my friend, you seem to be quite stubborn on not agreeing with the fact. As i have told you many times that i have witnessed such cases, you can check the authenticity by confirming the case of GC Ashaar, 19 TCC doing Mechatronics Engg. But i guess there is no use of explaining the point to you because you know better than a Group Captain himself! lol.. enjoy fellah!
Conversions do happen, but only for specific reasons. It simply cant happen that you applied for a long course but then automatically banged into TCC!!

The most that can happen is something like this; you applied for longcourse, cleared the initial tests and then before you landed at ISSB, you had also cleared the initial test for TCC, now once you get selected in the long course ISSB and even if you joined PMA there is a possibility that they will pull you out from PMA and get you in the degree course.

Now why and when this would happen depends upon the number of guys selected for TCC and the long course. The shortage or to fill in the vacancies can be one of the factor.

And one more thing, though the ISSB requirement for all the arms is the same but still you can get kicked from TCC or GD(P) and join a long course at PMA but you cant get 'kicked' from a long course and join some other academy!

The reason, the PRIMARY requirement to get selected for TCC (apart from the basic requirements to get selected in a long course) is guud academic background. On the other hand more emphasis is given to other 'soldiery' aspects when it comes to the long course selection.

There are examples that guys with very guud and strong academic background (i.e. very guud grades in inter/o/a levels) would not opt for TCC but for the long course, but on the other hand guys with poor grades would probably not go for TCC as he would know that there is a higher chance that he would not get selected in TCC keeping in view the perhi likhi nukari that they would be required to do once they join the TCC.

So, in short a very guud grader who got selected in a long course would never be sent to TCC after selection if he has NOT CLEARED THE INITIAL TESTS OF TCC, but an average dude who got selected in TCC can go for a long course once he had failed to meet the minimum standards at the engg college.

This happens NOT because of the difference in ISSB, but because the initial test for PAF, Navy, TCC and Longcourse are very much different, though the ISSB selection is of the same 'intensity' and standard.

So i would suggest that you should stop over-loading your common sense and pay attention to what people are telling you here. Seriously, futile arguments from your side doesnt help much as regards your selection for PMA nor do they speak high of our selection criterion.

And quoting names of serving Officers (and cadets) and their convos is quite juvenile on part of a potential GC, so beware!

Dont feel surprised if one day you receive a call from the very Group Captain.
now you're talking business bro! :) you see thats exactly what i was trying to explain other than the ISSB's entire hold of the selection criteria. No need to get into more discussions & one more thing, if i was ever offensive to anyone, either Xeric or Old School, i'm sorry for that brothers! Peace out :)
ARMY needs 60% marks in hssc.your percentage is 59.4%.i suggest you to repeat any subject if ou really wana join ARMY because in ARMY there is no concession for even 0.01%
chill man dont get angry

---------- Post added at 04:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:47 AM ----------

yar there requirment is 60% as par stated
hello dear sir! how are you. actually i want to know about the physical status of a new candidate appearing in Pakistan Army now. i mean that i want to know about the height body fitness etyc for joining Pakistan Army. i am very fond of joining Pakistan Army because i want to serve my nation, i want to protect my beautiful country. dear sir please tell me the whole detail of joining Pakistan Army.
Soldier Of Pakistan
Adnan Riaz
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