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Japan condemns China fishing curbs; vows to defend islands

I dont think you are in it about what the japanese have done to you
is it your guess or based upon facts? how do you know that I´m not aware that Japan had done in Vietnam?
We are not arrogant, humble as usual until provoked and unfairly treated then we stand up to guard for our own rights!
right for what? do what you like? introducing fishing ban, is it your birth right?
Over the years China has helped and fight against your country!
you helped us to help yourself. and what you gave us, you took it away at the end of the day.

Let me ask you a question.
what was the biggest failure in the Chinese history, leading to the hundred years of humiliation of China?

Answer: the inability of the Qing to provide and back Vietnam when we struggled to fight the French in the first France-Vietnam war. When Vietnam fell, the days of old China were numbered. The incompetence and backwardness of the Qing were exposed. The French launched attacks on China. and shortly later Japan.

The downfall of old China began in Vietnam. You failed to give us what we needed to win the war. You failed to understand the strategic role, Vietnam played in China defence. Your head was captured in the outdated thinking of how to keep Vietnam weak. The consequence was tragic, for both of us.

Sino-French War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

USA France and Japanese have destroyed your country and in particular the yanks have left a gruesome legacy of toxic chemical trail in your people and soil
I know the facts.
And I would say half of your heritage is shared with us, Chinese!
there is no dispute.
You are standing as the strongest opposition and aggressor in SCS taking over our islands and oceanic treasures and keep bad mouthing against us even though we offer the co-development proposals which you all refused!
facts speak a different picture, see the latest actions from China: fishing ban, cable cut, firing on our fisher boats, military excercises before our door steps, and increasing military buildup.

as for co-development
China, Vietnam agree on mechanism, framework of working group for consultation on joint maritime development CCTV News - CNTV English
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So attack us again if u have the guts like in 1979 when US daddy protected u, but this time u will see how ur economy collapse after 3 weeks

US is cleaning Orange Agent in VN now, when those fighting like animal still have nothing change in their mind. Barbarian living in desert-barren-polluted land seem too hard to integrate in civilize world.:coffee:
How can your defeated rival protect China? you are afraid of USA? your tones like North Korean, too stupid, hehe.

My question is whether USA told you before polluting you Vietnamese? Seems you like USA being you Daddy, understand that! but USA don't like VCP, I think you should first take VCP down first, HEHE!
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You said our daddy is USA? you also said you defeat them, how Can USA pretect us? your tones like North Korean, too stupid, hehe.
Why ur history never tell the Truth ?? US navy protected China from possible Soviet attack when China decide to attack VN suddenly in 1979.
Amid doubt that China would invade, Deng Xiaoping travelled to Washington to brief
President Carter on China's attack plans. Carter approved the Chinese invasion,
"protected" China from Soviet counterattack and pushed China for restraint.
The "worst possible case" of a nuclear war between China
and the Soviet Union
was averted.
9/11 intelligence; China invades Vietnam
sweetgrape said:
My question is whether USA told you before polluted you Vietnamese? Seems you want USA be you Daddy, understand, but USA don't like VCP, I think you should first take VCP down first, HEHE!
Did u make any research abt Agent orange before talking trash here ?? Even American also didnt know that its dangerous until 1969.
Herbicides were used by the U.S. during the Vietnam War to defoliate the hiding places of the Viet Cong (VC) guerillas and North Vietnamese Army (NVA) regulars.

The most infamous herbicide used was called Agent Orange. The steel drums in which the herbicide was transported were color-coded with an orange stripe. Other colors such as Blue, White, Purple and Pink, were used to designate different herbicide formulations.

The largest volume of herbicide was applied from the air by C-123 "Provider" twin-engine aircraft. This air spray program was code named Operation Ranch Hand.

Herbicides were also used around the perimeters of fire bases to keep the concertina wire clear of vegetation, providing an open view for sentries on guard duty. Herbicides were also sprayed along river banks to reduce the number of US casualties in the Brown Water Navy.

Below is a map of the provinces of the Central Highlands showing the total volume sprayed of the three major herbicides used in the war; Agents Orange, Blue and White.

Between 1962 and 1971, U.S. military forces sprayed millions of gallons of herbicides over South Vietnam. Agent Orange accounted for much of the total sprayed.

After a scientific report in 1969 concluded that one of the primary chemicals used in Agent Orange could cause birth defects in laboratory animals, use of the herbicide was suspended. All U.S.-authorized herbicide use in Vietnam was halted in 1971. As the decade wore on, concern about possible long-term health consequences of Agent Orange and other herbicides heightened, fueled in part by reports from Vietnam veterans that they had developed cancer or fathered handicapped children. Some veterans attributed these health problems to wartime exposure to herbicides.
Agent Orange, Operation Ranch Hand : Vietnam War Herbicides
Why ur history never tell the Truth ?? US navy protected China from possible Soviet attack when China decide to attack VN suddenly in 1979.

Did u make any research abt Agent orange before talking trash here ?? Even American also didnt its dangerous until 1969.

Nope, we had also developed the H-bomb and ICBM during the Cold War.

USSR can wipe China off the map, but China's nuclear arsenal can also wipe most of the Soviet cities and industrial bases. While, USSR's main enemy was USA, it was not worthy to fight China for a such cost.

We are not White Christians, why USA had to protect us from the Soviet attack?
Why ur history never tell the Truth ?? US navy protected China from possible Soviet attack when China decide to attack VN suddenly in 1979.
Did u make any research abt Agent orange before talking trash here ?? Even American also didnt know that its dangerous until 1969.

So you never heard about "The ZhenBao island Incident" ??

You are really unbelievable ! You find the right warrant for USA to use chemical weapon !

With all due respect! I gonna ask you a question , Are you Crack ?
So you never heard about "The ZhenBao island Incident" ??

You are really unbelievable ! You find the right warrant for USA to use chemical weapon !

With all due respect! I gonna ask you a question , Are you Crack ?

He can't read English properly.
So you never heard about "The ZhenBao island Incident" ??

You are really unbelievable ! You find the right warrant for USA to use chemical weapon !

With all due respect! I gonna ask you a question , Are you Crack ?
No one knew Agent orange is toxic until 1969, did I say anything wrong ??

Seem like ur IQ is too low to understand,thats why China's island Taiwan still under US's occupation

He can't read English properly.
U got the same IQ problem with him, thats why after 60 year in peace, China island still under US's occupation and China still a third world dirty nation.
No one knew Agent orange is toxic until 1969, did I say anything wrong ??

Seem like ur IQ is too low to understand,thats why China's island Taiwan still under US's occupation

U got the same IQ problem with him

My IQ is still double of yours.

U got the same IQ problem with him, thats why after 60 year in peace, China island still under US's occupation and China still a third world dirty nation.

If China is third world, then Vietnam is a sh1thole.
Then why China is still a dirty third world nation even it has 60 years in peace ??(when VN only have more than 20 years )

You should look at your own Vietnam, what you can do except export the rice/coconuts and your women?
You should look at your own Vietnam, what you can do except export the rice/coconuts and your women?
we will receive more high-tech transfer from Russia-Japan and get rich soon. And u, ur country seem never get out of third world sjjt hole
1. vast majority of our folks in the 2 autonomous regions are peace loving people
2. no uighurs nor tibetans living under the japanese; the minority living in Okinawa are asking for independence so are the kurds in turkey; the vast no of people along the red corridor in india are fighting for indepence too
3. constitution is law of the country which dictates all activities regarding how the country should move forward and how it should behave
4. how turkey or india would go along with the japanese are your matters, BUT if you fcuk around against us, we are sure you will be leaking your brown shiits throughout your miserable lives into the next millenium

Why on earth are you bring up India when that guy is from Turkey, idiot?

Do you even know that guys post history?
we will receive more high-tech transfer from Russia-Japan and get rich soon. And u, ur country seem never get out of third world sjjt hole

Your infrastructure is too poor and small, it is impossible for you to learn the high-tech from other countries.
Why ur history never tell the Truth ?? US navy protected China from possible Soviet attack when China decide to attack VN suddenly in 1979..
Attack from Soviet attack, from 1962, USSR always want attack China, we all know, protecting china is Nuclear, Not US.
Truth?! you vietnamese tell us you know the truth, what a big joke!

Did u make any research abt Agent orange before talking trash here ?? Even American also didnt know that its dangerous until 1969.
No one knew Agent orange is toxic until 1969, did I say anything wrong ??
Seem like ur IQ is too low to understand,thats why China's island Taiwan still under US's occupation
U got the same IQ problem with him, thats why after 60 year in peace, China island still under US's occupation and China still a third world dirty nation.
If you don't tell us you are vietnese from your information, I will think you are American, VCP suck, hehe!
American, Usa, these word are much more than Viet from your mouth, you envy USA so much, whether you criticise your pap and mom din't follow USA soldiers to USA when 1972?Do you have plan emigrating to USA?
No one knew Agent orange is toxic until 1969, did I say anything wrong ??

Seem like ur IQ is too low to understand,thats why China's island Taiwan still under US's occupation

U got the same IQ problem with him, thats why after 60 year in peace, China island still under US's occupation and China still a third world dirty nation.

Orange Agent is Chemical or not ? Idiot !

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