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Japan is 'shocked' and furious with US after major coronavirus outbreak at 2 Marine bases in Okinawa

It says 210,000 crimes and accidents in the past 60 years for all of Japan.

Pro-CCP posters show their desperation by trying to smear the image of the US presence in Japan.
旧安保以降 在日米軍犯罪 死者1092人
USMC courts-martial records from Okinawa show that 65 marines have been imprisoned for sexual offenses since 2015. Case files from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) reveal many more incidents are not proceeding to trial and, even in cases where charges are pursued, perpetrators often receive minor punishments or none at all. These NCIS records also detail previously-unreported offenses targeting Japanese civilians, including children. The problem appears to have reached the very top of the USMC in Japan. In 2017, the Inspector General of the USMC criticized leading Okinawa marines for failing to report a fellow officer for numerous offenses including sexual harassment; the perpetrator went on to molest a six-year old girl in the U.S.

Courts-martial records

According to USMC courts-martial records obtained from USMC Headquarters, between January 2015 and December 2017, 65 U.S. marines were imprisoned at courts-martial on Okinawa for sexual offenses targeting adults, children and, in one case, an unknown number of animals.

Japanese authorities are demanding answers from the US after a large scale coronavirus outbreak among Marines stationed in the country’s southern prefecture of Okinawa.

61 Marines have been infected with the virus in recent days, according to the Guardian newspaper, spread across two bases in the archipelago – which has long been a US military stronghold in the eastern Pacific.

38 of the reported cases are at the Futenma Marine air station. Another 23 occurred at Camp Hansen, a base that is home to around 6,000 US Marines.

“It is extremely regrettable that the infections are rapidly spreading among US personnel when we Okinawans are doing our utmost to contain the infections,” Okinawa’s governor, Denny Tamaki, said at a press conference, according to the Guardian.

“Okinawans are shocked by what we were told,” he added. “We now have strong doubts that the US military has taken adequate disease prevention measures.”

Tamaki is half American, being born to a father in the US military and a Japanese mother. He is the first American-Asian to take a seat in the Japanese House of Representatives.

It was previously unknown exactly how many US service personnel had contracted COVID-19, but the figures were released publicly after significant pressure on US authorities by Tamaki, the Associated Press said.

Previously, the US Marine Corps had vaguely referred to two “localised clusters” of infections, without giving a precise number of cases.

“After months with no confirmed COVID-19 infections on Okinawa, this week the Marine Corps experienced two localised clusters of individuals who tested positive for the virus,” a post on the official Marine Corps Installations Pacific Facebook page said.

All those infected are in isolation, the page added.

Okinawa prefecture has reported 145 cases of the virus with seven deaths, according to Japanese news outlet Nippon.

News of the outbreak among Marines comes as back home the US battles record or near-record numbers of new cases of the virus virtually every day and remains the pandemic’s global centre.

The US reported more than 66,000 new cases of the virus on Saturday, the biggest single-day increase ever, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

Okinawa’s connection to the US military stems from the 1945 Allied invasion of the area in the final months of the Second World War. After an invasion was launched in April 1945, more than 100,000 people were killed during nearly two months of fighting on Okinawa Island, the prefecture’s largest island.

In June, Japan and the US commemorated the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Okinawa, which was one of the final battles of the war, and ended six weeks before the US dropped nuclear bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Wow it's not enough that they rape local schoolgirls, they have to spread a pandemic too :sick:

I hope Japan kicks them out of Okinawa. Locals are fed up and frankly frightened for their lives.
This thread is strange.

Theme = COVID-19
Focus = Rape (problem noticed in the opening post)

These are two different and unrelated themes. No wonder this discussion went South fast.
The price you pay for being an American ally.

Americans did not create this deadly virus, your iron biradar did, and haven't stopped just here, they have already created a yet another virus called G4. Let's see in what way you benefit from being their ally.
This thread is strange.

Theme = COVID-19
Focus = Rape (problem noticed in the opening post)

These are two different and unrelated themes. No wonder this discussion went South fast.

There is big discontent in Okinawa of the US military presence. The main reasons are the high cases of rape of local women and girls by US soldiers.

For example. There are more recent examples too, but this one is particularly disturbing.

The 1995 Okinawa rape incident took place on September 4, 1995, when three African-American U.S. servicemen, U.S. Navy Seaman Marcus Gill and U.S. Marines Rodrico Harp and Kendrick Ledet, who were all serving at Camp Hansen on Okinawa, rented a van and kidnapped a 12-year-old Okinawan girl. They beat her, duct-taped her eyes and mouth shut, and bound her hands. Gill and Harp then raped her, while Ledet claimed he only pretended to do so out of fear of Gill.[1] The incident led to further debate over the continued presence of U.S. forces in Japan. The offenders were tried and convicted in Japanese court by Japanese law, in accordance with the U.S.–Japan Status of Forces Agreement. The families of the defendants initially claimed that Japanese officials had racially discriminated against the men because they were all black and coerced confessions from them, but later retracted the claims.[2]

"Wife Pleads Marine's Case in Okinawa Rape Trial : Justice: Spouse says her husband, accused in brutal attack on schoolgirl, is a gentle and intelligent man". Los Angeles Times. December 5, 1995. Retrieved 13 October 2013.

Teresa Watanabe "Okinawa Rape Suspect's Lawyer Gives Dark Account : Japan: Attorney of accused Marine says co-defendant admitted assaulting 12-year-old girl 'just for fun'". Los Angeles Times October 28, 1995
Honestly, many Japanese people sick of US influence in their country policy.

But they cannot choose otherwise, if they choose to have independent foreign policy. Definetly, US will put pressure toward them
I think the rape issue of the US military in Japan is heavily exaggerated ... as @Suika pointed out, there have only been a few isolated incidents. I think what is more unsettling for the Japanese people is US soldiers having children with Japanese civilians. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think interethnic or interracial marriage has a positive rap in Japan society.
I think the rape issue of the US military in Japan is heavily exaggerated ... as @Suika pointed out, there have only been a few isolated incidents. I think what is more unsettling for the Japanese people is US soldiers having children with Japanese civilians. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think interethnic or interracial marriage has a positive rap in Japan society.

Interracial marriage is a mixed bag. There are actually many famous mixed-race actors/actress/athelets in Japan. Not just headline grabbing tennis player Osaka. So some interracial marriages are very successful and upheld normally. By being successful, they won't be recognized by MSM. But some interracial marriages happen with weak sense between both spouses about culture clash. Those marriages fail. Failed marriages end up being a problem to both spouses, their children, and surrounding local community. So discouragement does exists for careless interracial marriages. Some interracial marriages are also done for objectives other than for genuine affection for each other with intent for ever-lasting bond. For example, some do it as a means to just get a visa. Once they get the vusa, then they devorce. Those kinds a immigration abuses happen.
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