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JF-17 test flight with ws-13 "taisan" engine.

Is Chinese domestic WS-13 already flying on prototype 06? I heard some news from PAF spokesman that AVIC has already tested the WS-13 on JF-17. But there is no picture of it, why? Becos, WS-13 engine petal looks exactly like RD-93. So even it has installed and tested. We wouldn't know it, right?

This picture is official from AVIC exhibit info.

This is the picture of RD-93.

Both engine petal are identical.


Pt-06 is suppose to be the testbed of all new tech for JF-17.. When PAF mention WS-13 already tested on PT , does it mean the current PT-06 is now running with WS-13?
We hope to see this 100KN engine in JF-17s Block-IIs that might give some more power to it, along with the new light weight structure.

I've gone through a Chinese forum and translated it. it states something like a new engines is being tested.
Infact the engine nozzle does look different unlike normal blackish RD-93s. Its more looks like a bronze color.

2015 domestic engine Xiaolong latest exposure ~~ turn black to white! ~!

BOC Group official website April 9 "to fly in the aircraft industry issued" determined to win the battle of the 2015 storming of the engine order "requires leadership at all levels of the company to focus on the top command ......" With the new generation of the Group updated engine technology, but also gives the engine a new era of performance, made the engine entered the 2.0 era. Especially the large diameter of the powder I Roulette, composite hollow impeller blades, turbine overall process of a series of breakthroughs, formerly troubled domestic life of the engine reliability issues to be solved fundamentally! Xiaolong engine uses the Taihang engine core reference Russian RD33 structural features, re-design of a medium to push the engine of China's Taihang engine although reference Russian engine but look there are differences, mainly progressive process, than Russia's engine to be white nozzle short thrust to weight ratio becomes 8.5 by rd33 7, 8300 kg maximum thrust has increased to 9400 kg, life becomes 3000 hours, an Xiaolong 2 can meet the needs of the whole life and enhanced resistance to the desert the applicability of the hot and humid climate, praised by customers!

2015 枭龙国产发动机最新曝光~~ 又黑变白!~!

- 铁血社区
中国航空发动机的发展一直牵动着国人的心,由于航空发动机技术的落后和巨大差距,中国自行研制的军用和民用飞机长期受到发动机能力薄弱的困扰,成为限制中国发展航空事业的最大技术障碍,到目前为止,除少量军机和民机使用国产发动机外,中国发展的重点军机,如歼-10系列战斗机、718工程验证机等,民机如ARJ-21和C-919项目均采用国外发动机,这种受制于人的状况既影响国家安全也非大国产业发展所能忽视。(图片为我国自行研制的新型民用大涵道比发动机CJ1000A,该发动机采用8+2结构,达到世界先进水平) 目前,中国通过“两机专项”(即国家航空发动机和燃气轮机“两机”科技重大专项)投入巨资力图改变过去的窘境。航空发动机和燃气轮机“两机”科技重大专项已经顺利成为国家第20个重大技术专项,与空天飞机和高超音速飞行器专项一起成为国家航空航天领域的重要突破聚焦。 最近,北京航空航天大学在其官方网站上披露了我们航空发动机发展路线图,为我们展示了中国航空发动机发展的最新情况,内容让人颇感震惊和意外。

[ 转自铁血社区 中国下一代军用发动机与美国同步让人震惊

- 铁血社区

据美国《航空周刊》报道,中国正在研发四款新型大涵道比涡扇发动机,目前对外界公布的只有其中两款。这四款发动机有的将被用在军事领域,而有的也有可能会被用在民用领域。 目前,在沈阳研发的那款30,000磅级别发动机,是已经被广为人知的两款发动机中的一款。这款发动机适用于大型运输机,与之同步研发的是将被用在C-919型商用飞机上,级别相仿的CJ-1000A型发动机。

但事实证明,中航工业沈阳发动机设计研究所正在研发设计另两款发动机,分别是:WS-118和SF-A。这两款发动机都在由沈阳发动机设计研究所进行研制,研发基础都是战斗机发动机核心机,与20世纪70年代经常被西方国家使用的战斗机发动机核心类似。 根据信息显示,具备26,500磅推力的WS-118(又称为WS-20或CJ-2000)采用的是WS-10A型“太行”发动机核心机,这款发动机目前已被用在歼-10歼-11B型战斗机上。沈阳黎明航空发动机集团计划,在2015年开始制造这款发动机。 据称,WS-118将被用作运-20军用运输机和C919大型客机的一款候选发动机。尽管这款发动机对运-20而言,有些动力不足;而对C-919而言,又有点使用效率太低。而拥有28,700磅推力SF-A发动机的设计其实与前者类似,其核心是WS-15型发动机。据称,这款发动机将被作为重型隐形战斗机歼-20的发动机来使用。 然而,还有第四款大涵道比的中国涡扇发动机正处于研制之中;那就是更小型的WS-12C型发动机,这款发动机采用的是较不为人知的WS-12战斗机发动机核心机,并且计划被用来作为ARJ-21型支线喷气式飞机的发动机。目前,已经被明确选为这款飞机备选发动机的只有通用电气的CF34-10A型发动机。WS-12C发动机的推力为17,600磅,目前正由成都涡轮院进行研发中。 这款发动机在设计完成之初将由成都发动机集团进行制造,之后将被转移到中航工业商用飞机发动机有限责任公司进行生产。这家公司隶属于中航工业集团,目前正在开发CJ-1000型发动机;这个安排也暗示着,这款发动机未来可能会被用作商用。
据美国《航空周刊》报道,中国正在研发四款新型大涵道比涡扇发动机,目前对外界公布的只有其中两款。这四款发动机有的将被用在军事领域,而有的也有可能会被用在民用领域。 目前,在沈阳研发的那款30,000磅级别发动机,是已经被广为人知的两款发动机中的一款。这款发动机适用于大型运输机,与之同步研发的是将被用在C-919型商用飞机上,级别相仿的CJ-1000A型发动机。

但事实证明,中航工业沈阳发动机设计研究所正在研发设计另两款发动机,分别是:WS-118和SF-A。这两款发动机都在由沈阳发动机设计研究所进行研制,研发基础都是战斗机发动机核心机,与20世纪70年代经常被西方国家使用的战斗机发动机核心类似。 根据信息显示,具备26,500磅推力的WS-118(又称为WS-20或CJ-2000)采用的是WS-10A型“太行”发动机核心机,这款发动机目前已被用在歼-10和歼-11B型战斗机上。沈阳黎明航空发动机集团计划,在2015年开始制造这款发动机。 据称,WS-118将被用作运-20军用运输机和C919大型客机的一款候选发动机。尽管这款发动机对运-20而言,有些动力不足;而对C-919而言,又有点使用效率太低。而拥有28,700磅推力SF-A发动机的设计其实与前者类似,其核心是WS-15型发动机。据称,这款发动机将被作为重型隐形战斗机歼-20的发动机来使用。 然而,还有第四款大涵道比的中国涡扇发动机正处于研制之中;那就是更小型的WS-12C型发动机,这款发动机采用的是较不为人知的WS-12战斗机发动机核心机,并且计划被用来作为ARJ-21型支线喷气式飞机的发动机。目前,已经被明确选为这款飞机备选发动机的只有通用电气的CF34-10A型发动机。WS-12C发动机的推力为17,600磅,目前正由成都涡轮院进行研发中。 这款发动机在设计完成之初将由成都发动机集团进行制造,之后将被转移到中航工业商用飞机发动机有限责任公司进行生产。这家公司隶属于中航工业集团,目前正在开发CJ-1000型发动机;这个安排也暗示着,这款发动机未来可能会被用作商用。

I dont know chinese but my wild guess according to this detail is it describes the above 4 engines of chinese design and their capability with time for may be testing or certification is around 2015 as only date mentioned 2-3 times in the text given.
The engines shown are 3 of them for jet fighters and 1 may be for df series ballistic missiles.. The highlighted fighters are F-10, J-11b, F20 stealth
Engines are WS-118 for F-20 with 26500 Lbs another given in comparison C-919 with 28,700LBS Later C-919 to be improved to 30000Lbs thrust in the name CJ-1000 may be from some other company of China
WS-12 to be later improved to WS-12C with 17600 LBs of thrust.
F-10 uses AL-31F with 27500 LBs of thrust and its alternate is C919 basic and improved version is CJ-1000A with 30000LBs , same engine for both F-20x2 and F-10x1

Cant understand ARG-31 OR CF34-10A USE for which type

There is no discussion of WS-13 or 13A which is copy or alternate for RD-93 used in JF-17 Thunder
In Title it WS-13A, and in post WS-10, 15 and WS-17?:undecided:

To increase the production rate for WS-10 and the development WS-15 have delayed the development of WS-13.

Originally, it was expected to install on JF-17 by 2013, but now we are 2 years behind the schedule.

Any details on WS10, WS15 & WS17?

WS-10 and WS-15 have caused the delay of the WS-13, but I don't think they have anything directly to do with JF-17.

WS-17 for sure, it is a next gen medium thrust jet engine with an afterburner thrust of 120kN and a TWR of 10 at least.
What would be the thrust of the WS-13 in your opinion?

About 100kN, and the TWR should be a little better than the RD-93.

BTW, the Chinese senior pilot will first fly with this new jet engine for more than 1000 accumulative hours, then a similar prototype will send to Pakistan.

The Pakistani pilot will also need to spend more time to fly and to adapt with this new jet engine.

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