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Joe Biden’s foreign policy and Turkey

Yes they will and while Trump is a scumbag, he liked dealing with other authoritarian leaders. So bad news for the government regarding pretty much any conflict currently ongoing.

I hope that possible sanctions will only hit the government members directly and not harm the average citizens. Sanction Erdogans family, I dont care. but leave the citizens alone.
Erdogan'i sevemeye bilirsin, ama sonucunda Erdogan halk tarafindan secildi. Halk nederse o olur. Halk'in dinlenmedigi ulkerin durumlarini goruyoruz, cogu kukla ulke durumdalar. Bir dis ulke herhangi bir siyasetcimize yada kurumumuza yaptirim gibi birsey ile mudahale ederse hepimize mudahale etmis olur. Biz buna karsi tek yumruk olmamiz lazim, ama burada yazdigin vatani satmak gibi birseye denk gelmis oluyor. FETO mensuplarida boyle tur dusuncelerle vatana ihanet etti ve ediyor ("Erdogan'i indirelimde vatani kurtalarim" ya da "biz iktidar olalimda vatani kurtaralim/iyi yonetelim" tarzi dusunceler ile manipule edildiler).

Ve hayir, sana vatan haini, ya da vatani satmak ile hitap etmiyorum, lutfen ters anlama kardesim. Zaten bu dusuncen icin sana kizmiyorum. Ben Turkiye'deki seviyesiz, arguman uzere degil, kisilik uzere yapilan siyasete, seytanlastirma politikalarina kiziyorum. Bu politikalar/propaganda insanlarin duygularina oynuyor, rasyonel dusencelerine degil. Yani kizdirmaya calisoyorlar mesela, kiz ki ona yada buna oy ver(me). Korkutuyorlar, kork ki ona ya da buna oy ver(me), vesayre. Boyle tur politikalardan dolayi birbirimize dusman olduk, kendi akrabalarimizi, komsularimizi, dostlarimizi siyasi dusunceleri dolayi kucumser, guvenemez ve/veya nefret eder olduk. @Deliorman 'in mesajida (post #14) bu sorunun bir gostergesi. Bu yeni bir olay degil, bu soruna ben cok sahit oldum ve oluyorum. Benimde iki tane akrabam birbirleriyle politik tartisma yuzunden ters dustu.

Bu kutuplasma sorunu yeni degil, Turkiye'nin siyasetinde bu sorun hep mevcuttu. Yani simdiki siyesetcilere bu sorunu urettiler diye kizamayiz (onlarda bu sorunu miras aldi), ama bu durumu duzeltmiyorlar diye kizip elestirebiliriz. Bu sorunun cozumu degil, bu sorunun bir parcasi olduklari icin kizabiliriz. Kutuplasiyoruz diyorlar, sorunun farkindalar, ama buna ragmen bu sorunun parcasi olmaya devam ediyorlar.
What politicians say before an election and what they do is 2 parts of a story. So don't pay to much attention to it in my opinion, because once they are elected and have gotten what they wanted (in this case Biden wants leftie, Sanders voters) they will be forgotten. Biden will be harder on the government that's for sure, but dont put to much weight on any statements until they are elected.
What politicians say before an election and what they do is 2 parts of a story. So don't pay to much attention to it in my opinion, because once they are elected and have gotten what they wanted (in this case Biden wants leftie, Sanders voters) they will be forgotten. Biden will be harder on the government that's for sure, but dont put to much weight on any statements until they are elected.
No man, despite that Biden doesn't know what he's saying but this was included in Obama agenda and Biden was the vice president , so he will continue where they stopped. Maybe 2021 will be the year we are going to cut the relation with NATO, no body knows !!
See, the guy in the tweet is absolutely correct. Turks will see this as interference out of spite vote for Erdogan.
Only if Biden wins the election in November which i very much doubt. There are tons of Americans that too scared or embrassed to talk to the poll workers that they still vote for Trump in November plus Much of Bernie people wont even vote for Trump. American election turnout is notoriously bad.
Biden is a Decrepit old turd and a legacy of Obama’s days. Tayyip can have my blessing against western lefty scumbags such as Biden.
What politicians say before an election and what they do is 2 parts of a story. So don't pay to much attention to it in my opinion, because once they are elected and have gotten what they wanted (in this case Biden wants leftie, Sanders voters) they will be forgotten. Biden will be harder on the government that's for sure, but dont put to much weight on any statements until they are elected.

After election geopolitical realities kick in. There is however an Armenian lobby that needs pleasing prior to the election hence the statements.

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