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Joke of the century


Jan 24, 2008
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It is good to be loyal to your leader but that doesn't mean you should become stupid. There is a difference between being loyal and being stupid. Or may be he thinks people of Karachi are stupid?

How is this funny?
It's sad that MK actually believes this
It's funny because MK is so "masoom" that he believes his leader is in great pain and sacrificing his life for the people. The people sitting there may be fools but not me.

Altaf lost his brother and nephew in 1992 operation he owns a 120 yard home in karachi that is known as 90, on the other hand mustufa kamal didn't have his own home he used to live in rental house, after the end of his term as city nazim MQM gave him the house. Kids shud perform thier homework before posting sumthing, if u dont like sumone for no reason just say it rather than posting this nonsense.
Altaf lost his brother and nephew in 1992 operation he owns a 120 yard home in karachi that is known as 90, on the other hand mustufa kamal didn't have his own home he used to live in rental house, after the end of his term as city nazim MQM gave him the house. Kids shud perform thier homework before posting sumthing, if u dont like sumone for no reason just say it rather than posting this nonsense.
So only Altaf sacrificed in whole Pakistan? What about hundreds of people he directly killed and others indirectly killed due to numerous strike calls he used to gave in the 90s? You think I live in village and don't know about Karachi. You are acting like a typical PPP jiyala by resorting to these tactics shahadat, jamhooriat, qurbani bla bla bla.

So what is this British national doing in London since 1992 if he cares so much about Pakistan. Please save me the bullshit about workers wanting him not to return.
So only Altaf sacrificed in whole Pakistan? What about hundreds of people he directly killed and others indirectly killed due to numerous strike calls he used to gave in the 90s? You think I live in village and don't know about Karachi. You are acting like a typical PPP jiyala by resorting to these tactics shahadat, jamhooriat, qurbani bla bla bla.

So what is this British national doing in London since 1992 if he cares so much about Pakistan. Please save me the bullshit about workers wanting him not to return.

Well got proof ? go and file a case in court and if u dont want them in power then dont vote for them its as simple as that, this proofless bashing means nothing.
he only owns 90 and what about his house in london? and how is he paying for jalsas and his own living in UK??? is he living as a refugee there???
Well got proof ? go and file a case in court and if u dont want them in power then dont vote for them its as simple as that, this proofless bashing means nothing.

Its not that simple as voting and voting in country like Pakistan is not fair way to decide leaders.

Democracy is not applicable in Pakistan.
if you ever go to london headquarter of MQM and see how this Altaf bhai has Security guards all around him on therare occasion when he appears in Public....you will think he is a prince of a state,not a humble politician as many MQM diehards portray him as.
When jahil janglee people are put into position of power by the efforts of Altaf Bhai & Mafia, then you can definitely expect them to boot lick their masters like a loyal dog.

Beghairat altaf should at least have some shame from his competitor leaders..Zardari and Benazir both were failure of Pakistan but they still had the courage to return to country.

It is very obvious that the goons of MQM with statements like these neither belive in merit not consensus they only belive on don giri aka ghunda gardi and dahshat gardi!
I want to see exactly what kind of Masaib this p1g is suffering in London!
Beghairat altaf should at least have some shame from his competitor leaders..Zardari and Benazir both were failure of Pakistan but they still had the courage to return to country.

100% agree with this statement. Zardari may be corrupt, *****, bay eeman, laanti, chor e.t.c but at least he is in Pakistan and not doing "telephonic khitaabs" from London.
It is good to be loyal to your leader but that doesn't mean you should become stupid. There is a difference between being loyal and being stupid. Or may be he thinks people of Karachi are stupid?


I disagree!
the joke of the century is:
MQM protest on the issue of extortion and terrorism
KARACHI - The Sindh Assembly on Friday witnessed ruckus on the issue of extortion and terrorism, when the MQM legislators rose on their seats and chanted slogans against the growing incidents of extortion and kidnappings in the city.

The legislators were carrying placards inscribed with slogans against extortion and asking Sindh CM to take notice of the situation. The protesting lawmakers warned that if extortion and harassment of business community was not stopped, the MQM and their party chief Altaf Hussain will be free to take decision.

The situation took an ugly turn soon after the recitation from the Holy Quran; when the MQM legislators asked the chair to allow them to speak. However, the chair recognised PPP member Haji Munawwar Abbasi, who requested for Fateha. This created acrimony in the house as the MQM members were consistently asking the chair to allow them to speak. However, instead of giving floor to the protesting MQM members, the Deputy Speaker called question hour which led to rumpus in the house.

The angry MQM members gathered in front of the rostrum and chanted slogans of “Bhatta Khori kay khilaf, Altaf, Altaf” (Altaf is against extortion):rofl:, “stop patronage of the extortionists”. They also torn the order of the day and threw it in the house. Some angry MQM members broke the mikes of their desks and also of Information Minister Shazia Marri.

The house turned into a bedlam and nothing was audible. However, ignoring the protest, the chair continued to call the questions. Meantime, Pir Mazharul Haq, PPP parliamentary leader in Assembly, tried to intervene but in vain. The house witnessed exchange of harsh words between the MQM and the PPP members. The commotion was so severe that after half an hour Deputy Speaker announced that she was adjourning the house till Monday due to the attitude of the MQM lawmakers. However, the MQM lawmakers continued their protest in the house.

Speaking on the occasion, MQM leader Faisal Sabazwari said, “Today will be written as black day in the history of Sindh as the people’s representatives were not allowed to talk in the house on the issue of extortion and against the threats being hurled on the traders of the city.”

He said that Karachi is a spinal cord of the economy of Sindh and Pakistan but conspiracies are being hatched to cripple the economic hub. He said the people of Karachi were well aware of the elements behind the Shershah tragedy, and they knew who were instigating bloodshed and collecting extortion money in the metropolis. Faisal said that the elements supporting the extortion mafia in Karachi were, in fact, the enemy of Pakistan. The criminals demanding extortion money were roaming freely in the city but no action was being taken against them by the govt.

Speaking on the occasion, Raza Haroon said that Karachi and Sindh belonged to Altaf Bhai and whosoever wanted to live here should live with respect. “We do not want division. The feudal lords should not consider us as the third-rate citizens and do not push us against the wall. Such attitude would be tolerated no more,” he said. He warned that if the law and order was not ensured, the MQM will be free to take decision.
Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JOKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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