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Journalist’s killing sends shockwaves across India

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but the seculars who killed her pious people.

Looks like it's worse to malign some one on SM than killing her - weird logic.

Anyway, your friend @The_Showstopper was saying Gauri being convicted by courts for maligning a Sanghi is not a big deal.
Yeah secular, Gauri maligned a Sanghi and court sentenced her to 6 months of jail.
Wonder if the duplicity of what you posted started hitting you ;)
Of course it isn't a big deal when compared to the rapists and criminals in the Parliament and Assembly.
Of course it isn't a big deal when compared to the rapists and criminals in the Parliament and Assembly.

Which ones?
Murderers of Sunanda Pushkar?
Or supporters of rapists like Pachurai, Tejpal?
Or rapists of Sukanya?
Or rapists and killers of Sikhs and Kashmiri Hindus?

Yeah, come back to topic.

When Gauri was defaming and maligning Hindus, it was completely fine. Even when Gauri was convicted by courts for maligning HIndus, she is VERY GOOD PERSON. But a Hindu maligns Gauri, who is maligning them, that Hindu is a monster.

Let me know when you starts feeling ashamed of your own logic.
And sanghis wonder why people say India is becoming a Hindu Pakistan.

Cheers, Doc
Yes, the time is approaching fast for carving out another Pakistan from india. Some say Pakistan 2.0
Was the Gou rakshak guy convicted?

That lady was convicted in defamation case.

Your hypocrisy is astounding.

Someone who is not convicted and you declare him a murderer

Someone who is convicted you declare it wrong conviction
Yes. He died in prison.
Did Modi order her killing? If not, did Modi know there was a plot to assassinate her?

he will not tarnish his image by killing a local journalist, he is into the big game, e.g Godhra killing field

Probably she was killed by the local Hindutva terror unit (Read RSS) for her anti Hindutva stand , she being a Lingayat herself, had supported their non Hindu declaration.

“Hindu terror units killed Gauri Lankesh”

Her lawyer B T Venkatesh is clear that the killing was a sinister and pre-planned act by ‘Hindu terror units’, and not linked to the defamation cases against her.


there is a difference between arrested and convicted. Show me a news report saying that he was convicted and I will withdraw my remark

They gave state honours to a convict whom they themselves killed.
Now that's called "dono hathon me laddu" for Congress.
Not only have they killed the journalist in THEIR STATE, some how they twisted it so that Hindus are now scampering to answer why she was killed all the while Pappu & his mafia mommy are not being asked a single question - Why are so many murders happening in their state!?

Would any reporter grow a pair and ask the family mafia why they are so many killings happening in their state?
Yes, the time is approaching fast for carving out another Pakistan from india. Some say Pakistan 2.0

Should the time ever come for carving, I assure you all Indians will come together to carve their favourite carving bunny.

Till then we fight. Best (for you) not to disturb us and give us a reason to look your way.

Cheers, Doc
Should the time ever come for carving, I assure you all Indians will come together to carve their favourite carving bunny.

Till then we fight. Best (for you) not to disturb us and give us a reason to look your way.

Cheers, Doc
:lol:....hmmm let's see who is looking who's way... Am I at an Indian discussion or our Indian neighbours on a Pakistani forum :azn:...I think indians are looking our way... way too much and now some of indians have got hypnotised and we will do something to bring them back to normalcy.

:lol:....hmmm let's see who is looking who's way... Am I at an Indian discussion or our Indian neighbours on a Pakistani forum :azn:...I think indians are looking our way... way too much and now some of indians have got hypnotised and we will do something to bring them back to normalcy.


This forum has had its ups and downs.

Periods when it's fallen into different kind of hands ideologically.

But like India, it tends to walk a centrist path.

Which is why frankly it is a better platform for dialog and coexistence between the two nationalities than any Indian owned and run forum.

You'll never find me wanting when praise is due genuinely.

Cheers, Doc
But like India, it tends to walk a centrist path.
Come on....India and centrist :lol: who are we kidding ma'm.. Is Modi centrist? BJP and RSS are centrist...
I am nonplussed. Really... how?

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Come on....India and centrist :lol: who are we kidding m'am.. Is Modi centrist? BJP and RSS are centrist...
I am nonplussed. Really... how?


Bro, I am a 181 cm tall hairy 79 kilo chunk of Persian muscle and testosterone. Man not mam.

Modi and his goons are like paroxysms which happen on PDF as well.

Can't name names of course.

Cheers, Doc
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