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Karzai Calls On Pakistan To Help Destroy Militant Bases

But main problem is that before Afghanistan / NATO / US tells us to do more, they should themselves do more and then ask us.
Why don't the U.S. and Pakistan t have a joint command, like the WWII U.S.-British Combined Chiefs of Staff?
Why don't the U.S. and Pakistan t have a joint command, like the WWII U.S.-British Combined Chiefs of Staff?

They have some kind of a setup which meets regularly to discuss ops and cross-border affairs but it's not a joint command. I don't think a joint command would work here because the area of operations is not the same unlike WW2. More importantly, the enemy and the goals are not similar either. Plus, the Afghan distrust factor would spoil the effectiveness of any such setup.
Karzai is a figure head of America who commands no respect in Afghanistan. He is hated by most of the Afghan population as a representative of America, the man has practically no respect with his own people, no power among them. Funny thing is he is probably talking to the only president in the world more powerless than he is.
Why don't the U.S. and Pakistan t have a joint command, like the WWII U.S.-British Combined Chiefs of Staff?

US and Pakistan have differeing visions of Afghanistan - fact of the matter is that neither Pakistan, nor the US trusts the other.
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I think right now the most favorable vision of Afghanistan as far as Pakistan is concerned is with the Taliban, particularly since the US is destined to failure. ISI seems to think the same way and is now trying to sabotage the American effort as well. I'm starting to agree with the ISI on this. The Taliban was basically the only one who could keep warring fractions under some kind of control, Karzai's regime and the Americans seem to be completely useless at the job. When Taliban was in control of Afghanistan, there was no Taliban presence in Pakistan and I personally can't remember too many terrorist bombings. The best thing for the entire subcontinent is Afghanistan lead by the Taliban.
I think right now the most favorable vision of Afghanistan as far as Pakistan is concerned is with the Taliban, particularly since the US is destined to failure. ISI seems to think the same way and is now trying to sabotage the American effort as well. I'm starting to agree with the ISI on this.


US chose to ignore Pakistani advice that this is a continuation of the Afghan civil war but there is a another idea here that is getting very little exposure, which that the US is simply unwilling to evacuate Afghanistan, it is even willing to see Afghanistan broken up to maintain herself (her bases).

Are Taliban a good option for Pakistan - only if one is persuaded that Pakistan as a country should cease to exist, and if they are bad for Pakistan, why should they be good for Afghanistan -- And you are quite mistaken about ISI - No one, absolutely no one sees Talib as a good option - but maybe low intensity conflict could persuade the US to evacuate Afghanistan, at some later mutually acceptable date - Pakistan would not want US to evacuate and once again leave Pakistan holding the bag, so to speak.

US chose to ignore Pakistani advice that this is a continuation of the Afghan civil war but there is a another idea here that is getting very little exposure, which that the US is simply unwilling to evacuate Afghanistan, it is even willing to see Afghanistan broken up to maintain herself (her bases).

Yeah I've heard this and I do think there was once a semblance of truth there but the American mind set on this war seems to have distinctly changed, the approval rating for this war is in the 30s now and with the wikileaks pretty much rubbishing the US's claims of killing insurgents, its only going to get lower. Right now any strategy the US had of pillaging Afghan resources has been heavily sabotaged by Taliban fighters and without resource pillaging in Afghanistan they have little remaining incentive of being there. The US is under severe economic restraint, they have loaned about 1 trillion dollars from the Chinese alone, they simply cannot maintain a perpetual occupation.

As I see it, and I do spent atleast 3 months every year near the Afghan border, the condition in Afghanistan is no worse than it was after the Soviet retreat, I don't see why the Taliban cannot take over and do what they did before. Pakistan has its own Taliban problem now, but unlike Afghanistan we have a government and particularly a military stable enough contain it. Even us Pashtuns are able to keep Pakistani Taliban under check when ever we please.
Hahaha Afridi,

So what is holding you now? You will be the first to vacate your near Afghanistan border 3 months holliday on a permenant holliday in the West, or may be somewhere in Panjab. Only god can keep Taliban in check. Once they fully take control of Afghanistan you will be next - even your nukes wont stop them.
Hahaha Afridi,

So what is holding you now? You will be the first to vacate your near Afghanistan border 3 months holliday on a permenant holliday in the West, or may be somewhere in Panjab. Only god can keep Taliban in check. Once they fully take control of Afghanistan you will be next - even your nukes wont stop them.

Lol, what can I say? Keep at it...someday you might actually crush our spirits? Lol, nyaah. I'm kidding. That ain't happening. Good luck though ;)
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