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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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The mountains are extremely dangerous to drive on. i've been there and we had to drive at like 5mph for like 25 miles.

What kept us slow, is seeing the roadside results of what would happen if you sped... upside down cars in the valley crushed into pieces.
Awesome... Love their spirit. India will not be able to handle Kashmir any more.


We've been hearing that for decades. Remember how bad things were in the 90's? The PA would openly shell IA positions along the border as it tried to push infiltrators across. Kya hua? NOTHING.

One way or the other we will restore order, its only a matter of time. Desi babus can sit on their behind and stonewall like its their job. There are legal ways to protest, assaulting LEO's isn't one of them. If stone pelting and chest beating were actually of any use the Palestinians would've had their way decades ago. Most people just want to go about their normal lives, these paid stone pelters should be found and arrested. If anyone has any news about such arrests please post.
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People saying India is 3rd world yet the US state dept says India is a transforming nation.

Kashmir will always be part of India as it is holy land for hindus, sikhs and buddhist and no Indian goverment has the authority to give our land to pakistan thats the cold hard fact.
Kashmiri's in this context bigots of valley have a violent track record. I listed they killed and raped fellow Hindus, none of Pakistani have replied to this so far. Similarly there are other regions where people resort to violent means and does not follow rule of law, their also armies have similar casuality rate, that is why I gave example of FATA.
May the poor victims rest in peace. It is so tragic when human negligence like over speeding causes so much grief.

It has been a sad week in Pakistan. May there be no more tragedy
some of them arent peaceful protestsers I WONDER WHY? HMMMM, is it really difficult to understand WHY?

some of you people are really incredible.......so blind to truths, listen to what your media brainwashed you about

when so much frustration builds up after years of occupation, obviously there will be resistance. In the eyes of most Kashmiris, hindustans occupation is illegitimate and for that reason they are resisting

and just because they are doing that does not make them militants, does not make them ''ISI operatives''

God damn!
Female Protesters Pile on Pressure in Indian Kashmir​

Female protesters pile on pressure in Indian Kashmir​

By Izhar Wani (AFP)​

SRINAGAR, India — "We are out on the streets with a message -- kill us before you kill our young boys and girls," says Rehana Ashraf, a female teacher in Indian Kashmir.

It is a stance which makes the security forces deeply anxious as they battle to suppress a surge of violent protests against India's rule of the Muslim-majority region.

An increasing number of women have been involved in the demonstrations, during which at least 45 people have been killed in the last eight weeks.

Most of the victims are young men who have died in gun fire as security forces try to enforce curfew orders that have brought ordinary life to a halt.

Each death -- particularly those of two women so far -- has triggered further angry protests and an equally strong response from Indian paramilitary troops and police.

"Under such circumstances, you can't expect us to remain silent," said Ashraf, 49, who lives in the region's main town Srinagar with her two young daughters. "We want to send out a message that we are not weak."

Young men have always led the street protests and stone-throwing in Kashmir during 20 years of rebellion, but that is changing.

"We have lost our patience. They have killed our sons and brothers. How do you expect us to be mute spectators?" 41-year-old Mehbooba Akhter, a mother of three teenage sons, told AFP.

Akhter, a Srinagar resident, said she has been taking part in the wave of anti-India protests, which began when a 17-year-old male student was killed by a police tear-gas shell in Srinagar on June 11.

Hundreds of women and girls, many in colourful salwar kameez dresses, have since been regularly out on the streets chanting "we want freedom!" and "blood for blood!" Some carry sticks and stones.

Dealing with female protesters is a fraught challenge for the police and paramilitary troops struggling to control the protests, which India says are instigated by hardline groups supported by Pakistan.

"Putting women and children in the front of rallies is a deliberate attempt by separatists to put us on back foot," Prabhakar Tripathi, spokesman for paramilitary Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), told AFP.

"They know we won't confront them," he said.

Many women who do not directly take part in rallies carry drinking water to the protesters and also direct youths down escape routes as they flee from baton charges, tear-gas and gunfire.

"It is not the responsibility of men alone to protest against injustice. We women have to be in the forefront to fight it too," said Shamima Javed, 38.

"I am joining protests to express my solidarity with those women who lost their sons and daughters."

Syeda Afshana, a leading columnist and lecturer in the main Kashmir university, says the increasing female presence reflects the sense of injustice felt by Kashmiris.

"Out on the streets, women are making their minds felt," Afshana told AFP. "By pelting stones, they are expressing their collective anger."

AFP: Female protesters pile on pressure in Indian Kashmir



:))))) lolzz for justifying Indian terrorism the Indians are even ready to exchange their bloodline :D
China Riots Kill More Than 150 (SLIDESHOW, VIDEO)

Pakistan silent when it comes to brother China who killed more muslims in riots why is that i wonder?

They requested the help of Pakistani ulema/scholars/religious parties to negotiate with the Uyghur Islamist elements in the interests of quelling the violence

we were accredited with doing such

btw, there were some voices of condemnation inside of Pakistan against what was going on; even in this forum ;)

---------- Post added at 05:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 PM ----------

Female Protesters Pile on Pressure in Indian Kashmir​

Female protesters pile on pressure in Indian Kashmir​

By Izhar Wani (AFP)​

SRINAGAR, India — "We are out on the streets with a message -- kill us before you kill our young boys and girls," says Rehana Ashraf, a female teacher in Indian Kashmir.

It is a stance which makes the security forces deeply anxious as they battle to suppress a surge of violent protests against India's rule of the Muslim-majority region.

An increasing number of women have been involved in the demonstrations, during which at least 45 people have been killed in the last eight weeks.

Most of the victims are young men who have died in gun fire as security forces try to enforce curfew orders that have brought ordinary life to a halt.

Each death -- particularly those of two women so far -- has triggered further angry protests and an equally strong response from Indian paramilitary troops and police.

"Under such circumstances, you can't expect us to remain silent," said Ashraf, 49, who lives in the region's main town Srinagar with her two young daughters. "We want to send out a message that we are not weak."

Young men have always led the street protests and stone-throwing in Kashmir during 20 years of rebellion, but that is changing.

"We have lost our patience. They have killed our sons and brothers. How do you expect us to be mute spectators?" 41-year-old Mehbooba Akhter, a mother of three teenage sons, told AFP.

Akhter, a Srinagar resident, said she has been taking part in the wave of anti-India protests, which began when a 17-year-old male student was killed by a police tear-gas shell in Srinagar on June 11.

Hundreds of women and girls, many in colourful salwar kameez dresses, have since been regularly out on the streets chanting "we want freedom!" and "blood for blood!" Some carry sticks and stones.

Dealing with female protesters is a fraught challenge for the police and paramilitary troops struggling to control the protests, which India says are instigated by hardline groups supported by Pakistan.

"Putting women and children in the front of rallies is a deliberate attempt by separatists to put us on back foot," Prabhakar Tripathi, spokesman for paramilitary Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), told AFP.

"They know we won't confront them," he said.

Many women who do not directly take part in rallies carry drinking water to the protesters and also direct youths down escape routes as they flee from baton charges, tear-gas and gunfire.

"It is not the responsibility of men alone to protest against injustice. We women have to be in the forefront to fight it too," said Shamima Javed, 38.

"I am joining protests to express my solidarity with those women who lost their sons and daughters."

Syeda Afshana, a leading columnist and lecturer in the main Kashmir university, says the increasing female presence reflects the sense of injustice felt by Kashmiris.

"Out on the streets, women are making their minds felt," Afshana told AFP. "By pelting stones, they are expressing their collective anger."

AFP: Female protesters pile on pressure in Indian Kashmir



The whole point of a curfew is to stay inside but some of these youths decided to come out and throw stones and were faced with bullets and some were shot dead was it really worth it?
This is out of India's control now, it is even out of the control of the separatists and has become a people's movement.

Pretty soon there will calls for a Long March to Srinagar and then a Long march to New Delhi!!

feel free to think so,i expect u to sing the same song even after 100 yrs

Bullets will give rise to more strifes. The brutality and ugly face of India can be seen from the fact that India refuses to use the force in own territories against militants But do so in occupied country Kashmir because there they kill Kashmiris not bhartis

i think u have a feeling being muslim means not being part of India,i will not answer that,i expect some Indian muslim member to answer that as u r so much lost in faith of ur ummah whatever that u will not b ready to take a hindu's word,and for god sake dont make statements like disillutioned muslim or kafir when reply come,as u have a feeling as Allah have pronounced u as the purest islamic souls in the world,and as far as kashmir is concerned it also have a big population of both Hindu's and Buddhas,so dont expect any miracle,kashmir will still remain with us

yes we can see nowdays how accurate you are on this statement

ever heard about APJ Abdul Kalam,he is a muslim,he is the man who put 'MADE IN INDIA'stamp on missiles,the same missiles we use against ur nation

if u feel the example is getting old PM me i will b back with 100 other examples,but as i said u r free to fell and celebrate:wave:

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