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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Look man you guys are really pushing this stuff!!! again i say i thought these protests started off peacful!!!!!! meaning these recent protests and rallies... God dam. do you guys even think before you guys reply... lol I remember very clearing that these protest started off clean and peaceful but then indian security forces killed one guy... next rally was angered and they threw stones and then more then one person was killed then rallies became more angered and things started to go out of hand!!!! wait let me go back.... they are kashmiries and they shouldnt be angery for getting killed... indian security forces has right to kill but when kashmiries come out for protest they better have rose in their hand and say god bless india.... SICK !!!!!

An 11 year old kid was sent out to protest. Whether the protest started off peaceful (you still havent proved that btw) or not, its still really irresponsible of his parents and the other protestors. This is not washington, this is Kashmir. it takes just a few in the crowd to trow stones to turn the protest violent. and any person in Kashmi should know that. To still send the kid out there shows their sick mentality.

The police used rubber bullets. It has an almost 0% chance of killing. So this death is an unfortunate tragedy not a deliberate attempt. The real murderers of this child are the ones who sent him out knowing things could go out of hand.
Selective reading?

It is unfortunate that the kid had to die......... however..... Indian forces have tried to use non-lethal force to minimize the causalities.

I am sure the protesters are gonna take his death to further incite the population.

Can't fire roses at people who are throwing at stones at you...... :disagree:

I regret the kid had to die, but his parents should have thought about this once before letting him throw stones at Indian forces......

About time the so called warriors stop using kids and women as cannon fodder in their "struggle" for independence.

yar what r u talking about its barbaric ok barbaric its look as if u are to kill the mob rather then quell them not a good thing
Selective reading?

It is unfortunate that the kid had to die......... however..... Indian forces have tried to use non-lethal force to minimize the causalities.

I am sure the protesters are gonna take his death to further incite the population.

Can't fire roses at people who are throwing at stones at you...... :disagree:

I regret the kid had to die, but his parents should have thought about this once before letting him throw stones at Indian forces......

About time the so called warriors stop using kids and women as cannon fodder in their "struggle" for independence.

yar what r u talking about its barbaric ok barbaric its look as if u are to kill the mob rather then quell them not a good thing
No one was aimed at and shot. Is it too difficult for you to understand??

Had it been a 79 year old chacha, what difference would it have made? He would have been still a rioter.

Police fired to quell the demonstartors throwing stones and causing damage to public property by burning and stuffs and not specifically taking minors on target.

Although killing of any Individual is very very sad and condemnable. But you people are taking it too far as if the police is specifically targetting children.

As far as going to hell is concerned, those who pay and provoke these people to make riots, sitting accross the borders and exporting terror to the world arent going to the "Jannat" anyway. Make no mistake, They already have a group reservation in hell. Some hell has already came down to them recently in advance. :oops:

yeah rite i saw that coming but accept it or not the things are very crucial for u ppl nearly every family had lost a person ok so things look bleak in long future just wait and seee
Under international law Pakistan has every right to welcome and protect refugees from war ravaged areas. Same clause has been used during Afghan war and East-Pakistan war by India. How do Indians react to same tactics being used against them?? The Kashmiris are suffering for past 63 years and its about time to take action. Pakistan should also invite China and muslim countries in its bold action.

In todays news

Fresh protests against Indian rule in Kashmir
Source: http://arabnews.com/world/article121509.ece

A Kashmiri protester shouts pro-freedom slogans after hearing of Yasir Rafiq Sheikh’s death in Srinagar on Tuesday. Eleven-year-old Sheikh, a cousin of senior separatist leader Yasin Malik, along with four other persons was injured on Monday, when police allegedly opened fire on a group of youths. Residents defied a curfew to hold angry demonstrations against Indian rule. (Reuters)


Published: Sep 1, 2010 00:47 Updated: Sep 1, 2010 01:23

SRINAGAR: Thousands of angry residents defied a curfew in the Indian portion of Kashmir on Tuesday, protesting the overnight killing of an 11-year-old boy by government forces, police said.

Fifteen people were wounded in the southern town of Anantnag late Monday when government forces shot into a crowd despite an appeal last week from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that they use non-lethal measures to control the demonstrations that have become a near daily occurrence in the volatile region.

At least 65 people have died in anti-India demonstrations and clashes between security forces and protesters in Kashmir since June. Each death has triggered more protests despite a rigid curfew in the Kashmir valley.

Anger against Indian rule runs deep in the region, which is divided between Hindu-majority India and predominantly Muslim Pakistan and claimed by both nuclear-armed nations in its entirety.

The latest deadly unrest against Indian rule shows no signs of abating despite the deployment of thousands of troops.

Thousands of residents marched in Anantnag early Tuesday within hours of the death of the young boy.

Police and paramilitary soldiers fired warning shots and tear gas to quell the protests, wounding three people, said a police officer on condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to speak to media.

In Srinagar, the region's main city, hundreds of men, women and children also held angry protests. They chanted “Go India, go back” and “We want freedom.” Police and paramilitary soldiers withdrew from the area to avoid clashes but sealed off the streets with razor wire and steel barricades.

Meanwhile, India's army said Tuesday it killed nine suspected rebels as they tried to sneak into the Indian portion of Kashmir from the Pakistani side.

The nine were killed in a fierce fighting with the army over the past two days in Uri, a remote region west of Srinagar, said Col. Vineet Sood, an army spokesman.

The area is close to the highly militarized cease-fire line that divides Kashmir between India and Pakistan. There were no casualties among the Indian soldiers.

There was no independent confirmation of the army's claim.


How are they refugees? They are not Displaced, they are living in disputed territory...
hell yes, India also wants same thing, trouble makers go to Pakistan, let other 95% Indian pro live in peace.
Strange to find all this what those people expecting in return.... That forces will give them a Red carpet welcome,take them for a fabulous treat and then provide a VIP fareoff....Wont unstand y parents let these little kids to the street to fight with Forces even when knowing nething could happen in such situation... from this it seems even they intentionally wanted to escalate the grim situation to the worst...... They still haven recognised who are using them from behind the scenes (whos own kids are living abroad n spending kings life)
A brilliant idea.....even better to have it coming from a Pakistani concerned about "kashmiri welfare"......let all those who want to leave india do so immediately.....then they can see for themselves the living conditions in their so called "liberated" land.....they can report back about how much serious welfare efforts they were shown...should be a real eye opener for everyone......
Glad to know Pakistan is offering a solution to root-cause of Kashmiri 's trouble. Take back all these troublemaker & allow peace in the Valley!!!
Afterall, Padosi hi padosi ke kaam aata hai.:cheers:
people in kashmir should realize that they would go to dogs if they mingle themselves into pak. india is a better place for them... more jobs, more tourists,more development.. but if they go to pak, they are treated as mere mujahirs.. :( they wud be slayed by the afghan talibans for going to schools and learning science.. thats pakistan for u..

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