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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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let's make one thing clear to all indians:

NAXALITES is india's internal problem!!

Every facet of Kashmiri society is joining hands - this movement has been stronger than anything ever seen in Kashmir before

Civil society groups demand immediate end to violence in Kashmir | TwoCircles.net

New Delhi: In order to register protest against killings of innocent civilians in Kashmir, a Dharna was organized by ANHAD (Act Now for Harmony and Democracy) at Jantar Mantar on Thursday, 8th of July, 2010. Representatives from various civil society organizations took part in the Dharna to extend their solidarity to the people of Kashmir.

Speaking at the occasion Shabnam Hashmi, prominent social activist and founder of ANHAD, condemned the killing of innocent civilians and rampant human rights violation in the state. Expressing her angst at the disturbing situation in the state she said that people’s voice can not be stopped by bullets.


She categorically asked, “why doesn’t the governments use bullet and army, when Shiv Sena and Vishwa Hindu Parishad goons disturb communal harmony? Why didn’t the government use bullet to stop rioters from raping women in Gujarat?”

She demanded that the Armed Forces Special Powers Act should be withdrawn from the state immediately.

Participants of the Dharna endorsed a final statement, which expressed their grave concern at the absence of any sensitive reaction by the Central Government, in response to the ongoing deaths, injuries and killings in cold-blood of civilians in Srinagar and Anantnag districts of Jammu and Kashmir, including young girls and boys, most of them innocent, peaceful protestors.

Talking about the protesters in the state, the statement pointed out “these are unarmed, non-violent citizens, who are being treated with such blatant and indiscriminate use of military force -- why? Is there no other way to negotiate with civil unrest? And what is the root cause of this civil unrest if not the brutalities executed by the police and para military forces? And what about cases of atrocities committed on people who are not even protesting?”

The participants of the Dharna put few demands from the Central and the State governments, among which putting an end to the violence perpetrated by the security forces with immediate effect and Immediately appointing an independent time bound Commission of Enquiry to look into the killings of peaceful civilians & human rights violations, were the most prominent ones. They also demanded that the freedom of expression and press and safety of media persons should be ensured in any case.

Expressing serious concern over the complete lack of political initiative displayed by the UPA-led central government in response to the situation in the valley, the statement also demanded from the central and state governments, to immediately start a political dialogue with various stake holders, as the people of Jammu and Kashmir deserve a more rational, humane, visionary and sensitive response from the Indian State.

People who participated in the Dharna were Swami Agnivesh, Shabnam Hashmi (ANHAD), Harsh Kapoor (South Asia Citizen Web), Navaid Hamid ( member, NIC), Prof. Kamal Mitra Chenoy (JNU), Prof. Anuradha Chenoy (JNU), Indu Prakash (IGSSS), Madhu Chandra (North Eastern Helpline), DivyavVinod (YWCA), Sanjay Kumar (AAA), Ravi Himadri (The other Media), Prof. Rizwan Kaisar (Jamia Millia Islamia) and others.

These demands were endorsed by:

1. Aashima Subberwal- Delhi University
2. Abeer Gupta - filmmaker
3. Adnan Nabi – Kashmir
4. Alana Hunt – Artist
5. Ali Asghar – Social Activist, Hyderabad
6. Amandra – AAA
7. Amit Sengupta, Journalist, Delhi
8. Amrita Nandy – SANGAT
9. Anil Choudhury- Peace
10. Anjali Thomas – Student DU
11. Anjum Rajabali, Cinema Script writer
12. Ankita Dash – Student DU
13. Appu Esthose Suresh - The Sunday Guardian, Delhi
14. Aqsa Anjum – Delhi
15. Arindam Jit Singh – Team Nishan
16. Arun Kumar Tiwari – Anhad
17. Aslam Khan – Student, Jamia Milia Islamia
18. Astha Rajan – Anhad
19. Atique Farooqui – Lucknow
20. Avinash Kumar-Oxfam India
21. Barkat
22. Biju Mathew – Professor of Business, Rider University, NJ, USA
23. Bindia Thapar - Architect/Illustrator, New Delhi.
24. Bobby Kunhu – Researcher and Writer
25. Chandra Nigam
26. Colin Gonsalves-Human Rights Law Network
27. David Devadas - Senior Journalist
28. Dev Desai – Gujarat
29. Dhananjay Tripathi – South Asians for Human Rights
30. Divya Vinod – YWCA
31. Dunu Roy – Hazards Centre
32. Fahad Shah, journalist, Srinagar
33. Faizen Haider Naqvi - Businessman, Delhi
34. Gauri Dasan Nair – Senior Journalist, kerala
35. Gowher Nabi Gora – J and K
36. Harsh Dobhal- Human Rights Law Network
37. Harsh Kapoor – South Asia Citizens Web
38. Inder Salim – Activist
39. Indu Prakash Singh- IGSSS
40. John Dayal- General Secretary, All India Christian Council
41. Kallol Bhowmik - Spl Correspondent Ajir Dainik Batori and Eastern Chronicle
42. Kalpana Tikku –
43. Kashif-ul-Huda - Editor, TwoCircles.net
44. Madhu Chandra - All India Christian Council & North East Support Centre & Helpline
45. Madhura Chakrvoraty – Student Jadhavpur University, West Bengal
46. Maia Barkaia – JNU student
47. Manas Arora – Student, IP College of Engineering
48. Manasi Pingle – Student, DU
49. Manisha Sethi – Jamia Teachers Solidarity Association
50. Manisha Trivedi – Anhad Gujarat
51. Manjit Singh Roperia – Student Hissar
52. Mankasha
53. Mansi Sharma-Anhad
54. Meeta Bhandari – IGSSS
55. Moggallan Bharti – JNU student
56. Mohan Kumawat- Anhad
57. Mohd. Ali - Delhi Correspondent of news website TwoCircles.net
58. Mudassir Kawa, Activist, Srinagar
59. Mukul Manglik – Historian Delhi University
60. Murli Natarajan, South Asia Solidarity Initiative, USA
61. Mushtaq Koka, Activist, Srinagar
62. Naazim Mohammed – Social Activist, Bangalore
63. Nadeem – IGSSS
64. Nadim Nikhat - Centre for Social Justice, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
65. Navaid Hamid -Social Activist
66. Neha Dhole, Aman Trust, New Delhi
67. Prasad Chako- NCDHR
68. Pratap Singh Negi, Anhad
69. Prativa Thomas – Amnesty International, UK
70. Prem Dangwal – Anhad Mumbai
71. Prof Anuradha Chenoy, JNU, Delhi
72. Prof Kamal Mitra Chenoy, JNU, Delhi
73. Prof. KN Panikkar, Historian
74. Prof. Rizwan Kaiser – Jamia Milia Islami
75. Raj Gopalan – Trivandrum, Kerala
76. Ram Puniyani – Ekta, Mumbai
77. Rashid Ali – Freelance Journalist
78. Rima Aranha
79. Rohit Sinha – Student DU
80. Rupal Oza, South Asia Solidarity Initiative
81. Saaimah Khwaja
82. Saba Diwan – Film maker
83. Sabir Hussain – Jammu and Kashmir
84. Sachin Pandya – Anhad Gujarat
85. Sania Hashmi – Anhad
86. Sanjay Kumar – AAA
87. Sanjay Sharma – Anhad
88. Sanjeev Mahajan, CA, USA
89. Saqib Sana - Mumbai
90. Sargam Mehra
91. Seema Duhan-Anhad
92. Seher Hashmi
93. Shabir Hussain – Srinagar, J &K
94. Shabnam Hashmi- social activist, Anhad
95. Shahnawaz Malik – Lucknow
96. Shaweta Anand, Journalist and Researcher
97. Sheeba Aslam Fehmi – Researcher JNU
98. Shesh Narain Singh-Senior Journalist
99. Shivayan Raha – The Other Media
100. Shoaib Khan – Srinagar, J&K
101. Shrish Chandra – Lucknow University
102. Shweta Tripathi – Programme Officer, SHRUTI
103. Sohaib Niazi – Student, Jamia Milia Islamia
104. Sohail Hashmi-Social Activist
105. Sonam Gupta - Anhad
106. Sonia Jabbar- Independent Filmmaker
107. Sri Nidhi Baglodia
108. Tanveer Hussain Khan -Anhad Kashmir Coordinator
109. Thulasi Kakkat – Photographer, Kerela
110. Uma Chakravarty- Academician
111. Vijayan- Delhi Forum
112. Vrinda Grover- Human Rights Lawyer, Supreme Court
113. Waqar Kazi – Anhad Mumbai
114. Wasim Khan, NJ, USA
115. Yasmeen Qureshi, Human Rights Activist, CA, USA
116. Zafar Abbas – journalist, Delhi
117. Zafar Agha, journalist, Delhi

The Hindu : National : “Democracy under severe strain in Kashmir”

Aarti Dhar
NEW DELHI: Civil society groups have demanded an immediate end to alleged violence perpetrated by the security forces in the Kashmir Valley and setting up of an independent time-bound commission of inquiry to probe the killings and rights violations.

At a dharna held here on Friday, the civil society groups said it was a matter of grave concern and anguish that no sensitive measures were taken by the Centre in response to the ongoing deaths, injuries and killings of civilians in the Valley. To make the matters worse, the Army, along with para-military forces, was issued orders to shoot-at-sight to uphold the almost relentless curfew – basically to block protests against the “continuing spiral of non-stop and indiscriminate killings'' of innocent civilians.

“The presence of the Army and security forces dominates the Valley and reinforces the deep-rooted angst of people. The reality is that democracy is under severe strain and is almost absent in many parts in the State, despite an elected government backed by the Centre holding the reigns of power in Srinagar,'' a statement issued by Act Now for Harmony and Democracy (ANHAD) and endorsed by civil society groups, intellectuals and individuals said.

The statement said the Centre and the State should come out clean and explain if this was indeed a democratic and constitutional method of handling a manifold and multiplying crisis in a highly sensitive region.

People cannot be won over or suppressed at gunpoint. Certainly, the people of Jammu and Kashmir deserved a more rationale, humane, visionary and sensitive response from the Indian state, the statement said.
Another round of Indians admitting the obvious - the deluded ones will have their backs broken as well...

The Indian media is also slowly coming to the realization that they are the bad guys in Kashmir.

There is a change in tone from all corners of India. The delusional will have to give in eventually. Power on, Kashmir!

Yup there is a realization that separatists are changing their strategies from Gun to Stones now and different people have different opinion, some believe they should be dealt with a heavy hand and army should be used and some believe otherwise

And about realization that India is hated in Kashmir, we always knew there are people, who are fanatics and they hate India, so? You believe India will pack it's bag and get out of Kashmir fearing stones LOL Kashmir will be India till the end of time, it's status is not uncompromisable/non-negotiable

What Kashmir needs is able administration to control these good for nothing people

Army is used for external threats.............and In kashmir we have one........another Indian student says again

I second that taught .

Normally the I wouldn't support the deployment of the military in civilian areas but the rioting is gotten out of control and action of external vested interests has caused the deployment of the military.

GeoffreyRoyanGJ(Indian Student)

The Kashmiri shoes and sticks are doing a better job and thrashing Indian security forces, our support is always ready whenever the Kashmiris would ask for it.

Its so easy to sit in front of your computer and let loose the false bravado of a defeated national psyche.

The same national psyche which sees itself as the rightful rulers of a thousand years over a weaker pagan race.

The same national psyche which cannot fathom or stomach why inspite of being from such war-like genes, they still had to suffer the humiliation of being defeated on the battlefield and pounded into submission every time they mustered the courage to back up their innate belligerence with action.

The same national psyche which finds it difficult to come to terms with the fact that a dark short fat ugly race has done so much better on the global stage than their own fair and good looking race of ex-rulers.

The same national psyche that takes much needed solace from marrying a woman from the other side as something of a victory to compensate for all other defeats suffered elsewhere, everywhere, with the backdrop of strong poorly masked sexual connotations of forced national copulation by proxy.

Your support has always been there to foment trouble in India Asim. Whether Indian Kashmiris have wanted it or not. Whether they have bled due to your guns fired from their shoulders or not.

The fact is Asim that Pakistan has long ago lost the stomach for a full frontal fight. Not surprising seeing the results of the past confrontations with us. Proxy wars and online words of false bravado are all that you have left my friend.

There is nothing else you can really do. Without getting the same treatment once again.

So if the vicarious thrills of using words like stones, shoes, sticks, thrashing etc. takes some of the edge off your own collective national impotence and helplessness, who am I to take that away from you?

Cheers, Doc
kashmir is india's state and will remain so

u can call me ignorant ,arrognat or watever but kashmir belongs to india and will remain so

an view from another indian student
The Kashmiri shoes and sticks are doing a better job and thrashing Indian security forces, our support is always ready whenever the Kashmiris would ask for it.

Yup keep your support up and next time don't whine that there is a RAW hand in TTP operations or mis-adventures in Pakistan cause our support is always ready whenever some separatists in Pakistan would ask for it
kashmir is india's state and will remain so

u can call me ignorant ,arrognat or watever but kashmir belongs to india and will remain so

an view from another indian student

You wasted your time to just post this crap. We know most fan boys believe so.

Lolzzz :lol:
It's a start, the newer generations have finally started to reflect upon what they are doing to a free and independent nation.

Justifying force and violence to satiate Indian thirst for tyranny would not be possible forever.

I dont know to laugh or feel pity at ur exuberance on such issues...Indian Army called to quell the protests in Kashmir after more than a DECADE... yes I accept that it's a failure of Kahmir's govt... but what is there for the Pakistani brothers to rejoice? If calling Army to maintain law and order denotes other things than the maintaining law and order then ..I regret to inform my pakistani friends that why dont you apply the same logic for all over the pakistan where your army is hunting down your own men in various areas? we didnt feel that all those Paksitani areas want "freedom" from the "tyrannical" paksitani army and it's oppression... and I feel pity because pakistani brothers wanted a reprieve from all the sad things happenings in their country and wanted to vent out their agony in this Kashmir thing.. but neverthless may god bless you and I assure you things in Kashmir will be back to normal as its been since last decade and you dont need to waste your pity and consideration on Kashmir as you need that abundantly on the things happening in your own land... may god bless you and give courage to face your problems..:cheers:
You wasted your time to just post this crap. We know most fan boys believe so.

Lolzzz :laugh:

tnx for caring about my time but u see i dont care about my time :rofl:

anyways thank u :rofl:

i am no fanboy, isnt the kashmir with us at present :rofl:

but i love the tag line (indian student):rofl: why don't you guys add anudhati roy or barkha dutt :rofl: you boys are not posting on and ndtv blog here
yaar bas karo,y make separate threads,do post in single one

What are you talking about?.......this is the kashmir section and this is major news on the BBC site.
If the BBC can give this prominence,so can we.

but i love the tag line (indian student):rofl: why don't you guys add anudhati roy or barkha dutt :rofl: you boys are not posting on and ndtv blog here

aap ko bas arundhati ka hi sahara rah gya tha:rofl::rofl::rofl:
You are probably right but India will remain in Kashmir no matter what and we both know that.

No we dont.....we know that one day the kashmiris will get freedom like so many other people in history have done.

None will separate Tibet from China or India from Kashmir

Theres a UN resolution on kashmir but non for tibet,so trying to compare the two is silly.
Kashmir is part of india as much as iraq is part of the USA.
India is doing everything to prove it's rule is tyrannical. Now shutting down the free-press!

Ridiculous! This is so going to snowball! All signs that the Indian back is almost broken on Kashmir

indian back needs pak and china support,so they can stand:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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