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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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I guess this will be a wake up call for so called peace loving Central govt....let the army handle these issues like it used to and see the results...when in early 90's these terrorists could make a dent when they had the advantage. In my opinion this is the correct time to hit the knock out punch to terrorists ..
This is purely my personal opinion, and I hold it very close to my heart as I have many close friends whom I call brothers, who are in the valley today.

I know it may sound selfish, but whenever I hear or read news of another death, I pray the name is not that of someone I know.

I put it before you guys (Indians) as a request, whether you agree or not.

When one of ours falls, we should grieve for him in privacy, and pay our respects in other ways than to post a thread about it here.

I realise that the intentions are good, and there will be a flood of RIP brave soldier type posts.

But equally there will be some from our friends next door posting congratulatory messages, which will really go down bad at such a time.

If on a Defence site, a soldier's death cannot be respected, then I do not know where else on the Net it will be.

Even on the battle field in the heat of battle and the surge of emotions, a fallen enemy is not disrespected.

I don't know ..... maybe its just a generational thing, and my generation just belongs to a time where such crassness was just not on.

Sad, Doc
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TTP is not fighting on a disputed territory. From our point of view, killing Indian soldiers in Kashmir is a good thing.

Anywhere else in India, I'd give that - that would be tragic. But in Kashmir it would be dishonest to say anything else.

TTP is fighting for its cause.. which is above and beyond territory , so if I support TTP or there is someone who supports TTP then the killing of even the civilians of Pakistan is a matter of fanfare.

Wonder if next time some posts hurrah!! on a post which talks about the remains of some Pakistani civilians or military alike...

For some people Hypocrisy knows no limits...

RIP to the brave soilder..
TTP is fighting for its cause.. which is above and beyond territory , so if I support TTP or there is someone who supports TTP then the killing of even the civilians of Pakistan is a matter of fanfare.

Wonder if next time some posts hurrah!! on a post which talks about the remains of some Pakistani civilians or military alike...

For some people Hypocrisy knows no limits...

RIP to the brave soilder..
TTP has no United Nations sanction validating its cause.

Kashmir by UN's declaration is a disputed territory. If Indian doesn't want to see its soldiers killed in Kashmir, it can leave. It can also attack our administered part of Kashmir, Azad Kashmir, by the same logic, but not anywhere else in Pakistan.

Pakistan always condemns deaths of soldiers elsewhere in India, but not in Kashmir as India's presence there itself is an act of war against Pakistan. So in essence, Pakistan's standpoint is correct and just and in accordance to the norms of war.

Kill enemy soldiers - that too only combatant soldiers, only where the battle is justified.
TTP has no United Nations sanction validating its cause.

Kashmir by UN's declaration is a disputed territory. If Indian doesn't want to see its soldiers killed in Kashmir, it can leave. It can also attack our administered part of Kashmir, Azad Kashmir, by the same logic, but not anywhere else in Pakistan.

Pakistan always condemns deaths of soldiers elsewhere in India, but not in Kashmir as India's presence there itself is an act of war against Pakistan. So in essence, Pakistan's standpoint is correct and just and in accordance to the norms of war.

Kill enemy soldiers - that too only combatant soldiers, only where the battle is justified.

I have heard this line of your's before buddy. It rang hollow then, it still does.

I agree with you till the part where India and Pakistan are at war.

But where is the Pakistan Army in this war?

The Indian Army is not crossing across. It easily could as it has in the past. It simply does not have the orders to. Yet.

All our soldiers are doing are preventing your thugs from coming across to kill Indians ..... military and civilian, the latter more often than not.

Anyways, you guys can continue to rationalise things the way you have been. We have no control on that.

What we can control, we will. And when one of ours falls while doing that, I would like to see Indians not giving you the opportunity to gloat. Which would be symbolic at best, seeing as one of you will post it anyways.

As I said, we control what we can.

Cheers, Doc
TTP is not fighting on a disputed territory. From our point of view, killing Indian soldiers in Kashmir is a good thing.

Anywhere else in India, I'd give that - that would be tragic. But in Kashmir it would be dishonest to say anything else.

Every time a pakistani makes a comment like this makes us wonder why Indians should not rejoice all the terrorist bombings and killings of pak soilders.
TTP has no United Nations sanction validating its cause.

Kashmir by UN's declaration is a disputed territory. If Indian doesn't want to see its soldiers killed in Kashmir, it can leave. It can also attack our administered part of Kashmir, Azad Kashmir, by the same logic, but not anywhere else in Pakistan.

Pakistan always condemns deaths of soldiers elsewhere in India, but not in Kashmir as India's presence there itself is an act of war against Pakistan. So in essence, Pakistan's standpoint is correct and just and in accordance to the norms of war.

Kill enemy soldiers - that too only combatant soldiers, only where the battle is justified.

Please read UN Plebiscite commission resolution and tell me has Pakistan honoured UN resolution on Kashmir?

Kashmir state willingly acceded to India and it was Pakistan, which first sent its tribals to Kashmir to occupy it.

You (Pakistan) have no moral standing to comment anything on Kashmir because Pakistan never had anything to do with kashmir. Kashmir was an independent state at the time of partition and willingly acceded to india reciprocal to india's promise to protect it from invasion.
TTP is not fighting on a disputed territory. From our point of view, killing Indian soldiers in Kashmir is a good thing.

Anywhere else in India, I'd give that - that would be tragic. But in Kashmir it would be dishonest to say anything else.

And thats what the difference of opinion is all about. There is no globally accepted policy of security forces getting killed in disputed region being a reason for fanfare and in undisputed area not so. You can feel happy about an Indian major getting killed in Kashmir and someone may feel the same about attacks on Pakistani forces in areas of Pakistan. In my view, both are misguided, but hey.. to each his own..
TTP has no United Nations sanction validating its cause.

Kashmir by UN's declaration is a disputed territory. If Indian doesn't want to see its soldiers killed in Kashmir, it can leave. It can also attack our administered part of Kashmir, Azad Kashmir, by the same logic, but not anywhere else in Pakistan.

Pakistan always condemns deaths of soldiers elsewhere in India, but not in Kashmir as India's presence there itself is an act of war against Pakistan. So in essence, Pakistan's standpoint is correct and just and in accordance to the norms of war.

Kill enemy soldiers - that too only combatant soldiers, only where the battle is justified.

About the bold part above... If your view is that India and Pakistan are at war(declared or not), then why Kashmir only... In that case every attack everywhere is fair game.. Isnt it??
This is purely my personal opinion, and I hold it very close to my heart as I have many close friends whom I call brothers, who are in the valley today.

I know it may sound selfish, but whenever I hear or read news of another death, I pray the name is not that of someone I know.

I put it before you guys (Indians) as a request, whether you agree or not.

When one of ours falls, we should grieve for him in privacy, and pay our respects in other ways than to post a thread about it here.

I realise that the intentions are good, and there will be a floof of RIP brave soldier type posts.

But equally there will be some from our friends next door posting congratulatory messages, which will really go down bad at such a time.

If on a Defence site, a soldier's death cannot be respected, then I do not know where else on the Net it will be.

Even on the battle field in the heat of battle and the surge of emotions, a fallen enemy is not disrespected.

I don't know ..... maybe its just a generational thing, and my generation just belongs to a time where such crassness was just not on.

Sad, Doc

Let them rejoice Doc, let's not expect anything better from them, we have a billion sons who will lay down their lives for our land anyday, let them bring on what they got

Blood will have be repaided with blood, that's karma and the next time when the TTP carries out an attack on Pak army maybe we will rejoice

RIP to our brave soldiers
The fight against terror goes on. Notch one up for the good guys

LeT commander killed in Jammu and Kashmir

A district commander of the Lashkar-e-Taeba (LeT) was killed Wednesday in Jammu and Kashmir's Kishtwar forest area, police said.

On a tip off, security forces raided the hideout of Mohammad Ishaq in the forests of Kishtwar, about 230 km from here, and killed him after a gunfight of over an hour. The terrorist had been active in the area for the past five years, a police officer said.

"It was a great success as Ishaq was wanted in several cases," the police officer said without giving details.

Last updated on Jul 14th, 2010 at 15:54 pm IST
I am not with any one personality shown in this video.......
But the message of video is the message of every Pakistani to Kashmiries!
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