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Kurdish terrorists kill 10 in attacks on Turkish forces

Very lucky for Turks that Iran does not support the PKK or the casualties/damage would be 10 times worst and cause of deaths would have to be covered up by authorities (like Azerbaijans does) or Turkey most likely would eventually in no time go into another military coup or worst....an all out civil ethnic war with all Kurds.
Very lucky for Turks that Iran does not support the PKK or the casualties/damage would be 10 times worst and cause of deaths would have to be covered up by authorities (like Azerbaijans does) or Turkey most likely would eventually in no time go into another military coup or worst....an all out civil ethnic war with all Kurds.

First of all i must say, nice imagination you got over there. By support, if you mean providing advanced weapons to PKK, yeah casulties would be much higher, but not because fighting with PKK but Iran. Then your story here would fit Iran very well, civil ethnic war, destruction and stuff...

And please, Kurds and PKK are not the same thing. Terror does not have nationality. But who knows, maybe for Armenians it does...

By the way Iran does support PKK. Haven't you seen the evidences i've provided. And you should bear in mind that in their every attack, dozens of them getting killed. They are attacking like mad dogs. They don't care their lifes, thus nobody's, civillians, children etc...
You must forget what PKK has become now.....and understand why it was created, when you distinguish between Kurds in Turkey and PKK.
Your domestic so called terror problem is not Iran's or any other countries problem.....all the blood of your soldiers is on the hands of your leadership.
Oh well, i wasn't expecting common sense from an Armenian whose country has a reputation for making heroes from terrorists anyway.

It was created for generate terror, fueling the discrimination between Kurds and Turks, to become a tool for Turkey's enemies.
I do agree however about our politicians also have the blood of our soldiers on their hands.
Oh well, i wasn't expecting common sense from an Armenian whose country has a reputation for making heroes from terrorists anyway.

Yes, Spartacus was a terrorist of Rome as well.....Expect us.

Turkey can solve the PKK problem without firing a single shot....destroy article 301 and give equal rights to Kurds, PKK would have no foot to stand on.

I know you can't do it.....that would require a metamorphosis in your part.
Yes, Spartacus was a terrorist of Rome as well.....Expect us.

Turkey can solve the PKK problem without firing a single shot....destroy article 301 and give equal rights to Kurds, PKK would have no foot to stand on.

I know you can't do it.....that would require a metamorphosis in your part.

Akp government had the same delusion with you. Turns out you can�t reason with terrorists. Kurds have their own government funded tv channel. I can't see any improvement.

No, ethnic issues must be looked over and dealt with, separately. If you think solving one problem will solve the other, you have the same iq level with erdogan.
what r the turks against pkk and what r the pkk against the turks?
Yes, Spartacus was a terrorist of Rome as well.....Expect us.

Turkey can solve the PKK problem without firing a single shot....destroy article 301 and give equal rights to Kurds, PKK would have no foot to stand on.

I know you can't do it.....that would require a metamorphosis in your part.

I want you to think what would happen if a group of people in USA made a demonstration with the posters of Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda flags? Or think an American politician hugs with the Al-Qaeda terrorists who recently killed US soldiers, citizens. Would USA allow Terrorist supporters who consider Al-Qaeda militants as freedom-fighters in its Parliament? Because in Turkey we have been let them to do so...

My point is believe it or not but Kurds in Turkey are enjoying much more freedom than Kurds in Iran, Iraq or Syria. Is it enough? No, we still have a long way ahead of us. Granting more rights to the Kurds is going to happen with or without PKK causing terror. So you may continue to think they have an impact on Turkish politicans decision making process...

To be honest i don't think you give a single fvck to Kurds in Turkey. You are just willing PKK to kill more Turkish citizens and cause more pain. Thus your imaginary pain would ease.
Which country most Pkk members come? Especially now.
I want you to think what would happen if a group of people in USA made a demonstration with the posters of Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda flags? Or think an American politician hugs with the Al-Qaeda terrorists who recently killed US soldiers, citizens. Would USA allow Terrorist supporters who consider Al-Qaeda militants as freedom-fighters in its Parliament? Because in Turkey we have been let them to do so...

Wrong....you are comparing a international terrorist organization that targets just about every country with a totally different objectives and views to the Kurdish rebels who go after Turkish targets only.

My point is believe it or not but Kurds in Turkey are enjoying much more freedom than Kurds in Iran, Iraq or Syria. Is it enough? No, we still have a long way ahead of us. Granting more rights to the Kurds is going to happen with or without PKK causing terror. So you may continue to think they have an impact on Turkish politicans decision making process...

Kurds in Iran have it much better than in Turkey where they are not treated as second class citizens and their kids do not go to your types of famous jails for throwing pebbles at the police.

To be honest i don't think you give a single fvck to Kurds in Turkey. You are just willing PKK to kill more Turkish citizens and cause more pain. Thus your imaginary pain would ease.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.....I don't support PKK of today but I do support Kurds rights in Turkey.

Turkey committed Genocide on Armenians steal their lands, Turkey occupy Cyprus, now its killing the Kurds.......Turkey is a murder State.

Which country most Pkk members come? Especially now.

From the Kurdish population in Turkey.....and operations from Iraq.
All of these terrorist organizations same, its depends on the ideology, ideology of organizations like Al Qaeda covers a wider amount of targets, while ideology of PKK mainly Turkey, Iran and Syria, in the end they're using same way.

Kurds of Iran are not different from Kurds of Turkey, Kurds in Turkey are not treated as second class citizens but just don't have ethno&cultural rights which I also support, its not different in Iran.

Situation of Cyprus is not different then Karabagh, both are illegal, occupiers have valid reasons for themselves and will hold it with military power as long as they can do.

You can cry forever about Armenian genocide we will never recognize these lies.
Wrong....you are comparing a international terrorist organization that targets just about every country with a totally different objectives and views to the Kurdish rebels who go after Turkish targets only.

Totally different objectives with a same tactic, terror. Are you saying that Turkish lifes are less important than others lifes? PKK is an internationally recognized terrorist organization. And no they are not going after only Turkish targets but every citizen of Turkey, Kurds included. Tourists sometimes...

Kurds in Iran have it much better than in Turkey where they are not treated as second class citizens and their kids do not go to your types of famous jails for throwing pebbles at the police.

Like i said before, Kurds in Turkey are enjoying much more freedom not just more than Kurds in Iran, but Turks in Iran, Persians in Iran; briefly every citizens of Iran. Turkey's crippled democracy is still much more better than Iran's totalitarian regime.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.....I don't support PKK of today but I do support Kurds rights in Turkey.

If you really support Kurdsih rights in Turkey, you wouldn't support PKK in the first place. They are generating more hatred between Kurds and Turks, feeding the Kurdish and Turkish fascists... And say that "enemy of my enemy is my friend" near some real Kurds in Turkey. They will show you something if you know what i mean :azn:

Turkey committed Genocide on Armenians steal their lands, Turkey occupy Cyprus, now its killing the Kurds.......Turkey is a murder State.

Oh this again? It must be very hard to be you :undecided:... Turkey is not killing Kurds but terrorists. If you join PKK you will be killed too, like the other Armenian terrorists who joined PKK before...
Kurds in Iran have it much better than in Turkey where they are not treated as second class citizens and their kids do not go to your types of famous jails for throwing pebbles at the police.

Bullsh.t... I personally had numerous neighbours and friends of kurdish ethnicity

As much as PKK porpaganda likes to victimize kurds, Kurds in Turkey have equal citizenship as every other minority. Nobody is treated any different unless they act differently. It's obvious that you've never been in here. If you want to have a real opinion you can visit, we don't actually eat people here.

Prejudice won't do you any good.

And it can't be the state's fault that ethnic kurds have a higher crime rate...

Situation of Cyprus is not different then Karabagh, both are illegal, occupiers have valid reasons for themselves and will hold it with military power as long as they can do.

Except Turkey is a guarantor state in Cyprus, genius.

Armenians invaded karabagh because of historical claims, I see nothing valid with this.
We interfered in Cyprus to save our people from an on-going massacre, not even close.
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