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Lee Kuan Yew on India and China

I think here's a more detailed one:

9:05 to 38:15
Lee Kuan Yew already saw the Indian future from far away. It's a failed state, he is surprised everything is still kept inside the big bubble. I know the Indians admire him so if India wants to emulate Singapore so badly break the country into many parts as separate nations. However the ruling class will not allow it and the corruption continues to be business as usual. Want to become like Singapore? First have a revolution, hang those ruling class, then break the country into many nations like what it used to be before the arrival of the British. Then elect someone capable as LKY to run the country. I know this advice won't be taken seriously by the Indians here because they are probably not those poor ones, lower caste groups who probably couldn't afford getting online. The Indians here do not want India to be cut into pieces but become equally to China. That's never gonna happen, reality is cruel.


This is a pipe dream
What nonsense. Why is this guy so hyped? He sits there like some massive intellectual, but its just the airs. His main point is "there are too many languages in India, but 90% of people in China understand Mandarin". Is that the proof China is superior? He is only exposing his authoritarian mentality.
What nonsense. Why is this guy so hyped? He sits there like some massive intellectual, but its just the airs. His main point is "there are too many languages in India, but 90% of people in China understand Mandarin". Is that the proof China is superior? He is only exposing his authoritarian mentality.

u fucking nobody, probably a slum dog beggar are saying who is Lee Kuan Yew ?
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Lee Kuan Yew already saw the Indian future from far away. It's a failed state, he is surprised everything is still kept inside the big bubble. I know the Indians admire him so if India wants to emulate Singapore so badly break the country into many parts as separate nations. However the ruling class will not allow it and the corruption continues to be business as usual. Want to become like Singapore? First have a revolution, hang those ruling class, then break the country into many nations like what it used to be before the arrival of the British. Then elect someone capable as LKY to run the country. I know this advice won't be taken seriously by the Indians here because they are probably not those poor ones, lower caste groups who probably couldn't afford getting online. The Indians here do not want India to be cut into pieces but become equally to China. That's never gonna happen, reality is cruel.


This is a pipe dream

!ndia is not capable of revolution. Not in a thousand years. They will continue to be the slum capital of the world.
What nonsense. Why is this guy so hyped? He sits there like some massive intellectual, but its just the airs. His main point is "there are too many languages in India, but 90% of people in China understand Mandarin". Is that the proof China is superior? He is only exposing his authoritarian mentality.

Is Indian/Pakistan under Commonwealth military PACT ? In 1960-1966 Indonesia under Soekarno attack Malaysia/Singapore and in respond we need to fight British/Australia/ Malaysia/New Zealand all together in Malaysian soil.
What nonsense. Why is this guy so hyped? He sits there like some massive intellectual, but its just the airs. His main point is "there are too many languages in India, but 90% of people in China understand Mandarin". Is that the proof China is superior? He is only exposing his authoritarian mentality.
Authoritarian shmauritarian

He transformed Singapore from a small village in 1965 to a first world country by 1995.
india, a creation of British Raj, just like you mess all South America counties together and call it South America

it’s better it’s broken up into natural pieces
Bharat is creation of God, do your best to break it and see what happens to your own country :tup:
What nonsense. Why is this guy so hyped? He sits there like some massive intellectual, but its just the airs. His main point is "there are too many languages in India, but 90% of people in China understand Mandarin". Is that the proof China is superior? He is only exposing his authoritarian mentality.

We're not the ones who hyped him.

Joe Biden:
...There are only two men in the world that I've met in my 44 year career that have such a strategic thinking and such a command of international relations. (Lee Kuan Yew) was one, and Henry Kissinger was the other.

Henry Kissinger:
Henry Kissinger himself once admitted that of all the world leaders he has met over the past half-century, none has taught him more than Lee. Richard Nixon famously said that had Lee lived in another time and another place, he may have “attained the world stature of a Churchill, a Disraeli, or a Gladstone.”
SINGAPORE — As he paid his last respects to an old friend today (March 28), former United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, 91, could not contain his emotions and teared up as he walked away from the casket of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew.Speaking to reporters later, Dr Kissinger said: “He meant a lot to me. It was not a friendship of doing things for each other, it was of learning from each other, but it was not a friendship in which you ask favours ..."

Margaret Thatcher:
Yet one relationship stands out as unique: that between Lady Margaret Thatcher and Mr Lee.

"Prime Minister, an hour's talk with you is itself worth a journey halfway round the world and further still," she said at a banquet held in her honour at the Istana in April 1985. "There is no other world leader I have met in my time in office whom I have admired more for the strength of his convictions, the clarity of his views, the directness of his speech and for his vision of the way ahead."

Charlie Munger:
Berkshire Hathaway’s vice chair, Charlie Munger, said Saturday that the one mantra he followed in life came from Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew, the first Prime Minister of Singapore who governed for three decades.

Responding to a question about human nature at the annual Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-A, BRK-B) shareholder meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, Munger said the country’s founding father had a formula for success that he quite liked.

“Lee Kuan Yew — who is the greatest nation builder, probably that ever lived in the history of the world — he said one thing over and over and over again all his life,” and that was to “figure out what works and do it,” said Munger.

“If you want one mantra, it comes from Lee Kuan Yew,” he said.
Don't ask Charlie Munger. Study the life and work of Lee Kuan Yew, you're going to be flabbergasted.

The founding father of Singapore cultivated a deep understanding of China's closed political system, and developed connections with its top leaders, starting with his first visit to China in 1976 when he met Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping.

Deng later visited Singapore, leaving with such a strong impression of the thriving city state, that he's said to have counted Lee his only personal mentor.

Those meetings fostered a deep mutual respect between the two leaders -- Lee's economic advice influenced Deng's thinking, who later set in motion dramatic reforms that catapulted China into a period of modernization and growth.

They also paved the way for continued relations between the two governments. Business connections between China and Singapore have remained strong, and senior Chinese leaders have long been interested in moving toward a Singapore-style model of "guided democracy."

Robert Kuok:
He thought Mr Lee was too obsessed about Singapore. "He wanted to talk about politics all the time. There is more to life than politics. To me, there is more to life than business."

Yet it was Mr Lee's single-mindedness that made Singapore thrive, Mr Kuok acknowledged, and it helped that he possessed "all these strong leadership traits - an intimidating attitude, presence of face and body".

"He was very sure of himself, resolute, even ruthless. But he turned Singapore into a model nation, put in place a government that cared for its people, and made sure that others would not bully Singapore," he said. "The greatest Chinese outside the mainland is Lee Kuan Yew."

I'm too lazy to dig all out.

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