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Live: Prime Minister Imran Khan Address to the Nation

Guess what? Some folks might be inadvertently waking up the "sleeping giant"!! Looks like the Pak folks might behave differently this time...

I like this famous quote from Alexander the Great, who faced a real opposition in the lands comprising of

Freedom comes at a Price , simply shooting a missile into Sea or testing a missile launch does not mean you are free

Turkish people protected their Head of State because they Don't fear anyone but Allah

Real test of your Bravery is when you stand up against injustice

I gurantee you, if you ever have a issue with your relatives, you sit in a panjaet. If your a good person and in the right, noone will take your side, they take the side of the one with wealth, corruption. Before the meeting, its all decided whos side they will take. They can't even open their mouths to say yes you are right and this person is incorrect, they will instead just sit their quietly or take the other side by twisting everything. The same people go to hajj every year. These people don't really fear Allah almighty but they worship people, wealth, land.

If people believe Pakistanis have woken up then let's see on Saturday. I dont want to see 1000s coming out but millions. We have 220M population, can't even 10M come out against corruption and against traitors, they will all leave Khan standing on his own, otherwise already all Pakistan would have been shut down.
Why is this guy copying me in trolling
Imagine if Allama Iqbal or Mohammad Ali Jinnah (Qaid-e-Azam) , had vision and dream of Muslims State , and Donald Lu sent a Letter ?

People rejected any such attempt to silence the Movement

How many time British sent memo to the Muslim Leadership to Quit their demands , and threats ? Most likely many times

People stood behind their Leaders 100%

What did they (Muslims Leaders before 1947 do ? ) Fought every chance they had until the End

They (Allama Iqbal or Mohammad Ali Jinnah (Qaid-e-Azam) )

They Did not say

"Beggars Can't be Choosers !!! "
" Enjoy you Slavery! Go Home !!"
"Or Be Quiet , or the Masters will get Angry!"

If it was not acceptable then it is not acceptable now
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Isn't it amazing how corrupt judges are given an easy escape to rule in whatever insane way and then if someone questions or condemns their flawed decision they are at risk of contempt?

Gn Bajwa, do you also want to join the ranks of these disgraced judges? Seems like it
Us tati doctrine walay luni bajwaaaa da naam na lo..

Asay he bulata haina @lastofthepatriots aap bajwa ko? 🤣🤣
Imagine if Allama Iqbal or Mohammad Ali Jinnah (Qaid-e-Azam) , had vision and dream of Muslims State , and Donald Lu sent a Letter ?

People rejected any such attempt to silence the Movement

How many time British sent memo to the Muslim Leadership to Quit their demands , and threats ? Most likely many times

People stood behind their Leaders 100%

What did they (Muslims Leaders before 1947 do ? ) Fought every chance they had until the End

They (Allama Iqbal or Mohammad Ali Jinnah (Qaid-e-Azam) )

They Did not say

"Beggars Can't be Choosers !!! "
" Enjoy you Slavery! Go Home !!"
"Or Be Quiet , or the Masters will get Angry!"

If it was not acceptable then it is not acceptable now
Imagine it was Fazlur Rehman and Bilawal. We would have ended up in some canal called Bilawalstan. The amount of threats and corruption involved to destroy Pakistan dream would have been unimaginable. This is why Allama Iqbal Ra chased after Muhammad Ali Jinnah Ra for the Pakistani cause. They all knew he would never betray and the sign of his loyalty was Pakistan.
Imagine if Allama Iqbal or Mohammad Ali Jinnah (Qaid-e-Azam) , had vision and dream of Muslims State , and Donald Lu sent a Letter ?

I am Donald Lu, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs. This is an interesting development indeed. I believe that I am on to something. Can you please provide me the postal address of these gentlemen? I think these people might want to learn about a few things about democracy.

Yours sincerely,
Donald Lu.

Ustaad why cross constitutional lines when he can do whatever you said within constitutional framework.
As i said before, he had weak team previously,but he will come now with better team and better prepared.

Just have some patience.
PML-N and PPP already ruled Pakistan for so long and Pakistan has gone nowhere and will not go anywhere if they rule if this time.

He will come back.Be patient.up hold Law.

Because I don't believe in this Constitution. It's just a piece of paper created by flawed humans.

I don't fundamentally buy into the supremacy of the Constitution/democracy bullshit argument. That's why.

It's not so easy to come back. Don't be naive. They will select their own IB chief, Army chief, make appointments in Punjab as they see fit, probably torpedo overseas voting and EVMs, etc.
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Body language of IK is telling he is bogged down. I think he clearly knows now what the establishment wants. Just look at development in these past few days. Just recently, Gen Tariq was asked to not head the commission to investigate this foreign conspiracy. Who could ask that?
Everyone is intelligent enough to know that. Pro PTI voices are being removed from the mainstream media. Whereas Hamid Mir and Salim safi types are still on air.
All this makes it very clear that courts, mil establishment, opposition and media are on one page. Its a shame that a nation of 220 million is enslaved to few elites. But maybe we deserve this. I cannot see how can a person with even average intelligence support all this? How can we allow corrupt people to back in power and expect anything good? A person on bail with cases of billions of rupees will be PM soon. As a nation how can we accept that? Do we have no integrity left?
Tomorrow after isha namaaz, the thieves will see the unity they have created among Pakistanis instead of division.
Inshallah, Allah is with Pakistan. Allah is all powerful , if he wills things can change in less than seconds. Everything is done with His will, everything that is done has some benefit even though we may not see it at the time.
In reply to all those emotional, angry, hopeless and upset posters...have a big heart, as it is a beauty of democratic (with all it's dark sides) system that it is the art of possibilities.

One thing is for sure. Imran Khan will bounce back strongly whenever his time will come. Remain hopeful. Loads of people are getting exposed like Aamir Liaqat which was ....honestly...... a big relief. Opposition parties are exposed, and Imran's fair weather friends are exposed. So guys with due respect, glass is still half for me. Hopefully Imran will have a loads of time for soul searching, regrouping and i desperately want that he will kick out every seasoned LOTA from his party.

Have patience and let history be the judge.
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