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Many rich Chinese are emigrating

Yeah, did you notice where the report originated? Shanghai Daily. Thanks for giving me this link now when Indians bash us for not showing our own corruption we have proof to the contrary.

You are more than welcome!! I'm glad to help!! And, this also lays the rest the charge that I only post negative stories about the PRC. You obviously think that my thread "Corrupt PRC Officials Move $123 B Overseas" is "positive" about the PRC.
You are more than welcome!! I'm glad to help!! And, this also lays the rest the charge that I only post negative stories about the PRC. You obviously think that my thread "Corrupt PRC Officials Move $123 B Overseas" is "positive" about the PRC.

Its good to reveal problems about society. Those who reveal LEGITIMATE, REAL PROBLEMS that CONSTRUCTIVELY help the country are more than welcome to continue doing so. We're not some certain global empire that tries to hide their shame under the facade of "afraid for troops safety".
I can attest to that. UT Austin is only like number 11 in engineering and the course load is already unbearable for many people. 50% of the Engineering school end up dropping out.

Well, US News and World Report ranks it at #8 in the U.S. which means it's one of the top schools in the world for engineering. I'd guess somewhere around the top 20. What this shows is people go simply by name. UT Austin might not have the same name as Harvard or Princeton but it is one of the top engineering schools and better than nearly every Ivy school for engineering. Part of the reason is most ivy league schools don't have separate undergrad schools like engineering and business schools and the other reason is different schools specialize in certain areas. Also, most people outside the U.S. don't realize that many ivy league schools are known for serious grade inflation which means other schools in the top 40-50 in the U.S. can have even more competition once you start attending classes.

In Canada and large UC schools, it's the opposite. Grade deflation to the max in many programs at schools like UC Berkeley, UCLA, University of Toronto St. George and McGill University. They have huge dropout rates and fierce competition because of large class sizes.

Okay, enough of my rant about universities. :coffee:
China's rich swoop on homes overseas

By Hu Yuanyuan (China Daily)
Updated: 2011-06-21 07:57

BEIJING - An increasing number of China's rich are snapping up properties overseas in the expectation that domestic inflation will continue to rise after the consumer price index reached a 34-month high in May.

According to Colliers International, a real estate service provider, the proportion of Chinese buyers in Vancouver's property market is on the rise. At the end of the first quarter this year, it increased to 29 percent of all homebuyers.

In the past six months, Chinese spent 1.3 billion yuan ($200 million) through Colliers' international property department, with Canada, the UK and Australia topping the buying list.

"We are expecting a clear increase in the extent of mainland buyers' purchases of overseas properties this year because of the government's rigorous restraint on the number of homes a family can buy in key cities," said Alan Liu, managing director of Colliers International (North Asia).

Due to the latest financial push from China, the average price of a home in Greater Vancouver rose 12 percent in 2010 and is expected to rise another 3 percent this year, according to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

Demand from mainland immigrants now accounts for 29 percent of all new homes in Vancouver.

The situation in London is similar. Last year, overseas nationals purchased 28 percent of all resale properties across all prime London sites and 54 percent by value in the prime central London area in the more than 5 million pound ($8 million) price bracket, according to a recent report by Savills research.

"If the money from China were to start flowing into London at the same rate it does from billionaires in other countries, we would expect the value of ultra-prime London properties to grow by as much as 15 per cent," said Yolande Barnes, head of Savills residential research. "The issue at present is that Chinese buyers aren't taking, or can't take, their money out of China."

The biggest increase in global billionaires since 2007 has occurred in China and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). While CIS buying activity has been strong, accounting for 15 percent of prime central London purchases by value, Chinese billionaires have yet to have a real impact, accounting for just 3 percent of prime central London resale purchases by value.

But more Chinese from the mainland are seeking various ways to manage their wealth globally.

"An increasing number of people from the Chinese mainland came to us and put their money into a property trust unit in Jersey to save VAT and avoid heritage tax as well as capital gains tax when trading again," said Geoff Cook, chief executive of Jersey Finance, situated on the British island which is a noted offshore financial center.

"Purchasing properties is necessary for the super-rich to allocate their resources globally, but it might not be a good choice for domestic investors from the middle class because it implies that you are betting on the depreciation of the renminbi," said an industry expert helping people purchase properties overseas who declined to be named. "Meanwhile, property prices in mature markets are usually steady, without too much room for price appreciation."

China's rich swoop on homes overseas
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