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Maulvi Faqir Mohammed & Qari Ziaur Rehman killed

chalo jee mar gya mardood. thank god for send him hell his real home
So who's left???

I think they were at least over 15000, they have lost alot of their leaders, but they are known to generate another leader easily plus all their fighters melted away among the population. their ability and capibility need to be crashed altoghther so people will have a peace of mind, hope that day comes soon.
I think they were at least over 15000, they have lost alot of their leaders, but they are known to generate another leader easily plus all their fighters melted away among the population. their ability and capibility need to be crashed altoghther so people will have a peace of mind, hope that day comes soon.

Yes - complete elimination of the insurgency is a long term process that requires both continued and consistent military/law enforcement activity as well as socio-economic development and governance.

While Taliban terrorism and activity has been drastically reduced since last year, and will hopefully continue to fall, complete elimination may take up to a decade or more.
I would hold off on celebrations till the 2 deaths are confirmed, though any Taliban militants killed is good news.
A Decade it's very long time.
The underlying issues that have to resolved are also very complex.

You cannot flick a switch and change the socio-economic and governance conditions in those areas, even if the maority of the people are on your side.

The Taliban and Al Qaeda don't need an entire agency and thousands of militants to carry out one or two bombings a month - all they need is a couple of compounds, and a few poor and uneducated youth that they can brainwash. At the end of the day, the only way you prevent small cells like that from carrying out terrorism is if you have an effective law enforcement and governance set up, in which the citizens trust law enforcement and help provide information that leads to the arrests of people running those cells.

To arrive at that point we have to at least raise the level of governance and local law enforcement to that present in the majro cities in Pakistan - note the frequent arrests in Karachi, Peshawar and Lahore for example.

And even then chances are a few cells will slip through undetected. You just have to keep going at it again, and again and again and continuously improve the capabilities of your law enforcement agencies.
As Good Governance and Socio-Economic Change will never materialize in Pakistan so in other words you are saying Taliban are forever.

Even in highly reduced form.
As Good Governance and Socio-Economic Change will never materialize in Pakistan so in other words you are saying Taliban are forever.

Even in highly reduced form.

Without improvements in governance and law enforcement, and socio-economic development, yes, terrorists such as the TTP and Al Qaeda will continue to exist in one form or another and continue to carry out terrorism, albeit on a much reduced scale than what we have seen since 2006-07.

That said, development, governance and law enforcement are not the only issues that impact the situation. Notice that the US and Europe continue to break up terrorist plots and potential attacks, despite having strong institutions and law enforcement.

The ideological underpinnings of intolerance and hatred for the 'other' have to be addressed as well. In Pakistan for example, vilification of the 'other', whether it be Shia, Ahmadi, Hindu or Jew needs to end.

Jews and Hindus have done nothing - the States of Israel and India have. By directing our outrage on a people, Jews and/or Hindus, we make prejudice, intolerance towards a people on the basis of faith/ethnicity/ideology justifiable - and that IMO is part of the underpinnings of Taliban/AL qaeda/Laskar-e-Jhangvi ideology.

Where some people express prejudice and hatred towards Jews, Hindus and Ahmadis, the Taliban use the same to express hatred and prejudice towards even other Muslims who do not agree with their perverted interpretation of Islam.

We must realize that we have to respect all people of all faiths and races - that is a basic tenet of civilized society and of the Islam I know. We do not have to respect political entities such as Israel and India, but we need to make a distinction between the State and the people of Israel and India, people who have hopes, dreams and everyday problems largely identical to those of Muslims.

Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox.

Hope the deaths are confirmed.
sometimes i feel we were living happily in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan and other South Asian regions. No bomb blast, no word of terrorism, no Taliban, No Osamah, No TTP no other terrorist organisations and then Suddenly one 9/11 takes place that change the world upside down. Suddenly Muslims becomes terrorist....... suddenly all the World starts hating Muslims........... suddenly Muslims starts killing muslims....... suddenly Americans invade Afghanistan and Iraq. Suddenly suicide bombings starts in Pakistan. Suddenly foreigners stops coming to Pakistan. Suddenly Pakistan is considered the most dangerous country in the world........................ etc etc etc

All thanks to Americans who entered in America and educated us about TTP type extremists

Allah knows best yara........... i too consider these organisations as terrorists but when i read Maulvi X and Mullah Y and Maulana Z killed............ it really hurts and i am compelled to think twice whether all we see in the media is right or what they are hiding from the media is truth
sometimes i feel we were living happily in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan and other South Asian regions. No bomb blast, no word of terrorism, no Taliban, No Osamah, No TTP no other terrorist organisations and then Suddenly one 9/11 takes place that change the world upside down.

Well, Things din't change overnight after 9/11. Terrorism existed in this region from the time of Afgan-Russia war, when USA and Pakistan supported Taliban and once the war ended the insurgency in Kashmir began. You might have not experienced it in Pakistan side of kashmir, but on Indian side of Kashmir we did suffer constant terrorist attacks, plane hijacking etc.
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