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Mehbub Ali Chishty exposes Congress-Modi conspiracy

nice video dude...it will be nice if everyone keeps religion out of politics...otherwise cunning parties like congress will come in power and ruin our country..
Is it neccessary to have Congress v/s BJP fight on daily basis.

Cunning congress!!!....

Trying their best to defame Modi!!!...

Down Down Congress!!! and Sonia....

Well there are some holes in his speech but understand this, no one is clean, everyone does mistakes if today Modi is willing to patch up with Muslims, why it is not allowed. Did congress not patched with Sikhs?

Modi is actually a changed man and we should take this into account.
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wrong section. Mods can move to India defense section
So i need to get a new life just for posting in a wrong section!!!! :rofl:

Mods plz move it to appropriate section

no mate you need a life cuz you cant think of any thing above the political party you support. also this is a defense forum .
Well this is for sure that Corrupt Congresi Thugs can go donw to any level to defame NaMo.......

Congressi = sh!t heads!

Remove these scums and bring back NDA into power! And if even still ppl of India vote for Fking Congress then no need to whine after that which you ppl are doing frm past 3 years..
Well, I know many people, who have lots of time for cursing political parties, but don't have time to VOTE.
You got that one right bro. Many who whine at the incompetence of our politicians were busy partying ,watching movies or just sleeping on the voting day rather than going out and exercising their right to vote.

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