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Militants find new haven

Most important thing here is to distinguish between real Jihadis and terrorist trained by RAW, we cannot kill our own people, but killing RAW agents is must.
wars are not fought with emotions

First clear Aurakzai, Kurram etc
and when the main areas are clear go to NWA

if you streach ur troops you are fool. PA is on step by step approch and thats the most sensible thing
we cannot leave our eastren border vulnerable to india , we have to fight TTP and its associates with the reserves not engaged with defense of our eastren border
The bottom line is PA must fight with those who hurt Pakistan like TPP and North Wazirs are not hurting Pakistan. If they are not doing anything within Pakistan why PA should fight with them. More importantly operations have already stretched a lot and it would be like going back to square 1 if no development takes place in cleared areas. Those who get hurt by North Wazirs must stop them while entering/ exiting Afghanistan and last but not the least PA can't be oblivious of Eastern border so they have to keep some reserves for that.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Most important thing here is to distinguish between real Jihadis and terrorist trained by RAW, we cannot kill our own people, but killing RAW agents is must.

Keep chasing your own tail. You might be able to bite tip of your tail only. :rofl:
No, we will not and shall not go into North Waziristan.

Well, then, WE will. Hey! North Waziristan! Look out below:

After all, as you have admitted, NW is not sovereign Pakistani territory.

MIRAMSHAH: A pre-dawn drone attack killed at least 21 militants in North Waziristan Agency. Missiles are expensive but our resolve is total. And thanks to your Chinese buddies for lending us the money to build them!
Drone strikes to date in 2010:

• US strikes kill 6 in North Waziristan
April 16, 2010
• US strike kills 4 in Taliban stronghold of North Waziristan
April 14, 2010
• US strike kills 5 Taliban in North Waziristan
April 12, 2010
• US strikes kill 6 in North Waziristan
March 30, 2010
• US strike kills 4 in North Waziristan
March 27, 2010
• US kills 6 in strike against Haqqani Network
March 23, 2010
• US strike kills 4 in North Waziristan
March 21, 2010
• US kills 8 terrorists in 2 new airstrikes in North Waziristan
March 17, 2010
• US Predator strike in North Waziristan kills 11 Taliban, al Qaeda
March 16, 2010
• US airstrike kills 12 in North Waziristan
March 10, 2010
• US airstrike in North Waziristan kills 5 Taliban fighters
March 8, 2010
• US hits Haqqani Network in North Waziristan, kills 8
Feb. 24, 2010
• US airstrikes target Haqqani Network in North Waziristan
Feb. 18, 2010
• Latest US airstrike kills 3 in North Waziristan
Feb. 17, 2010
• US strike kills 4 in North Waziristan
Feb. 15, 2010
• US strikes training camp in North Waziristan
Feb. 14, 2010
• Predators pound terrorist camp in North Waziristan
Feb. 2, 2010
• US airstrike targets Haqqani Network in North Waziristan
Jan. 29, 2010
• US airstrike in North Waziristan kills 6
Jan. 19, 2010
• Latest US airstrike in Pakistan kills 20
Jan. 17, 2010
• US strikes kill 11 in North Waziristan
Jan. 15, 2010
• US airstrike hits Taliban camp in North Waziristan
Jan. 14, 2010
• US airstrike kills 4 Taliban fighters in North Waziristan
Jan. 9, 2010
• US airstrike kills 5 in North Waziristan
Jan. 8, 2010
• US kills 17 in latest North Waziristan strike
Jan. 6, 2010
• US airstrike kills 2 Taliban fighters in Mir Ali in Pakistan
Jan. 1, 2010

Can you detect a geographical pattern?
And, besides, check this out:


Guess the PA isn't [totally] following your advice ....

You are correct North Waziristan is not sovereign Pakistani territory, that is why Drone strikes are allowed there.

Also could you provide me with references that indicate that Gul Bahadur Commandos, Hekmatyar Group or Haqqani Network have attacked the Pakistani Military.

As for drone strikes, have they killed any of these people. But of course these are old friends. They were very instrumental in defeating the Soviets.

1973-1979: US Starts to Provide Support to Islamists Opposing the Soviets in Afghanistan
In 1973 Afghan Prince Muhammad Daoud ousts the Afghan king with help from the Soviet Union, and establishes an Afghan republic. The CIA in turn begins funding Islamist extremists, including Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, as a resistance movement opposing the Soviets. US allies Iran, with its intelligence agency SAVAK, and Pakistan, with its intelligence agency the ISI, play an important role in funneling weapons and other forms of assistance to the Afghan Islamist militants. After the pro-Soviet coup in April 1978, the Islamic militants with the support of the ISI carry out a massive campaign of terrorism, assassinating hundreds of teachers and civil servants. [DREYFUSS, 2005, PP. 260 - 263]

(1986): Pentagon Official Asks Afghan Commanders about Diverting Resources to Arab Fighters
Assistant Undersecretary of Defence Michael Pillsbury flies to the Afghan frontier to review training facilities used by two Afghan warlords, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and Abdul Rasul Sayyaf. Although Pillsbury is not involved in the day-to-day running of the Soviet-Afghan War, he chairs an interagency White House group that sets US policy on its support for anti-Soviet forces in Afghanistan. During the meetings, Pillsbury asks the two rebel commanders, both noted for their close relationship with Arab volunteers fighting in the war, about how effective the Arabs are and whether the US should allocate resources to them directly. However, both commanders reply that they do not want aid or supplies to be diverted to the Arabs, they want everything they can get for themselves. [COLL, 2008, PP. 286-287] Despite this, CIA Director William Casey comes to an agreement with the Pakistani ISI to boost Arab participation in the war (see 1985-1986), and a group of Arabs led by Osama bin Laden will establish a camp independent of the Afghan leaders later in the year (see Late 1986).

Many more here:

History Commons

CIA and ISI created some very nice guys.

April 26, 2009: Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal and Brent Scowcroft Advise Obama Administration to Ally with Jalaluddin Haqqani, Negotiate with Taliban
Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal, former intelligence chief and ambassador to Washington (see May 1998), recommends the Obama administration emulate earlier administrations and work with insurgent leader Jalaluddin Haqqani, a key Pakistan-based Taliban ally who has had ties to the ISI, CIA, and Osama bin Laden (see Early October 2001). Haqqani is “someone who could be reached out to… to negotiate and bring [the Taliban] into the fold,” Prince Turki tells a group of government and business leaders and journalists over a dinner in Washington organized by blogger Steve Clemons. Haqqani is thought to be behind recent suicide attacks in Afghanistan, and is suspected to have been behind the attempted assassination of Hamid Karzai (see April 27, 2008). Brent Scowcroft, national security adviser to President Gerald Ford and President George H. W. Bush, also urges the US to negotiate with some members of the Taliban in Afghanista

Charles wilson described Haqqani as Goodness personified.

These people are old friends, why would they be harmed. Both our governments like them and used them. So no problem.
Spoke like a true son of America! Let the machines do the work.

Hey T-Faz!!! Our machines are on the job!!!

US drone kills seven in North Waziristan

Saturday, 24 Apr, 2010

MIRAMSHAH: A US drone fired three missiles into a militant compound in Pakistan's tribal area near the Afghan border on Saturday, killing seven militants, security officials said.

The strike took place at 9:00 pm in Marsi khel area, 20 kilometers east of Miramshah, the main town of North Waziristan.

The nationalities of the seven dead militants were not immediately clear, a senior Pakistani security official told AFP on condition of anonymity. Another security official confirmed the strike and the death toll.—AFP

DAWN.COM | Provinces | US drone kills seven in North Waziristan
Hey T-Faz!!! Our machines are on the job!!!

US drone kills seven in North Waziristan

Saturday, 24 Apr, 2010

MIRAMSHAH: A US drone fired three missiles into a militant compound in Pakistan's tribal area near the Afghan border on Saturday, killing seven militants, security officials said.

The strike took place at 9:00 pm in Marsi khel area, 20 kilometers east of Miramshah, the main town of North Waziristan.

The nationalities of the seven dead militants were not immediately clear, a senior Pakistani security official told AFP on condition of anonymity. Another security official confirmed the strike and the death toll.—AFP

DAWN.COM | Provinces | US drone kills seven in North Waziristan

You know the soviets used to bomb refugee camps in Pakistan during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, hoping to crush the resistance.

The outlaw bank: a wild ride into ... - Google Books

Page 313, second paragraph.

Why is your country following the exact same pattern as the soviets did. This needs revision, perhaps you can tell your regional intelligence units to review their policies and reevaluate their goals.

I believe your country is looking for Haqqani network.

From 'goodness personified' to deadly CIA attack suspect - Americas, World - The Independent

And I do not think you read my other posts when I have said that rather than going all out, covert operations would be the best solution.

We do not have unlimited resources and finance like your country does to sustain such a hostile insurgency, especially when its within Pakistan. We are a poor country and have to solve our own problems first relating to electricity, water, poverty, illiteracy and extremism.

You are looking for your countries best interest and I am looking out for my countries best interest.
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No, we will not and shall not go into North Waziristan.


lets see pick one reason from the following

1) your army is not capable to out run them

2)its not pakistan's territory ....its talibanistan and we dont invade other countries.

3)we wont because since they are our only hope for free supplies of high tech equipments with which we can fight with india.......coz we are too lazy to earn our own money and buy military stuff....its a long process......see this way is easy....we allow some terrorists to have some local weapons and we get free high tech stuff...now how easy is that!!!!!

4)if you have any other reason ...please do give them......thats option 4

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