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Minority loving Modi Govt wants to abolish Christmas Holidays!!

Do you think Modi Govt is good for India?

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So in short, there is no difference between past and present governments.. All are same, just the flag that is different.

Which previous regime appointed SIT to bring back black money ? ,Which other government supported Army to use full force against cease fire violation? Which other government took strong action in WTO issue ?and inflation reduction ,FDI inflow,quick defense procurements ,diplomatic victories ,initiative for manufacturing in India and lot of other things in past six months ...if you feel no differences from previous regimes either you are living in denial or ignorant about things happening around you
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@Mike_Brando isnt it all the excuses given by UPA government? BJP also following the suit..
So just tell me what do you really want!Do you want us to go for an all out war against a nuclear power and in the process turn it into a full scale nuclear war!!
In case of the "Black money" issue,at least this Govt. has promptly appointed a S.I.T. and has even susccessfully recovered around 500 names of the alleged "Black money" holders from Switzerland itself and has given that list to the S.C. for future investigation,all in the matter of mere 6 months.On the contrary the UPA Gvt. despite ruling this country for 10 full years had failed to even appoint a S.I.T. in the first place.So i don't see any reason why we should compare the present NDA Govt. with the previous one...:coffee:
Hinduism will never perish. It is in the hearts and blood of Indians. We may be Christian by faith but in our hearts we believe in the culture and traditions of our great country.

Christians are very clear about their priorities. Country comes first.
Mate do you really think that we Hindus will allow forcefully mass conversion and genocide of the entire christian community when we all know that nearly all of them are loyal to this country!I do admit that we have got a few fringe religious extremist groups who need to be brought under control but then again every religious community in India has a few of these brainwashed extremists among them.Hindus have peacefully co-existed with the Christian and the Muslim communities since time immemorial and it will continue to do so in the future too.

I thought Gangulis are either Bengali or Assamiya!
Nah that's not his real name,afaik it's the name of one of his favorite professors.Sarthak sir is a Kashmiri Pandit living in Kashmir:cheers:.
Dude, dont be surprised by the discrimination here.. It was there for a long time.. First it was covertly, then it become open. Somehow, even the old practices of Hinduism is also because of Christians faults. Its the new version mate.. Everything is re written..

One lady was saying like we were from Europe and Hinduism did a favour to me by allowing me to stay here.. Hindus from other country have more privilages than us and we are becoming second class citizens..

No one is going to utter a word now. #secularism. :enjoy:

New Delhi, Dec 15: An administrative officer of prestigious St Stephen’s College has accused its principal Reverend Valson Thampu of pressurising him to convert to Christianity, says media report.
According to the report published in an English daily, the administrative officer, Subha Kumar Das, had written a letter to the principal asking him not to torture him mentally for converting to Christianity. After which, Das was suspended for sending the missive, report says.

In the letter, Das said, “I was induced for conversion by you (principal) in beginning of the year 2014 which I had taken serious objection to and pleaded with you not to force me for conversion. Your wife came to my residence and told my wife in evening hour not to disclose this matter as it may tarnish your image.”

“In month of October 2014, you tried to offer me a mobile phone and told me that same mobile was given to you by previous Bishop which I did not accept and strongly objected and requested you not to force for conversion as I strongly believe in my Hindu religion and form of worship,” he further wrote.

According to media report, the letter also alleged that the principal threatened Das of dire consequences for not abiding by his diktat of converting into Christianity. In the letter Das mentioned that principal told him how Mess Steward and Estate Officer were replaced with Christians. As a result of constant mental torture.

On the other hand, principal Valson Thampu has denied any such charges. “Anybody can make allegations but that doesn’t mean they are all true.”

Meanwhile, the issue is likely to snowball into major controversy as the matter will be taken up in next Governing Body meeting of the college.

Reacting to same, DU’s Administrative Officers’ Association has demanded a meeting with principal. “Earlier the principal agreed to have a meeting on Monday but now it has been postponed. We will be meeting him on Wednesday or Friday. We want to speak to him first why he took such drastic step (of suspending Das),” said Pradeep Kumar Mohanty, member of the association.

'St Stephen’s principal asked staffer to convert' - NewsroomPost
So just tell me what do you really want!Do you want us to go for an all out war against a nuclear power and in the process turn it into a full scale nuclear war!!
In case of the "Black money" issue,at least this Govt. has promptly appointed a S.I.T. and has even susccessfully recovered around 500 names of the alleged "Black money" holders from Switzerland itself and has given that list to the S.C. for future investigation,all in the matter of mere 6 months.On the contrary the UPA Gvt. despite ruling this country for 10 full years had failed to even appoint a S.I.T. in the first place.So i don't see any reason why we should compare the present NDA Govt. with the previous one...:coffee:

Let me show you






Dude, dont be surprised by the discrimination here.. It was there for a long time.. First it was covertly, then it become open. Somehow, even the old practices of Hinduism is also because of Christians faults. Its the new version mate.. Everything is re written..

One lady was saying like we were from Europe and Hinduism did a favour to me by allowing me to stay here.. Hindus from other country have more privilages than us and we are becoming second class citizens..
Oh come on Seiko,you should stop listening to that woman named Indrani/Saheli.I mean she even spilled her hatred towards the entire Bengali Hindu community numerous times and even called us "Mlechchas"(non-believers) and anti-national race:D!!On the other hand did you ever see me or any other Dharmic members bad mouthing against the minorities!I mean i am only against the forceful conversion of the poor Dharmic populace by those foreign Evangelists but i hold great respect to the entire Christian community.Heck my own family members are married to Christian persons.

Well for some people, Hindus are welcomed here with open hands while minorities were branded as traitors, unpatriotic, loyal to Western countries and not following dharmic faiths. :)
Now I would call this part reasonably unfair, to start with; was there any government in last 3-4 years?
At times the hypocrisy makes you want to tear your hair. :D Then your eyes wander to the Signature on the right and you are back in heaven. :P

Well for some people, Hindus are welcomed here with open hands while minorities were branded as traitors, unpatriotic, loyal to Western countries and not following dharmic faiths. :)
Which people? Quote them and quote their posts.
Let me show you







First AAdhar card : 50000+ crore ruppes spent on that project if AAdhar is withdrawed that tax payers money will be wasted Do you want waste that money due to political reasons ?

For every cease fire violation appropriate reply was given ,Same in the case of Chinese incursions

66 ministers still small than the 79 ministers by UPA

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