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Mohammad Rizwan praying on NYC streets

I have prayed on the streets of NYC, generally I only did it when I saw a group prayer happening (such as in union square park), so as to join in, and those that were there had set up in a corner that doesn’t obstructed the flow of pedestrian traffic. New Yorkers don’t really care if you’re praying they just don’t want anything to slow down their commute. We generally have it timed to make our connections between subways on our way to work, or are trying to get to an event ASAP.

vendors with carts and taxi drivers do this all the time, next to their carts, almost unnoticeable by the public, as we are generally walking at a brisk pace to get to out next destination.

The sidewalk wasn’t busy, so it doesn’t look like anyone minded. IMHO, he would be better off paying either next to the building or near the car. But this is New York, so we accept this. We also accept the Hari Krishna people that hang out in union square as a part of our city’s diversity.

They are literally out here celebrating, we just go, ok whatever. If you listen to people in this live feed, happening right now, the only thing authorities are saying during this parade/mela/religious procession is “keep it moving”.
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I have prayed on the streets of NYC, generally I only did it when I saw a group prayer happening (such as in union square park), so as to join in, and those that were there had set up in a corner that doesn’t obstructed the flow of pedestrian traffic.

vendors with carts and taxi drivers do this all the time, next to their carts, almost unnoticeable by the public, as we are generally walking at a brisk pace to get to out next destination.
What's the purpose of praying on the streets or in public? its NYC, there is a mosque on every other street corner within a 2 mile radius.

Your thoughts on this? is Rizwan being a public nuisance? or do you support his right to pray anywhere he wants to show off his piousness for Allah in front of others?

Maghrib prayer has short time window

Nothing wrong with this in the free world happens all over the world . Africa , Europe , USA , Australia Asia no one cares part from butt hurt Indian on PDF who thinks praying salaah at its correct time which is a commandment from Almighty God is show boating .


I have prayed on the streets of NYC, generally I only did it when I saw a group prayer happening (such as in union square park), so as to join in, and those that were there had set up in a corner that doesn’t obstructed the flow of pedestrian traffic.

vendors with carts and taxi drivers do this all the time, next to their carts, almost unnoticeable by the public, as we are generally walking at a brisk pace to get to out next destination.

Happens in U.K. also quite often . No one bats an eyelid as it’s worship of God
Maghrib prayer has short time window

Nothing wrong with this in the free world happens all over the world . Africa , Europe , USA , Australia Asia no one cares part from but hurt Indian on PDF who thinks praying salaah at its correct time which is a commandment from Almighty God is show boating .

It is nothing more then showboating, there is a mosque on every street corner in any urban metro. He could have just walked a few minutes to offer his prayers in a mosque, what message does that give others about his/her faith? it is no wonder most Muslim immigrants are ghettoized and don't do much outside of driving cabs, living on government assistance, or working as low level drones in Kebab shops or Halal food markets.
It is nothing more then showboating, there is a mosque on every street corner in any urban metro. He could have just walked a few minutes to offer his prayers in a mosque, what message does that give others about his/her faith? it is no wonder most Muslim immigrants are ghettoized and don't do much outside of driving cabs, living on government assistance, or working as low level drones in Kebab shops or Halal food markets.

He couldn’t if you look at the sky but then again you shouldn’t comment or draw conclusions on something you know not of

I could make a thread on this


But I honestly couldn’t give a **** as I was brought up in the free world with an open mind .

Do they not pray in the streets of India ?
What's the purpose of praying on the streets or in public? its NYC, there is a mosque on every other street corner within a 2 mile radius.
Because we are New Yorkers, we don’t take too long to do anything. A small break and back to work. It’s actually a sign of a hard working person. I work with religious Jewish people as well, and they have a prayer where they go face the wall for a few minutes and pray (I assume reading a prayer book, but I don’t ask), and then come back to work.

I think most working New Yorkers think this is like any other break; coffee/smoke/bathroom break. And we Just get back to work when we come back.

I’ve even prayed as a kid at JFK airport and at the old WTC, in a small room or off to the side when it was prayer time. No one notices no one cares, we have a live and let live attitude. The same goes for how most New Yorkers feel about LGBTQI+ people. That’s their faith/way of life.

Google pictures of cart vendors in New York praying. You will see countless examples of people quietly praying literally up against the cart or a small disgrace away, but still keeping to the side of the sidewalk. That how we do it in New York.
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He couldn’t if you look at the sky but then again you shouldn’t comment or draw conclusions on something you know not of

I could make a thread on this
They don't have to showcase it in front of the whole world, and how much of a difference does a few minutes take? religion is an affair between man and god, not some fashion label to show off to others.
View attachment 933632

But I honestly couldn’t give a **** as I was brought up in the free world with an open mind .

Do they not pray in the streets of India ?
That is one isolated incident of a bunch of lunatics, and even then you don't see consistent trends of Hindus praying on the streets or blocking traffic to pray. You won't find much Sikhs or Christians praying on the streets, they have the decency to keep their faith to themselves and pray behind closed doors.
They don't have to showcase it in front of the whole world, and how much of a difference does a few minutes take? religion is an affair between man and god, not some fashion label to show off to others.

That is one isolated incident of a bunch of lunatics, and even then you don't see consistent trends of Hindus praying on the streets or blocking traffic to pray. You won't find much Sikhs or Christians praying on the streets, they have the decency to keep their faith to themselves and pray behind closed doors.

He wasn’t showcasing it , the photo was taken by a passer by . You could pray in any street in London & no one would care .

Don’t muslims pray in the street in India ?

Harmed no one

Got on with it

No one else cared

Hindutva bakhts and Pakistani liberals lose their shit

No one cares in the west , seen it many times

Bothered ..... NO . Haven’t got time or the mind to give a flying f*#*.

The Sikhs pray & do martial arts stuff with swords in my local park , blue turboned ones .Hindus light there little metal candle things & leave them in public .

Don’t give 2 shits nothing to do with me as it’s there worship

Do not care an iota
In the west boats offices have multi faith prayer rooms, at least its marked that way. But it's usually used only my Muslims. Once I took my prayer stuff with a small pic of what i believe to pray but I was not allowed by the mulims to share the room. Then what multi faith

Your thoughts on this? is Rizwan being a public nuisance? or do you support his right to pray anywhere he wants to show off his piousness for Allah in front of others?

Why are Indians so obsessed with Muslims and Pakistanis. It’s clear as daylight that you’re an Indian posting controversial articles about Pakistanis and Muslims. I’ve succinctly observed this pattern with you and many other Indians. They’ll claim to be Muslims or Pakistanis on social media on Muslim or Pakistani related content and leave dubious comments/agenda.

I’ve also noticed them on right wing white nationalists websites and claim to be white nationalists and bad mouth Muslims.

Why are Indians so obsessed with Muslims and Islam? It’s pathetic and disgusting. Just very offputting. Y’all never be accepted by us so maybe this is why you slime your way over here to join in our conversations.

** not all Indians but I’d have to say many in past 5 years who’ve come here have a clear agenda.

Your thoughts on this? is Rizwan being a public nuisance? or do you support his right to pray anywhere he wants to show off his piousness for Allah in front of others?
He can pray where he wants. Allah created this world and the only limit he placed on where we pray is that it's clean.

What's the purpose of praying on the streets or in public? its NYC, there is a mosque on every other street corner within a 2 mile radius.

It's because he can so he will.

Why does it light a fire up your dhoti?

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