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More than 1 lakh Muslims clerics sign fatwa against terrorism in Bangladesh

It could be that, some sensitisation before publishing it. Nothing wrong with it. The basics are clear: it is against terrorism.
You're not worried that they may be trying to leverage the public's hatred of terrorism by getting it to blindly commit to supporting something else?

Look at that guy, Chowdhury. He was arrested for terrorism, yes? On the grounds that he met a former Israeli official, right? So don't you think it's likely that this "fatwa" is going to be another smear-piece blaming non-Muslims and slackers for terrorism, which Bangladeshis will be denounced as terror-supporters if they object to it?
Joey, the likes of you are impressed with cow urine soda and your Durga Ma appearing out of a smokescreen as well, so this doesn't really tell anyone anything.

If you were indeed an enlightened man, you would assess the situation without bias and realize that your 'side' is wrong. I do acknowledge you as an intellectual, but the shame of it all is that you still continue to hold onto your biases at this old age.

I have to ask you something. It's not for the forum or nationalism, but something personal. If you were to die, would you go out touting that same Indian agenda driven rhetoric, or do you actually see things in an unbiased, non-nationalistic, non-religious way in favor of human rights?

You were always a sharp old man, but the problem with you is nationalism. Your ideals never met with your nation or beliefs.

I'd prefer a direct response as opposed to one of your drawn out, victorian-esque rambles that lead into praising yourself. I love narcissism as much as the next guy, but I'm getting older myself and have little time for it.

I've given you a negative for the insults to the religious beliefs of many of my countrymen. You could have written what you did without that cheap shot. However, I will answer your questions as truthfully as I know how to.

I don't really see 'my' side as wrong. But that depends on what you and I define as 'my' side. I believe that there is an enormous gulf between the two.

Would I go out touting (your word, not mine) the same Indian rhetoric or not? What do you mean by 'Indian' rhetoric? When you use weasel words like that, each phrase loaded with toxic meaning, what sort of answer do you expect? Are you, yourself, being honest and straightforward, or do you think I do not recognise the question,"When did you stop beating your wife?" as what it is? As far as a truthful self-examination goes, I do see things, as this exchange is going on, in an unbiased, relatively less-nationalistic, absolutely non-religious way, and in favour of the rights of the individual human being, not of the way that human rights is defined today.

I am unable to understand how you conclude that my nationalism, a sentiment that I follow Tagore in despising, by the way, do not meet with my nation or my beliefs. That simply doesn't compute.What is it supposed to mean? If you can make it clearer, I might be able to engage with it with greater comprehension and clarity. If it is supposed to mean that there is a false veneer of nationalism which is not based on the true worth of the nation I belong to, or that this false veneer also clashes with the value system that I have revealed elsewhere and in other places, do say so. I know how to answer that.

As for drawn-out Victorian-esque rambles, that is how I write. If you want me to write Hemingway-esque, I pass. Shove it up your Creative English teacher's tight buns. My narcissism is, as is usual with narcissism, peculiarly my own, and doesn't bear sharing. I hope you understand that you have to grow your own and give it your love by yourself; you can't love mine.

@jbgt90 I am trying to drive the world further away, but it's funny how it keeps shoving its arse right in my face.
You're not worried that they may be trying to leverage the public's hatred of terrorism by getting it to blindly commit to supporting something else?

Look at that guy, Chowdhury. He was arrested for terrorism, yes? On the grounds that he met a former Israeli official, right? So don't you think it's likely that this "fatwa" is going to be another smear-piece blaming non-Muslims and slackers for terrorism, which Bangladeshis will be denounced as terror-supporters if they object to it?

That Israeli official was talking high to topple the Gov of BD and it was suspected, that Chowdhuri guy who is joint secretary of BNP met with him in respect to that. You shouldnt be surprised.

Safadi in India: “Soon, the gates of Bangladesh will open up to Israelis”

Mendi Safadi, the head of the Safadi Center for International Diplomacy and Advocacy, is working in order to topple the Muslim Brotherhood run government within Bangladesh in favor of a new government that supports establishing full diplomatic and economic relations with Israel.

In order to bring justice to persecuted minorities and to prevent the ethnic cleansing of tens of thousands of deprived people is the essence of the intensive work being done by Mendi Safadi, the head of the Safadi Center for International Diplomacy and Advocacy. He is presently visiting India and discussing with officials there the plight of minorities in Bangladesh, who have been suffering in recent years by an ethnic cleansing attempt orchestrated by the Muslim Brotherhood that took over the country in 2014.


Safadi held meetings with various officials in order to coordinate positions regarding courses of actions to take in order to preserve the international community’s interests as the changes in the political map within Bangladesh do not only threaten ethnic minorities as the country has also become a haven for terrorists. Safadi is investing considerable efforts in order to have the present government within Bangladesh replaced with one that supports having full diplomatic and economic relations with Israel.

“Soon, the gates of Bangladesh will open up to Israelis in all aspects and this is not an impossible wish,” Safadi explained. “To work for the freedom of oppressed and persecuted people is a moral obligation, so I am here to help these people. Here, there is a real story not like Palestinian plots. Here, people are persecuted and murdered just because they are different. In this place, I am proud to be Israeli and am proud that I was able to get many people to sympathize with Israel even though it is written on their passport that they are allowed to visit any country all over the world except Israel. This I am going to change.”

@Joe Shearer you gave me a negative rating. It doesn't bother me, but the only thing I wanted was a response.

I've called you a lot of worse things before, it seems funny that this one hurt you. :lol:

Just to repeat what I wrote in my fairly detailed reply, the negative was not to do with me - not at all. That didn't particularly bother me. It was the scummy religious insult. Just when I've been going around wishing my observant friends Ramzan Kareem. Really funny twist.

You're not worried that they may be trying to leverage the public's hatred of terrorism by getting it to blindly commit to supporting something else?

Look at that guy, Chowdhury. He was arrested for terrorism, yes? On the grounds that he met a former Israeli official, right? So don't you think it's likely that this "fatwa" is going to be another smear-piece blaming non-Muslims and slackers for terrorism, which Bangladeshis will be denounced as terror-supporters if they object to it?

I'm an optimist. An incurable one. I'll probably die of it, thinking that I can trust a person, a group, a social formation, an ethnic set, a nation, all that kind of crap, and finding out too late - it's 11:55 now on that clock - that they're going to kill me. Read the Ballad of Reading Gaol.

So I'd rather hope that this is positive than draw all the wrong conclusions before even it gets a full hearing. And viewing. Let me hope, OK?
I've given you a negative for the insults to the religious beliefs of many of my countrymen. You could have written what you did without that cheap shot. However, I will answer your questions as truthfully as I know how to.

I don't really see 'my' side as wrong. But that depends on what you and I define as 'my' side. I believe that there is an enormous gulf between the two.

Would I go out touting (your word, not mine) the same Indian rhetoric or not? What do you mean by 'Indian' rhetoric? When you use weasel words like that, each phrase loaded with toxic meaning, what sort of answer do you expect? Are you, yourself, being honest and straightforward, or do you think I do not recognise the question,"When did you stop beating your wife?" as what it is? As far as a truthful self-examination goes, I do see things, as this exchange is going on, in an unbiased, relatively less-nationalistic, absolutely non-religious way, and in favour of the rights of the individual human being, not of the way that human rights is defined today.

I am unable to understand how you conclude that my nationalism, a sentiment that I follow Tagore in despising, by the way, do not meet with my nation or my beliefs. That simply doesn't compute.What is it supposed to mean? If you can make it clearer, I might be able to engage with it with greater comprehension and clarity. If it is supposed to mean that there is a false veneer of nationalism which is not based on the true worth of the nation I belong to, or that this false veneer also clashes with the value system that I have revealed elsewhere and in other places, do say so. I know how to answer that.

As for drawn-out Victorian-esque rambles, that is how I write. If you want me to write Hemingway-esque, I pass. Shove it up your Creative English teacher's tight buns. My narcissism is, as is usual with narcissism, peculiarly my own, and doesn't bear sharing. I hope you understand that you have to grow your own and give it your love by yourself; you can't love mine.

@jbgt90 I am trying to drive the world further away, but it's funny how it keeps shoving its arse right in my face.

It was never about your perspective on issues Joey. You could have been born on either side of the border, but ultimately I baited you into revealing yourself.

Your only God is your ego.

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It was never about your perspective on issues Joey. You could have been born on either side of the border, but ultimately I baited you into revealing yourself.

You're only God is your ego.


How did you get that? You challenged my perspective on issues, precisely, and nothing else. As far as my ego is concerned, it's wrapped up in an obsession with facts. And that's a bad thing?

If you are who you say you are, you also know that I don't react to personal attacks, except those that attack my integrity and truthfulness.
That Israeli official was talking high to topple the Gov of BD and it was suspected, that Chowdhuri guy who is joint secretary of BNP met with him in respect to that. You shouldnt be surprised.
So if the fatwa does baselessly slander Jews, Zionists, non-Muslims, etc. then you will have no issue with it. How is that supposed to help the fight against terrorism?
I've given you a negative for the insults to the religious beliefs of many of my countrymen. You could have written what you did without that cheap shot. However, I will answer your questions as truthfully as I know how to.

I don't really see 'my' side as wrong. But that depends on what you and I define as 'my' side. I believe that there is an enormous gulf between the two.

Would I go out touting (your word, not mine) the same Indian rhetoric or not? What do you mean by 'Indian' rhetoric? When you use weasel words like that, each phrase loaded with toxic meaning, what sort of answer do you expect? Are you, yourself, being honest and straightforward, or do you think I do not recognise the question,"When did you stop beating your wife?" as what it is? As far as a truthful self-examination goes, I do see things, as this exchange is going on, in an unbiased, relatively less-nationalistic, absolutely non-religious way, and in favour of the rights of the individual human being, not of the way that human rights is defined today.

I am unable to understand how you conclude that my nationalism, a sentiment that I follow Tagore in despising, by the way, do not meet with my nation or my beliefs. That simply doesn't compute.What is it supposed to mean? If you can make it clearer, I might be able to engage with it with greater comprehension and clarity. If it is supposed to mean that there is a false veneer of nationalism which is not based on the true worth of the nation I belong to, or that this false veneer also clashes with the value system that I have revealed elsewhere and in other places, do say so. I know how to answer that.

As for drawn-out Victorian-esque rambles, that is how I write. If you want me to write Hemingway-esque, I pass. Shove it up your Creative English teacher's tight buns. My narcissism is, as is usual with narcissism, peculiarly my own, and doesn't bear sharing. I hope you understand that you have to grow your own and give it your love by yourself; you can't love mine.

@jbgt90 I am trying to drive the world further away, but it's funny how it keeps shoving its arse right in my face.
Mate why take these kids seriously? i dont !!!! have a peg and relax!!!!
How did you get that? You challenged my perspective on issues, precisely, and nothing else. As far as my ego is concerned, it's wrapped up in an obsession with facts. And that's a bad thing?

If you are who you say you are, you also know that I don't react to personal attacks, except those that attack my integrity and truthfulness.

Have a good evening Joey. I did what I needed to do and proved what I always thought about you. The other members on the forum won't understand, and I don't care, but I know that you do. It was nice talking to you again. I'll probably take off from here now. Stay healthy old man. Maybe I'll see you again.
So if the fatwa does baselessly slander Jews, Zionists, non-Muslims, etc. then you will have no issue with it. How is that supposed to help the fight against terrorism?

You are getting it wrong. These will be pro gov secular fatwa. They will condemn violence in the name of Islam.
Good step by the people of Bangladesh. Something is better than nothing.
Have a good evening Joey. I did what I needed to do and proved what I always thought about you. The other members on the forum won't understand, and I don't care, but I know that you do. It was nice talking to you again. I'll probably take off from here now. Stay healthy old man. Maybe I'll see you again.

I'm baffled.

You said I could have been born on either side of the border. Not really; I have scads of Pakistani friends, but that's because I treat them the way I treat anybody else, as a nice guy until proven different, and that shakes out the sheep from the goats. As far as my views are concerned, they simply couldn't have been what they are unless I were born a Hindu Bengali Indian. I really don't get what you were at. Unless it were to tell me something I already knew, that I am not a knee-jerk Indian nationalist, like the 'bhakts' whom I despise.

I could kill you for leaving things up in the air like this.
So if the fatwa does baselessly slander Jews, Zionists, non-Muslims, etc. then you will have no issue with it. How is that supposed to help the fight against terrorism?
I doubt it will just slander Jews or non-Muslims....but even if it does and it works...I would take it...Bangladesh does not have a Jewish population...and it is far away from Israel...Jews are irrelevant to Bangladeshi politics or its people....as long as it garners strong support for the forces to destroy terrorism in Bangladesh it is good enough for Bangladesh...it is better to hate those who deserve to be hated even it is for the wrong reasons rather than turning a blind eye to it.
Mate why take these kids seriously? i dont !!!! have a peg and relax!!!!
Taking pot shots at Joe has become a rite of passage into manhood for some forumers. The Masai teens do that with lions. :p:

I doubt it will just slander Jews or non-Muslims....but even if it does and it works...I would take it...Bangladesh does not have a Jewish population...and it is far away from Israel...Jews are irrelevant to Bangladeshi politics or its people....as long as it garners strong support for the forces to destroy terrorism in Bangladesh it is good enough for Bangladesh...it is better to hate those who deserve to be hated even it is for the wrong reasons rather than turning a blind eye to it.
How are they defining terrorism though?

Isn't that important...one mans terrorism is another mans freedom to not be insulted.

I wonder if they would include the killers of the secular bloggers as terrorist acts?
Taking pot shots at Joe has become a rite of passage into manhood for some forumers. The Masai teens do that with lions. :p:

How are they defining terrorism though?

Isn't that important...one mans terrorism is another mans freedom to not be insulted.

I wonder if they would include the killers of the secular bloggers as terrorist acts?
Do you read Bengali?

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