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Mujahideen here once again


Jan 10, 2007
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My fellow friends, its been a long time since I have taken part in active discussions here. I just wanted to share with everyone what I have been doing these past couple of months.
First of all I want to tell everyone that I have was on a tour of Pakistan. What I saw over their I wish I could change. But unfortunately I am one out of a million of us. When I went to Pakistan I was reminded how on we once again stand on the verge of disintegration. We have so far failed as a state. Iqbal's dream has remained just what it was a dream. Quaid's Pakistan is what it was 61 years ago just an idea. The shaheeds who gave their lives for Pakistan, must be wondering for what reason did they give their blood for. Laiquat Ali must be saying that his last words "May Allah save Pakistan" were just a waste of his breath and on the other side the Bengalis or East Pakistanis must be saying thank god we broke away from them.
Pakistan now stands more divided then it ever did. I ask all those who said democracy would make things better, has democracy worked for us. Have they done anything for the people yet. The Prime Minister said he would cut down on wasteful spending has he? No. The present government continues to blame the previous government for everything, and the previous government constantly claims they did nothing wrong. If no one is at fault then who can we blame. America? Might I remind these people it is our country, not their. If must do what we have to.
The people of Pakistan are challenging the writ of the state from all sides. In Baluchistan everyone is considered a Punjabi. The Sardars of Baluchistan continues to point out how their people are poor, but they live in mansions, have bank accounts of billions of rupees. In Sindh the chants of "Pakistan Na Khappa"(We dont want Pakistan) can be heard loud and clear. In the Frontier we have a full insurgency on our hands, they dont want to destroy us but want to destroy everything we stand for. America continues to attack us and rape our soverignty. The Army has tried to resist but the politicians tell it not to defend Pakistan. America says it has the right to protect its citizens, them isn't it also our right to protect our? Mullah FM has once again threatened us. In Punjab we have a government which is destroying itself because of the selfish politicians. Once again the only institution which stand strong, uncorrupted is the Army.
Who will save Pakistan? Our dear President is begging for 100 billion dollars. I ask him why doesn't he cut down on the corruption in Pakistan, he will have his 100 billion dollars. He says he wants to see his son as the Prime Minister and his daughters as the President, I ask him is this a bloody monarchy.
This session of Parliament which is taking place will do nothing. Nothing will change. Once someone asked Faiz Ahmed Faiz "Will Pakistan break up" and his answer was no this country will not break but it will continue to destroy itself. Today how true are the Quaid's words that every succeeding government in Pakistan will be worse then the previous one.
The Constitution will continue to be violated. The current is so caught with Benazir that they have no time to think of the people's problems. Everything is being renamed after her. From airports to villages to roads we see her name everywhere. Now her assassination was a sad event in our history, in her life time she got to be Prime Minister twice, what happened both times she was removed on corruption charges. I think their are tons of names which can be used in this name changing era. Like the new Islamabad Airport could be named Laiquat International or Fatima Jinnah International.
The fact of the matter is our government is useless, our politicians are useless, and we are useless for picking these goons as our leaders. When will we learn, more then 60 years later we continues to make the same mistakes.
May Allah save Pakistan.
May our politicians mature and care of the people and the country
May Allah give us the courage and maturity to pick the right people to represent us.
May the sacrifices of our elders not go to waste
Pakistan Zindabad:pakistan:
don't worry, just make du'a, everything will be fine. I see a cycle repeating itself over and over again. Politicians miserably fail to perform their job, military comes and picks up the pieces. then again politicians get voted back in by the jahel awam, then the same people celebrate on the streets distributing sweets when the next general takes over.

Pakistan will always have trouble in some of its provinces, as long as there is an occupier in Afghanistan. That occupier will always leave when they get tired, due to Afghan complaints, and stability will come back when a govt. supported by us takes over. Afghans, who just can't make up their minds on what they want, will complain about their plight and support another invasion of their own land. The cycle just keeps on repeating itself...
welcome firend if you have images of your tour sheare please

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