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Muslim-American body issues fatwa against airport body scanners

Jul 31, 2009
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Some Muslim-American groups are supporting a fatwa issued by a body of Islamic scholars forbidding Muslims from going through full
body scanners at airports, a media report said.

The Fiqh Council of North America issued the religious ruling this week that says going through the airport scanners would violate Islamic rules on modesty, Free Press reported.

"It is a violation of clear Islamic teachings that men or women be seen naked by other men and women," reads the fatwa issued Tuesday. "Islam highly emphasises haya (modesty) and considers it part of faith. The Quran has commanded the believers, both men and women, to cover their private parts."

After the Christmas Day bombing attempt in Detroit by a Muslim suspect from Nigeria, some US airports are now in the process of buying and using the body scanners to find explosives and other dangerous materials carried by terrorists.

But Muslim groups say the scanners, which show in graphic detail the outlines of a person's body, go against their religion. One option offered to passengers who don't want to use the scanners would be a pat down by a security guard. The Muslim groups are urging members to undergo those instead.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) says it endorses the fatwa. "We support the Fiqh Council's statement on full-body scanners and believe that the religious and privacy rights of passengers can be respected while maintaining safety and security," Nihad Awad, national executive director of CAIR was quoted as saying.

Currently, there are 40 full-body scanners at 19 airports in the US, including two in Detroit, said spokesman Jim Fotenos of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). There are plans for 450 more body scanners in US airports, he said.

In a statement, the TSA said it is committed to keeping passengers safe and also protecting their privacy.

"TSA's mission is to keep the travelling public safe. Advanced imaging technologies are an important tool in a multi-layered security system to detect evolving threats such as improvised explosive devices.

"TSA's use of these technologies includes strong protections in place to safeguard passenger privacy. Screening images are automatically deleted, and the officer viewing the image will never see the passenger."

The TSA stressed that the body scanners are "optional to all passengers". Those who turn them down, "will receive equivalent screening that may include a physical pat-down, hand-wanding, and other technologies".

"Physical pat-downs are performed by transportation security Officers of the same sex as the passenger in a private screening area, if the passenger requests."

Body scanners "do not produce photos", the agency said. Rather, the images "look like chalk outlines".
This fatwa is stupid
Only sahabas can give fatwas
There's nothing morally wrong(maybe a bit embarrassing) but it's a legit procedure. What if someone is hiding bombs in their private parts?
Also, technically you're only looking at a monitor, not the actual human.
An year old thread .. dug up...

Can we have fatwa against these ones who do these????:what:
Why are these Indians opening all these muslim related threads? Why are they so obsessed with Islam and muslims?
The Main job of the scanner is to search the Muslim-Americans .:hitwall:

After the Christmas Day bombing attempt in Detroit by a Muslim suspect from Nigeria, some US airports are now in the process of buying and using the body scanners to find explosives and other dangerous materials carried by terrorists. This and Fazal Shahzad...

After this, I don't think anyone in the Western hemisphere is spineless enough to succumb to cheap politics for votebank unlike our country.

They don't buy into such useless sermons of clerics and compromise national security. Think about it: these scanners are actually preventing wars. If these scanners were NOT there and some tragedy happened, US's next step would be launching ballistic missiles (conventional are enough) to any country from where the threat originated or got created.

What's better? A body scan to avoid all this, or this itself?
The Main job of the scanner is to search the Muslim-Americans .:hitwall:

Yeah, like this! oh, wait...

Yeah, like this! oh, wait...


But thats a regular pat down and no one has objected to that, but I'm sure many conservative Americans are against getting their pictures taken and seen by others in the nude.

This is a massive violation of any individuals civil rights, the fact that Muslims are being targeted only increases our vociferous objection but it escapes me why on Earth aren't everyone speaking up for their rights?
After the Christmas Day bombing attempt in Detroit by a Muslim suspect from Nigeria, some US airports are now in the process of buying and using the body scanners to find explosives and other dangerous materials carried by terrorists. This and Fazal Shahzad...

After this, I don't think anyone in the Western hemisphere is spineless enough to succumb to cheap politics for votebank unlike our country.

They don't buy into such useless sermons of clerics and compromise national security. Think about it: these scanners are actually preventing wars. If these scanners were NOT there and some tragedy happened, US's next step would be launching ballistic missiles (conventional are enough) to any country from where the threat originated or got created.

What's better? A body scan to avoid all this, or this itself?

and for that isolated incident all airport passengers should pose naked in front of unknown strangers ...with their hand held high in the air.
woohoo...look at my hoohoo....mr security man
and for that isolated incident all airport passengers should pose naked in front of unknown strangers ...with their hand held high in the air.
woohoo...look at my hoohoo....mr security man
it could be a woman

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