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Muslim Mob attacks Dalits in Delhi Sarai Kale Khan

kejriwal is pseudosecularist , he will not give security to this scared couple .
Correction: In India, Muslims have equal rights as dalits and other dalitised communities. We know how Hindus organise themselves when they are gifted nations by their colonial masters.

we discussing marriage of dalit hindu boy and muslim girl , do you support their marriage ? or you are in favour of mob attack on dalits ,
Facts from Hindu cops and authorities? Sorry, don't trust them. Come back to me when rioters like Kapil Mishra are charged and I'll reconsider.
We don't intend/need to take your approval.
In our country we make the laws, we implement them and we punish them who don't follow.
Those who don't like it ,can get out.
For some whose origin nation spent majority of its existence under military dictatorship rule, concept of voting a leadership out by means of elections will come as a surprise despite living in a European democracy
For someone who needs to watch where they step because of the human shit on the street, I'm surprised you can make it to the polling booth.
We know how Hindus organise themselves when they are gifted nations by their colonial masters.
Typical progenies of former colonial master's strategic consideration's sycophancy to its colonial masters just like its sycophancy to all its masters for the last 2400 years :)


(U//FOUO) Marine Corps Intelligence Activity India Country Handbook

Yes, the Muslim girl's family should have accepted her voluntary marriage to the Dalit boy but I don't remember you posting vids from the Delhi riots, those vids which showed Hindutvadi leaders like Kapil Mishra and Ragini Tiwari in their true vile light. Watch this vid of Ragini Tiwari threatening to do to the protesting farmers in Delhi in December 2020 what she did with the Delhi Muslims early in the year.

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