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Muslim protesters brand war heroes 'murderers' as homecoming parade turns violent.

this is a bad thing. indians get confused for being middle eastern and receive alot of discrimination as it already is. anytime a negative light is shed on Muslims indians always take the backlash.
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I never understand such people. You are living in their country, if you don't like it then leave. If you feel so much for your muslim brothers pack your bags and head for the developing nations to offer your skills to help build nations.

No, they would rather further the goals of people like Hizb ut Tahrir, who's only goal is to sow the seeds of hatred and conflict.

Disgusting and shameful act by these fools. This minority will make it more difficult for the hard working muslims living in that country to integrate.

Very Sad.
These people should not do this, they should respect the place they are living in and also the soldiers that serve their country.

Such acts are insulting, despicable and very harmful to the image of all Muslims.

Unfortunately there are far too many of these nuts in UK.
These people should not do this, they should respect the place they are living in and also the soldiers that serve their country.

Such acts are insulting, despicable and very harmful to the image of all Muslims.

Unfortunately there are far too many of these nuts in UK.

no..... only one nut called Anjem Choudary and his henchmen who i think are being paid.
I disagree with deportation part.They should be locked for treason.Pakistan should do the same with Talibani anti Pakistan Army people.
The problem is that most of these people are British nationals. The vast majority being born in Britain. The UK is allowing right wing extremists to grow and multiply on their own soil. This is a disaster waiting to happen.
Absolutely - Britian is too lenient on ring wingers and if it is not stopped we might a insurgency there.Hizb ut Tahrir is banned in Pakistan but UK did not ban it?WTF - Hizb ut Tahrir totally preaches hatred.These scumbags will take Britain down with them.Hizb ut Tahrir is also a threat to Pakistan as these organizations misguide Pakistanis Students in UK.
these retard protesters could have shouted anti government(policies), because armed forces are bound to follow orders given by elected government. Not their(armed forces) fault.
If muslims have problem british forces fighting in Iraq/Afghanistan than they can protest against ruling government. this kind of protest will only bring more hatred towards muslims in the country.
If they are paying Tax then they have every right to protest. Although, I do not agree with the method. They should have protested in front of PM office etc.
If they are paying Tax then they have every right to protest. Although, I do not agree with the method. They should have protested in front of PM office etc.

They have every right to protest if they speak about the humanitarian aspect in front of the Parliament. But insulting soldiers of 'their' country and referring to the crusades proves these guys are no different from the terrorists - looking at the world through the medieval prism of religious intolerance. Shame.
☪☪☪☪;934220 said:
Absolutely - Britian is too lenient on ring wingers and if it is not stopped we might a insurgency there.Hizb ut Tahrir is banned in Pakistan but UK did not ban it?WTF - Hizb ut Tahrir totally preaches hatred.These scumbags will take Britain down with them.Hizb ut Tahrir is also a threat to Pakistan as these organizations misguide Pakistanis Students in UK.

I have some serious reservations regarding methods and ideology of HT.

These people are really creating misunderstandings among Students. Its like a sting operation to gather all those who are with Khalafat and then misguide them so that they may never achieve their goals.
They have every right to protest if they speak about the humanitarian aspect in front of the Parliament. But insulting soldiers of 'their' country and referring to the crusades proves these guys are no different from the terrorists - looking at the world through the medieval prism of religious intolerance. Shame.

If these guys were terrorists, they would be blowing themselves instead of protesting. Don't make foolish assumptions.

And yes, I also believe that they should have protested in front of Policy makers not the soldiers.
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