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Muslim protesters brand war heroes 'murderers' as homecoming parade turns violent.

They all were practicing their freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech.. does it require any place, occassion, time?

Lets just name this protest as freedom of speech and get along with life.
Oh wait,
Are these Muslims practicing their right of free speech?

All you ppl who are saying this was not the place or time to protest should also remember We Muslims also once said that Our Prophet is not an entity to practice your freedom of speech.
What advices we got? Ignore them, Dont hype them, its their right of freedom of speech bla bla

Ignore them being britishers its their right to do or express themselves. Opposing the government policy does not mean they are not loyal to thier country.
Think of them with red passports and as British citizens (not as muslims) No body can throw them out of UK.

The more you hype them the more they'll do this.

Freedom of speech... Apply it to yourselves aswell, dwell
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Muslim protesters brand war heroes 'murderers' as homecoming parade turns violent

Read more: Muslim protesters brand war heroes 'murderers' as homecoming parade turns violent | Mail Online

Scumbags! I wonder where loyalty really lies. To faith or to a nation which protects one's basic human rights and tolerates one's despicable manners?

This is a demonstration by people who are disagreeing. As citizens of UK they are exercising their rights.

MOD EDIT: dont go off topic
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These people should not do this, they should respect the place they are living in and also the soldiers that serve their country.

Such acts are insulting, despicable and very harmful to the image of all Muslims.

Unfortunately there are far too many of these nuts in UK.

Strongly disagree. Speaking out has nothing to do with image of Muslims or anyone. When media runs endless loops of those protests to targeted audience/viewers , then it does become a manufactured image issue.

People protested against Vietnam war. Since then media has changed a lot. There have been the likes of Judy Miller, from NY Times who allegedly tried to create support for the Iraq invasion. People protested against Iraqi invasion. Most never made it to front page.
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Those terrorists who were protesting against the holy army of should be hanged.....:confused:
they are not showing good taste by shouting at those soldiers....its better to protest in civilized manner rather than heckle. But then again, there is 'freedom of speech' right?
Bastards - Jis thali me kathe hain usi me muthe hain.

They should be kicked out of the country, they are not even loyal to the country which has given then all the freedom which they can never even think of in the so-called Islamic countries.

what is a 'so-called' Islamic country? :blink:
Just to elaborate, yes they are exercising their freedom of speech, but they are doing it to insult the soldiers that defend those freedoms. That's why I, also exercised my freedom of speech and called them hypocritical as*holes.

I don't think they should be locked up for it, but you can rightly ask, why stay in a country they so despise? If its for the money they are leeches nothing more..

There is nothing wrong with protesting war, I have protested against the Iraq War, alongside a million of my countrymen myself (and we didn't go!), but the manner in which they do it indicates they don't really care for the dead but just want to incite hatred.
Always with the hyperbole, always with Hitler comparison and the crusades.. it discredits them and since this is by far not the first incident like it, it definitely makes Muslims look bad.
Although 95% of people in the West know it is only a small minority among Muslims who thinks and acts like they do, it is definitely not helping integration etc..

I'm really glad to see so many people here saying you should protest government and not people risking their lives to serve their country.. that is the sensible way.
Their right to protest in a democratic country is being insulted in this forum. They have the right to protest before marching soldiers returning from base in countries which are occupied by Britain. These occupation forces do not apply the laws of democracy in the countries which they occupy recall ? So chances are slim that either Iraqis or Afghanis will conduct such protests to soldiers departing their nations after serving time there. Why shouldn't the Muslim or any other group opposed to the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan protest to the soldiers ? If time was turned back and if a majority Indian protest group in the 40s or early 50s protested against British Raj soldiers returning from active duty in occupied India, would they have been also termed as unfit to live in Britain and terrorists? If my memory serves me correct, during the 80s when Britain launched an attack against Argentinian forces occupying the Falklands, certain segments of anti war British people accompanied by Argentinian settlers in Britain conducted protests against returning British forces. Were they also terrorists and people unfit to hold British passports ? As a citizen of the world's largest democracy, I admire the resolve of the protestors. Perhaps if groups like these would start springing up in our sub continent then we wouldn't have the corruption and mess which we have in our countries
:lol: Look at the language of Daily Mail uk used in this piece which in itself is pretty extremist language.

What a pity that the newspaper has resorted to calling own citizens due to their faith as Extremists. They need to define what is extremism in the first place. If protesting is extremism then UK should not have allowed all those from BLA, Sikh org, Hindu Org, Kashmiri Orgs for staging such protests.

UK the country which quite freely allows every other organisation to carry on fight against its government. And are allowed to stage protests.

Its not the question of Muslim or Christian rather the main issue is it was NOT neither it is UK's war.

Brits are part of the infamous US company of troops and NATO which is killing innocent people in Afghanistan in a war that was never yours.

Why Britain rented its soldiers for fighting for US interests ? When UK Is not part of this game in anyway.
Just to elaborate, yes they are exercising their freedom of speech, but they are doing it to insult the soldiers that defend those freedoms. That's why I, also exercised my freedom of speech and called them hypocritical as*holes.

I don't think they should be locked up for it, but you can rightly ask, why stay in a country they so despise? If its for the money they are leeches nothing more..

There is nothing wrong with protesting war, I have protested against the Iraq War, alongside a million of my countrymen myself (and we didn't go!), but the manner in which they do it indicates they don't really care for the dead but just want to incite hatred.
Always with the hyperbole, always with Hitler comparison and the crusades.. it discredits them and since this is by far not the first incident like it, it definitely makes Muslims look bad.
Although 95% of people in the West know it is only a small minority among Muslims who thinks and acts like they do, it is definitely not helping integration etc..

I'm really glad to see so many people here saying you should protest government and not people risking their lives to serve their country.. that is the sensible way.

They defend the freedom of whom ??? What good their participation in war bring to UK or Britishers other than adding to the hate for them.

As far as these people going away from UK it something UK would decide to change the law but for the time being before migrating or becoming UK citizen they were promised some rights by UK and they are just availing
Their right to protest in a democratic country is being insulted in this forum. They have the right to protest before marching soldiers returning from base in countries which are occupied by Britain. These occupation forces do not apply the laws of democracy in the countries which they occupy recall ? So chances are slim that either Iraqis or Afghanis will conduct such protests to soldiers departing their nations after serving time there. Why shouldn't the Muslim or any other group opposed to the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan protest to the soldiers ? If time was turned back and if a majority Indian protest group in the 40s or early 50s protested against British Raj soldiers returning from active duty in occupied India, would they have been also termed as unfit to live in Britain and terrorists? If my memory serves me correct, during the 80s when Britain launched an attack against Argentinian forces occupying the Falklands, certain segments of anti war British people accompanied by Argentinian settlers in Britain conducted protests against returning British forces. Were they also terrorists and people unfit to hold British passports ? As a citizen of the world's largest democracy, I admire the resolve of the protestors. Perhaps if groups like these would start springing up in our sub continent then we wouldn't have the corruption and mess which we have in our countries

everyone has a right to protest, but there is a method of protesting as well. How would u find it if people protest against India during our parades and insult our soldiers?

These British soldiers are risking their lives to do what they are ordered to. They didnt ask to be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. If the protestors wanted change, they should protest to the policy makers.

Also, look at the nature of the protest. Anti-war protestors dont link war to religion. I doubt these same protestors would have been on the streets had Britain been waging a war in South America. It is evident that their sentiments are not anti-war, but anti-British. If they dont like how things work in Britain, they should just get the hell out of there! In fact they should consider themselves lucky they are in Britain, and not in Saddam's Iraq or Taliban's Afghanistan, where they would be lynched if they protest.

And if for some reason they think their protest will help muslims, they are very sadly mistaken. It just creates more anti-islamism and belief that Muslims are traitors. So in a way, these guys really ensured that muslims will be further discriminated against!
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My cousin just came back from the Afghan war, you people are sick to insult some one who risked their lives like that.

Seriously just die.
My cousin just came back from the Afghan war, you people are sick to insult some one who risked their lives like that.

Seriously just die.

You should question the Brit govt for sending them rather throwing them into US war.

Soldiers have no say in this
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