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Muslim Scientists’ Day: Bridging ‘gap’ between young and senior scientists


Mar 5, 2013
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Muslim Scientists’ Day : NAYS for bridging ‘gap’ between young and senior scientists
Tuesday, March 12, 2013


ISLAMABAD: The National Academy of Young Scientists (NAYS) celebrated the Muslim Scientists’ day on Monday in the capital, to acknowledge the efforts, determination and devotion of scientists around the globe, who are working day and night for the betterment of society.

The theme of the day was ‘Bridging the gap between young and senior scientists’.

NAYS is working since the past four years for the development of science and its culture in the country and has laid the foundation of celebrating the Scientists’ Day. Scientists, students and teachers from different organisations participated in the seminar organised by NAYS to mark the day.

Addressing on the occasion, NAYS President Aftab Ahmad said, “It is just like a contribution by young scientists to our renowned Scientists, in recognition of their efforts in various fields of science, which cannot be ignored.” Talking about the theme, Arab World Association of Young Scientists (ArabWAYS) General Secretary Dr Jauad Khrraz said, “Senior scientists could play a vital role in mentorship, guidance and especially in sustainability of the scientific community and its research and scientific outputs.”

The ArabWAYS general secretary also said, “Young scientists can learn from the success stories of senior scientists but also from their failures stories to avoid duplicating works and innovate in what senior scientists have not been able to achieve yet.” Dr Mohammad Perwaiz Iqbal, a professor from the Aga Khan University, said, “Senior scientists should accept the fact that young scientists, in general, are smarter than them for a wide variety of reasons. So, seniors should command respect by being kind, caring and by being a good role model for them.”

A comprehensive report has been compiled by NAYS in which comments from scientists hailing from different regions have been included. NAYS-Scientific photo contest was also initiated a month ago. Different scientific activities were arranged in various cities of the country, including Peshawar, Lahore and Abbottabad, to celebrate the day. app

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Science is not a property of specific civilization or people therefore to celebrate it with such a label is stupid and divisive. We should all celebrate science day regardless of culture and religion.
see.i have a problem with the title.....science itself has no religion...there can be no muslim or hindu scientist....the title itself is enough to show that whoever celebrates this day is more concerned about religion than science
see.i have a problem with the title.....science itself has no religion...there can be no muslim or hindu scientist....the title itself is enough to show that whoever celebrates this day is more concerned about religion than science

There can...I am a Muslim 1st then I decided to go into science...I am not sure why the narrow mindedness :pop:

besides the title is in reference to scientists who are Muslims...
Do Muslim scientists believe in evolution ?
Do Muslim scientists believe in evolution ?

On a choice between creationism and evolution, science supports evolution.

Does Islam is against Evolution ?
the answer is no , It was Christianity who was against Evolution ,In Isla we don't believe in blind Evolution but there is no problem with Directed Evolution when God gave all creature a direction to evolve into the path .and the path is the law he put into the world that governs our world .

"Islam also has its own school of Evolutionary creationism/Theistic evolutionism, which holds that mainstream scientific analysis of the origin of the universe is supported by the Qur'an. Many Muslims believe in evolutionary creationism, especially among Sunni and Shia Muslims and the Liberal movements within Islam. Among scholars of Islam İbrahim Hakkı of Erzurum who lived in Erzurum then Ottoman Empire now Republic of Turkey in 18th century is famous of stating 'between plants and animals there is sponge, and, between animals and humans there is monkey'."[9]

Evolutionary biology is included in the high-school curricula of most Muslim countries. Science foundations of 14 Muslim countries, including Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Indonesia, and Egypt, recently signed a statement by the Interacademy Panel (IAP, a global network of science academies), in support of the teaching of evolution, including human evolution.

By the way in Islamic world even before Darwin there were great scientists like Nasir-Aldin-Tousi and Abu Uthman al-Jahith who had worked on evolution theory and believe in that , so this theory was known to Muslim several century before that it was rediscovered by European
Does Islam is against Evolution ?
the answer is no , It was Christianity who was against Evolution ,In Isla we don't believe in blind Evolution but there is no problem with Directed Evolution when God gave all creature a direction to evolve into the path .and the path is the law he put into the world that governs our world .

By the way in Islamic world even before Darwin there were great scientists like Nasir-Aldin-Tousi and Abu Uthman al-Jahith who had worked on evolution theory and believe in that , so this theory was known to Muslim several century before that it was rediscovered by European

Thanks I just wanted to know if Muslims too believe in the crazy "Earth is 6000 years old, all living things created in 6 days" bullshit.
Does Islam is against Evolution ?
the answer is no , It was Christianity who was against Evolution ,In Isla we don't believe in blind Evolution but there is no problem with Directed Evolution when God gave all creature a direction to evolve into the path .and the path is the law he put into the world that governs our world .

Yes finally, someone gets it. The whole creationism vs evolution is a western Christian phenomena. In the west atheist argue That if evolution exists, some how this disapproves the exsistence of God.

This whole argument is baseless, regardless of how life evolves is irrelevant to the argument of God's existence, since evolution it self is God's creation.

It's like comparing apples with oranges, but still American society is retarded enough to keep arguing about it, without stoping to think once the argument of creationism vs evolution is irrelivent to the debate whither God exists or not.

God is the one who can turn humans into pigs and monkeys.

Do these people think granting animals the ability to change their bodies to adept to their surrounding to survive in an ever changing environment, something which God can not do?

If anything, ability of evolution in animals is the sign of The Mercy of God. He is merciful to his creation and gives them means to survive. Alhumdulilah. He is truly ArRaman, ArRaheem.

The only exceptions are humans, humans are unique beings made to be his khalifa, if I am not mistaken.

God forgive me if I said anything wrong.
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