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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who visited the country in 2016, speaks often about discreet ties that Israel now maintains with a number of key Arab countries in the region.

OCTOBER 8, 2018


Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan. (photo credit: REUTERS)

Saudi, Pakistani, Afghani and Emirati officials are asking Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev about how to balance their identities as Muslim countries with a relationship with Israel, the Azerbaijani leader told an American rabbi on Monday.

Rabbi Marc Schneier , who met with Aliyev in Baku, said the Azerbaijani leader told him – without going into names – that officials from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan and Pakistan “are looking for his guidance on how to navigate being a Muslim country committed to Islam, and at the same time reaching out and supporting Israel.”

Schneier quoted Aliyev as saying that he told the officials that it is possible to “do both, that you are not going to get punished – he used those words – that you can find the right balance, and that the fact that I am being asked about this is indicative of a certain movement of the Muslim world now toward Israel.”

Schneier said Aliyev did not provide specifics about the identity of the officials he was referring to.

According to Schneier, of the 57 Muslim countries in the world “there is probably no greater paradigm of support for Israel than Azerbaijan,” and as a result of that the country is seen by other Muslim states as an example of how to conduct bilateral ties with Israel.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who visited the country in 2016, speaks often about discreet ties that Israel now maintains with a number of key Arab countries in the region.

Azerbaijan, which is situated on Iran's border, is a key strategic partner for Israel, selling the Jewish State some 40% of its oil, and being one of the world’s largest markets for Israeli arms.

Schneier, who heads an organization fostering inter-religious understanding called the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, said that Aliyev also expressed concern about rifts between pro-Israel Evangelical Christians in America and Muslims, and is sponsoring a first-of-its-kind survey his foundation will carry out gauging the attitudes of the two committees toward one another.

Schneier estimated the world’s Evangelical community at some 650 million people, and put the number of Muslims in the world at 1.6 billion. In the US there are an estimated 63 million Evangelicals, compared to some 3.5 million Muslims.

Asked why the Azerbaijani leader is interested in this issue, Schneier said the country is a leader in “interfaith dialogue,” and Aliyev is interested in ways to bring Islam closer to the west, “to close the gap.”

Schneier said that Aliyev noted that US President Donald Trump's decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem was not a response to calls from the US Jewish community, but rather in response to calls coming from the Evangelical community.

And since when was Azerbaijan the spokesman for the Muslim community. :lol:

Personally I have nothing against Israel, its a reality now, it cannot be undone.

But the Israelis must give Palestinians their country.

Two state solution is the only solution.

For a Zionist creep like yourself, you sure love to talk about Muslim countries. :lol:

When Muslims could not give a damn for Israelis or Jews. lol.
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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who visited the country in 2016, speaks often about discreet ties that Israel now maintains with a number of key Arab countries in the region.

OCTOBER 8, 2018


Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan. (photo credit: REUTERS)

Saudi, Pakistani, Afghani and Emirati officials are asking Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev about how to balance their identities as Muslim countries with a relationship with Israel, the Azerbaijani leader told an American rabbi on Monday.

Rabbi Marc Schneier , who met with Aliyev in Baku, said the Azerbaijani leader told him – without going into names – that officials from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan and Pakistan “are looking for his guidance on how to navigate being a Muslim country committed to Islam, and at the same time reaching out and supporting Israel.”

Schneier quoted Aliyev as saying that he told the officials that it is possible to “do both, that you are not going to get punished – he used those words – that you can find the right balance, and that the fact that I am being asked about this is indicative of a certain movement of the Muslim world now toward Israel.”

Schneier said Aliyev did not provide specifics about the identity of the officials he was referring to.

According to Schneier, of the 57 Muslim countries in the world “there is probably no greater paradigm of support for Israel than Azerbaijan,” and as a result of that the country is seen by other Muslim states as an example of how to conduct bilateral ties with Israel.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who visited the country in 2016, speaks often about discreet ties that Israel now maintains with a number of key Arab countries in the region.

Azerbaijan, which is situated on Iran's border, is a key strategic partner for Israel, selling the Jewish State some 40% of its oil, and being one of the world’s largest markets for Israeli arms.

Schneier, who heads an organization fostering inter-religious understanding called the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, said that Aliyev also expressed concern about rifts between pro-Israel Evangelical Christians in America and Muslims, and is sponsoring a first-of-its-kind survey his foundation will carry out gauging the attitudes of the two committees toward one another.

Schneier estimated the world’s Evangelical community at some 650 million people, and put the number of Muslims in the world at 1.6 billion. In the US there are an estimated 63 million Evangelicals, compared to some 3.5 million Muslims.

Asked why the Azerbaijani leader is interested in this issue, Schneier said the country is a leader in “interfaith dialogue,” and Aliyev is interested in ways to bring Islam closer to the west, “to close the gap.”

Schneier said that Aliyev noted that US President Donald Trump's decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem was not a response to calls from the US Jewish community, but rather in response to calls coming from the Evangelical community.
u love dictators ..
u love dictators ..
While Azerbaijan has a constitution with democratic elements, the Aliyevs have dominated since Soviet times and Azerbaijan scores low on the Freedom House scale: 12 vs. 43 for Pakistan. Looks like a kleptocracy to me.

That said, between 1992 (when Azerbaijan recognized Israel) and 2015 GDP per person in Azerbaijan rose by something like 300% while GDP/pp in Pakistan rose by only 50% in the same period. Oil has something to do with that, but so does what the Alieyevs call "balance".
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While Azerbaijan has a constitution with democratic elements, the Aliyevs have dominated since Soviet times and Azerbaijan scores low on the Freedom House scale: 12 vs. 43 for Pakistan. Looks like a kleptocracy to me.

That said, between 1992 (when Israel recognized Azerbaijan) and 2015 GDP per person in Azerbaijan rose by something like 300% while GDP/pp in Pakistan rose by only 50% in the same period. Oil has something to do with that, but so does what the Alieyevs call "balance".
Money is different issue. Democracy is the question. We can't measure democracy through money. Freedom or no freedom.
I have an easier way (and a morally correct way) to mend Israel's relations with Muslim nations. Israel should stop behaving like a rogue state, it should stop its occupation and annexation of land that doesn't belong to it, and it should further cease agitating the US for war with Muslim countries such as Iran. That would make for a much better suggestion.
I have an easier way (and a morally correct way) to mend Israel's relations with Muslim nations. Israel should stop behaving like a rogue state, it should stop its occupation and annexation of land that doesn't belong to it, and it should further cease agitating the US for war with Muslim countries such as Iran. That would make for a much better suggestion.
I agree with you.

Pakistan should recognize State of Israel and let the n Arabs problems stay Arab Problem.

We should only recognize Israel when two state solution is implemented.
There are a lot of Muslim nations with ties(publically) to Israel. That doesn't get in the way of the fact that Israel will eventually have to either grant Palestinians citizenship or withdraw from Palestinian territories for formation of a Palestinian state. These articles are intended to suggest certain regimes want Palestinian cause to vanish. First of all, that's actually Israel, and those regimes are more uninvolved or don't care. And their care isn't relevant, Palestinians don't need them and know how to keep their cause alive.

Now some of these nations want to keep these matters private because it contradicts the narratives they push about their enemies in the region. Keep in mind, every nation in the region can have ties with Israel, Palestinian's will still strive towards self determination.

And if one day these regimes publicly support the occupation or Israeli military assaults on Palestine, they're going to run into trouble from local populations.
Two state solution, stop the settlements (roll back some) and break the wall. Joint patrols can prevent any more incidents.
Israel would not have to worry about a thing.
Pakistan should recognize State of Israel and let the n Arabs problems stay Arab Problem.

Arab states like Jordan and Egypt have public ties with Israel. So it isn't really an 'Arab' problem. Not all Arab states are involved in the conflict. Egypt has influence on situation in Gaza because it borders it. Jordan doesn't really have influence or get involved. Qatar is involved in aid projects and heavy media coverage of I/P conflict on Al Jazeera. Otherwise situation on the ground, Palestinians are largely alone. Unless you count Arab aid to PA. But, I don't count that, because it's just to prop up a junk regime like theirs that has security cooperation with Israel against its own people.

What would be preventing Pakistan from recognizing Israel is more likely the citizens of Pakistan who wouldn't tolerate it.
Arab states like Jordan and Egypt have public ties with Israel. So it isn't really an 'Arab' problem. Not all Arab states are involved in the conflict. Egypt has influence on situation in Gaza because it borders it. Jordan doesn't really have influence or get involved. Qatar is involved in aid projects and heavy media coverage of I/P conflict on Al Jazeera. Otherwise situation on the ground, Palestinians are largely alone. Unless you count Arab aid to PA. But, I don't count that, because it's just to prop up a junk regime like theirs that has security cooperation with Israel against its own people.

What would be preventing Pakistan from recognizing Israel is more likely the citizens of Pakistan who wouldn't tolerate it.
Because we Pakistanis want to follow UN. UN says Israel should stop settlements and Israel should accept two state solution.
Arab states like Jordan and Egypt have public ties with Israel. So it isn't really an 'Arab' problem. Not all Arab states are involved in the conflict. Egypt has influence on situation in Gaza because it borders it. Jordan doesn't really have influence or get involved. Qatar is involved in aid projects and heavy media coverage of I/P conflict on Al Jazeera. Otherwise situation on the ground, Palestinians are largely alone. Unless you count Arab aid to PA. But, I don't count that, because it's just to prop up a junk regime like theirs that has security cooperation with Israel against its own people.

What would be preventing Pakistan from recognizing Israel is more likely the citizens of Pakistan who wouldn't tolerate it.
The citizens of Pakistan would rape their own sisters and burn them alive(and have done so) in the name of misplaced honor and religion; things arent going to improve soon.
The citizens of Pakistan would rape their own sisters and burn them alive(and have done so) in the name of misplaced honor and religion; things arent going to improve soon.
Since when did a Pakistani brother rape his sister?

Source for this?
I have an easier way (and a morally correct way) to mend Israel's relations with Muslim nations. Israel should stop behaving like a rogue state, it should stop its occupation and annexation of land that doesn't belong to it, and it should further cease agitating the US for war with Muslim countries such as Iran. That would make for a much better suggestion.
Yup...make israel sign all them thousands of treaties to regulate shit that they make every other country sign! Israel gets beggars chunk of money without a single shackle!

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