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Muslims And Conspiracies... Is It Something In The Water ?


Apr 2, 2012
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What is it with 'you guys' and conspiracy theories ? It seems you've NEVER met one you didn't LOVE !!

Muslim Conspiracy Theories

From WikiIslam, the online resource on Islam

This page lists some of the conspiracy theories which run rampant among the world's Muslims.

Accidents and Natural Disasters

December 26 Tsunami caused by Indians, Israelis and Americans

Some Muslims believe that the December 26th tsunami was caused by Indians, Israelis and Americans (i.e. the Hindus, Jews, and Christians).
The earthquake that struck the Indian Ocean on December 26, triggering a series of huge waves called tsunami, "was possibly" caused by an Indian nuclear experiment in which "Israeli and American nuclear experts participated," an Egyptian weekly magazine reported Thursday.
According to Al-Osboa', India, in its heated nuclear race with Pakistan, has lately received sophisticated nuclear know-how from the United States and Israel, both of which "showed readiness to cooperate with India in experiments to exterminate humankind."
Since 1992, the magazine argued, leading geological centers in Britain, Turkey and other countries, warned of the need "not to hold nuclear experiments in the region of the Indian Ocean known as 'the Fire Belt,' in which the epicenter of the earthquake lies.
Geologists labeled that region 'The Fire Belt' for being "a dangerous terrain that can move at anytime, without human intervention," Al-Osboa' wrote.
Despite warnings not to carry out nuclear experiments in and around the 'Fire Belt', "Israel and India continue to conduct nuclear tests in the Indian Ocean, and the United States has recently decided to carry out similar tests in the Australian deserts, which is included in the 'Fire Belt', the Egyptian weekly magazine wrote.
"Last year only, Arab and Islamic states have asked the United States to stop its nuclear activities in that region, and to urge Israel and India to follow suite," Al-Osboa' reported.
Although Al-Osboa' does not rule out the possibility that the tsunami could have been caused by a natural earthquake it speculates however that, "while it has not been proved yet, there has been a joint Israeli-Indian secret nuclear experiment [conducted on December 26] that caused the earthquake."
The Egyptian weekly magazine concludes in its report that "the exchange of nuclear experts between Israel and India, and US pressure on Pakistan which is exerted by supplying India with state-of-the-art nuclear technology and preventing Islamabad from cooperating with Asian and Islamic states in the nuclear field, pose a big question mark on the causes behind the violent Asian earthquake."
Incitement against Israel and Jews in Egyptian media is usually limited to the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict yet exceptions are known to occur.
In August 2002, the Paris Supreme Court summoned Ibrahim Naafi', editor of the Egyptian daily Al-Ahram, for having authorized the publication of a controversial article entitled 'Jewish matza is made from Arab blood' in the October 28, 2000 edition of the paper.Naafi' was charged with incitement to anti-Semitism and racist violence.

Egyptian paper: Israel-India nuke test caused tsunami
Joseph Nasr, Jerusalem Post, January 6 2005
Sinai shark attacks could be Israeli plot

Egyptian officials say they have not ruled out the possibility that a fatal shark attack in Sinai on Sunday could have been a plot by the Mossad.
“What is being said about the Mossad throwing the deadly shark [in the sea] to hit tourism in Egypt is not out of the question, but it needs time to confirm,” South Sinai Gov.Israeli officials said the claims were too ludicrous to comment on. Israel has issued an advisory warning against travel to Sinai due to plots against Israelis by terrorist groups linked to al-Qaida.

Egypt: Sinai shark attacks could be Israeli plot
The Jerusalem Post, December 6, 2010
Diseases and Disorders

Americans and Christians responsible for the creation and spread of AIDS

Repeated by several Muslim clerics, is the claim that America is responsible for the creation of the AIDS virus, and through Christian missionary groups, African Muslims have been injected with contaminated polio vaccines.[2]
An AIDS virus, that is a classic disease that was created in Fort McKinley, United States. Fort McKinley, the AIDS virus, 63,000 gallons.
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Missionaries from the World Health Organisation and Christian groups went into Africa and inoculated people for diphtheria, malaria, yellow fever and they put in the medicine the AIDS virus.

Islamic Hatred in the Heartland
Sheikh Khalid Yasin, quoted in FrontPageMagazine, May 20, 2008
Americans lacing polio vaccines with anti-fertility agent to sterilizes Muslim children

A variant of the previous conspiracy theory which has led to deadly consiquences.
A worldwide campaign begun in 1988 to eradicate the polio infection was on the verge of success when, early in 2003, a conspiracy theory took hold of the Muslim population in northern Nigeria. That conspiracy theory has single-handedly returned polio to epidemic proportions.
The theory's source seems to be a physician and the president of Nigeria's Supreme Council for Shari'a Law, Ibrahim Datti Ahmed, 68. Dr. Ahmed, an Islamist, accuses Americans of lacing the vaccine with an anti-fertility agent that sterilizes children (or, in an alternate theory, it infects them with AIDS) and considers them, according to John Murphy of the Baltimore Sun, "the worst criminals on Earth … Even Hitler was not as evil as that."
This fear of polio vaccines caught on because of the war in Iraq, explained a doctor with the World Health Organization. "If America is fighting people in the Middle East," goes the Islamist logic, "the conclusion is that they are fighting Muslims." Local imams repeated and spread the sterilization theory, which won wide acceptance despite vocal assurances to the contrary from the WHO, the Nigerian government, and many Nigerian doctors and scientists.
Ibrahim Shekarau, governor of Kano, one of the three Nigerian states that refused the polio vaccine, justified the decision not to vaccinate on the grounds that "it is a lesser of two evils to sacrifice two, three, four, five, even ten children than allow hundreds of thousands or possibly millions of girl-children likely to be rendered infertile."
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By mid-2004 the conspiracy theory had jumped to India, where a health worker noted that in one slum, "many poor and ignorant women regard the anti-polio drops as a deceptive strategy to control the birth rate." Such phobia about the West infecting Muslims with diseases is nothing new.
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The polio-vaccine conspiracy theory has had direct consequences: Sixteen countries where polio had been eradicated have in recent months reported outbreaks of the disease – twelve in Africa (Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Sudan, and Togo) and four in Asia (India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen). Yemen has had the largest polio outbreak, with more than 83 cases since April. The WHO calls this "a major epidemic."The common element, the New York Times notes, is that incidents of polio are now located "almost exclusively in Muslim countries or regions." That's because, scientists hypothesize, the polio infection traveled from Nigeria in a uniquely Muslim way – via the hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, which took place in January 2005. Testing confirms that all three Asian strains of the disease originated in northern Nigeria.

A Conspiracy Theory Spreads Polio
Daniel Pipes, New York Sun, May 24, 2005
India has initiated a nation-wide vaccination programme. But Pakistan, which has the second highest infection rate in the world, is still discussing compulsory vaccinations.
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Pakistan’s ever growing religious right are convinced that vaccinations are part of a western conspiracy. Campaigners have to battle rumours that vaccinations have been designed by western organizations to reduce Muslim populations.
Himayat ul-Haq, runs a madrassa in the North- West Pakhtunkhwa, where people follow a strict form of Deobandi Islam. He preaches that polio, like all endemic diseases are signs of God’s will and therefore anything blocking them are an insult to Allah: “We are all Muslim. We will do what Allah has said. God is the creator of all diseases. And he knows how to heal them”.
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Himayat ul-Haq doesn’t see why the West would be interested in helping Pakistan and continues to harbour his own suspicions voicing the belief common also amongst Islamic fundamentalists in Nigeria that polio vaccines were designed to keep Muslim populations down.“In Africa, the polio vaccination program was really a way of controlling the population. Why did the western world care about the population in Kenya? Because they were Muslims. Why are we forced to take the vaccination when we don’t want to?”

Conspiracy rumours keep polio alive in Pakistan
Devi Boerema, RNW, February 16, 2011
Israeli melons exported to Arab country infected with AIDS

"Beware of Israeli melons infected with AIDS arriving in Saudi Arabia!" is the latest rumor being spread throughout Saudi Arabia like a wildfire.
An SMS message being sent around the country this week said, "The Saudi Interior Ministry warns its citizens of a truck loaded with AIDS infected melons that Israel brought into the country via a 'ground corridor.'"
The Interior Minister's spokesman General Mansour al Turki responded to news of the message and made it clear to a-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper that the Ministry "did not issue any such announcement. This is just a rumor."
This is not the first rumor to spread through the country recently. Just last month another rumor had it that sweets containing carcinogenic flour were being sold in many stores.
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"The HIV virus cannot survive in any temperature other than that of the human body, which cannot be reached in fruits," he [Head of the center for chemicals and toxins in Mecca, Dr Ahmad Elias] explained.
The rumor, despite being denied several times, has gained so much steam in the Arab world that it made it to the front page of one of the most important Arabic language newspapers.Many received an SMS supposedly from the Saudi Interior Ministry saying, "Please forward quickly."

'Israeli melons have AIDS'
Roee Nahmias, YNet News, April 13, 2007
Israelis are dropping libido-boosting ‘sex gum’ in Gaza

Is Israel targeting the Palestinian population in Gaza by distributing libido-increasing chewing gum in the Strip? A Hamas police spokesman in the Gaza Strip Islam Shahwan claimed Monday that Israeli intelligence operatives are attempting to "destroy" the young generation by distributing such materials in the coastal enclave.
Shahwan said that the police got their hands on gum that increases sexual desire that, according to him, reaches merchants in the Strip by way of the border crossings. According to him, a Palestinian drug dealer admitted that he sold products that increase sex drive. The dealer said that he received the materials from Israeli sources by way of the Karni crossing.
A number of suspects have been arrested.
The affair was exposed when a Palestinian filed a complaint that his daughter chewed the aforementioned gum and experienced the dubious side effects.
Shahwan even claimed that Israeli intelligence operatives encourage dealers in Gaza to distribute the gum for free.
"The Israelis seek to destroy the Palestinians' social infrastructure with these products and to hurt the young generation by distributing drugs and sex stimulants," said Shahwan.
However, he noted that drugs reach the Gaza Strip by way of Rafah tunnels, and said that the police keep a close watch on the illegal activities going on in the tunnels between Gaza and Egypt.Shahwan added that the police have recently seized large amounts of drugs and alcohol attached to the underside of automobiles passing through Erez crossing. The automobile owners admitted receiving help for smuggling the materials from Israeli intelligence operatives.

Hamas: Israel distributes libido-increasing gum in Gaza
Ali Waked, YNet News, July 13, 2009
Mossad plot to import Israeli uni-sex hair product which causes infertility to Egypt

Israeli citizen Ofir Harrari, recently accused by Egypt of spying for Israel, was allegedly involved in a complicated scheme intended to harm Egyptian reproduction abilities, Egypt's official state paper Al-Ahram has claimed.
Harrari, accused by Egypt of being an agent of the Mossad, is set be tried in absentia on charges of "spying for a foreign country with the purpose of harming Egyptian national interest," news agency MENA reported on Sunday.
Jordanian Ibrahim abu-Zaid, a telecoms engineer reportedly involved in the affair as well, was arrested in Egypt.
"According to the public prosecutor's office's investigation, 'Mossad agent Ofir Harrari' instructed Jordanian Ibrahim abu-Zaid to set up a company in Egypt which would exclusively import an Israeli hair product, for both men and women, which causes infertility. This in order to completely destroy Egyptian reproduction abilities," Al-Ahram states.
The report also asserted that the Mossad supposedly required that abu-Zaid open communications companies in Sudan and Libya, so as to enable Israel to follow communication traffic in both countries.
On June 12, Egypt arrested US-Israeli dual national Ilan Grapel on suspicion of spying for Israel, which denied any such charge.
Egypt's espionage allegations come at a sensitive time when Israel is trying to understand where Egypt's new temporary regime is headed.It has been estimated both in Israel and in Egypt that the Egyptian allegations stem from a wish to appease Egyptian demonstrators protesting against the close relations that existed between Jerusalem and Cairo in the pre-uprising days.

'Mossad plotted to harm Egyptian fertility'
Roee Nahmias, YNet News, August 14, 2011
Free Speech

Danish Muhammad cartoons "part of Zionist plot"

The furious international row over the publication of cartoons satirising the prophet Muhammad intensified today when Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, claimed it was an Israeli conspiracy motivated by anger over Hamas's win in the Palestinian elections.
Iran today also announced it was suspending all trade and economic ties with Denmark in protest of the caricatures. The move came after the EU had warned Iran that boycotting Danish goods would place further strain on already frosty relations.
Speaking to Iranian air force personnel, Ayatollah Khamenei said the cartoons were a scandal, particularly as they came "from those who champion civilisation and free expression".
"The west condemns any denial of the Jewish Holocaust, but it permits the insult of Islamic sanctities," Ayatollah Khamenei said. The caricatures amounted to a "conspiracy by Zionists who were angry because of the victory of Hamas," he said.
Yesterday, hundreds of Iranians hurled stones and petrol bombs at the Danish and Austrian embassies in Tehran in protest against the cartoons. The Austrian mission was targeted as the country currently holds the EU presidency.
A bestselling Iranian newspaper, Hamshari, announced it was retaliating by holding a competition to find the best images satirising the Holocaust. The move mirrors the exercise of the Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, whose publication of 12 images of Muhammad in September sparked the row.
As Ayatollah Khamenei made his comments, an Iranian foreign ministry spokesman, Hamid Reza Asefi, said diplomatic missions should be respected and a small, peaceful protest took place outside the Danish embassy.Later, Iran announced that it was suspending all trade and economic ties with Denmark and would bar Danish products from entering the country in protest of the cartoons.

Cartoons 'part of Zionist plot'
The Guardian, February 7, 2006
"Quran burning" a part of a Zionist conspiracy

Iranian Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani condemned insult to the Holy Quran, saying that a new Zionist conspiracy is emerging.
"Insult to the Holy Quran in front of the White House was an organized measure in line with war against Islam and it was an insult to monotheistic religions," he said in a statement.
"The disgraceful measure of insult to the Holy Quran was something beyond an unwise action by some ordinary operatives, it showed a new plot by the World Arrogance led by international Zionism to cover its military and political failures in international particularly in regional scene to secure its illegitimate interests."He also called for all veteran lawyers, judiciary chiefs of countries and international institutions not to keep silent on the apparent insult to Muslims' beliefs and thwart the new plot.

Iran says Quran burning shows new Zionist conspiracy emerging
ISNA, September 14, 2010
Muslim Terrorism

Indian or American agents responsible for Osama bin Laden "revenge" attacks

Facing a surge in violence after the killing of Osama bin Laden, Pakistanis are taking comfort in conspiracy theories that allege Indian or American agents -- not fellow Muslim countrymen -- are behind the attacks, especially last week's brazen assault on a naval base.
Lawmakers, media pundits, retired generals and even government officials often hint at suspicions of a "foreign hand" in the violence, despite there being no evidence and often explicit claims of responsibility by militant groups like the Pakistani Taliban.Aired on television talk shows and in newspapers, conspiracy theories are everywhere -- underscoring the challenges facing the United States as it seeks to convince Pakistan's overwhelmingly anti-American population that it faces a shared enemy in the Taliban.

Amid bombings, Pakistan turns to conspiracies
Times Union, May 29, 2011
Non-Muslims responsible for the 7/7 Bombings

A Channel 4 News survey of 500 British Muslims, carried out by GFK NOP, has found that nearly a quarter don't believe the four men identified as the London bombers were responsible for the attacks.
And a similar number say the government or the security services were involved. Nearly six in ten of those polled believe the government hasn't told the whole truth about the July the 7th bombings - and more than half say the intelligence services have made up evidence to convict terrorist suspects.
The findings come as Tony Blair told a London conference that the "true voice of Islam" needed to be heard - to isolate the extremists.
The Prime Minister went on to say that that most Muslims wanted to be "loyal citizens", despite the "disproportionate" public attention given to what he called "small, unrepresentative groups" of radicals. In this exclusive report,
Darshna Soni reveals the full findings of our survey - and talks to Muslims throughout England.
The Survey
Channel 4 News, with GFK NOP, has commissioned a survey to reveal the Muslim community's attitudes towards the 'official narrative' surrounding the 7/7 bombings revealing that: 59% of the 500 people polled believe that the government has not told the public the whole truth about the 7th July bombings.
52% believe that the British security services have "made up" evidence to convict terrorist suspects.
24% believe the four men identified as the July 7th bombers were not actually responsible for the attacks.68% believe that the Muslim community does not bear any responsibility for the emergence of extremists willing to attack UK targets. Although 58% felt that the community should be doing more.[3]

June, 2007
Jewish involvement in 9/11 attacks (including claim that 4000 Jews skipped work on that day)

Conspiracy theories proposed by some groups claim that 9/11 was part of an international Zionist conspiracy. According to the Anti-Defamation League, "anti-Semitic conspiracy theories have not been accepted in mainstream circles in the U.S.," but "this is not the case in the Arab and Muslim world."[4] The Anti-Defamation League has published a paper, Unraveling Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories, identifying the claims made and responding to them.
One of the most popular claims in these theories is that 4,000 Jewish employees skipped work at the WTC on September 11. This was first reported on September 17 by the Lebanese Hezbollah-owned satellite television channel Al-Manar and is believed to be based on the September 12 edition of the Jerusalem Post that stated "The Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem has so far received the names of 4,000 Israelis believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon at the time of the attacks.".[5] Both turned out to be incorrect; the number of Jews who died in the attacks is variously estimated at between 270 to 400.[6][7][8][9] The lower figure tracks closely with the percentage of Jews living in the New York area and partial surveys of the victims' listed religion. The US State Department has published a partial list of 76 in response to claims that fewer Jews/Israelis died in the WTC attacks than should have been present at the time. [10] Five Israeli citizens died in the attack, including one who was killed fighting his airplane's hiijackers. [11]Several websites of the 9/11 truth movement have worked to debunk the anti-Semitic claims and expose websites and individuals engaging in anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial.[12] On the internet, Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has indignantly denied the rumour and attacked Shias, Hezbollah and Iran for spreading it, claiming, “the objective behind this lie is to deny that the Sunnis have heroes who harm America as no one has harmed it throughout its history.” and that Iran's aim is to cover up its involvement in the invading of Iraq and Afghanistan.[13][14][15][16]

9/11 conspiracy theories
A July 2011 Pew Global Attitudes survey found that only 1 in 5 Muslims believe Arabs were responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Posted ImageNearly a decade after Sept. 11, 2001, skepticism about the events of that day persists among Muslim publics.

When asked whether they think groups of Arabs carried out the 9/11 attacks on the U.S., most Muslims in the nations surveyed say they do not believe this.
There is no Muslim public in which even 30% accept that Arabs conducted the attacks. Indeed, Muslims in Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey are less likely to accept this today than in 2006.

Muslim-Western Tensions Persist
Pew Research Center, July 21, 2011
Zionists responsible for the Alexandria Church Bombing

Islamic thinker Dr. Muhammad Salim al-'Awa accused Zionist intelligence of involvement in the bombing that targeted Saints' Church in Alexandria.
He said: "There is an agreement between the national community, intellectual Muslims and Christians, and security officials to point the blame at foreign powers." ...He stressed that the prohibition against killing in places of worship is unequivocal, and added that "I believe very strongly that the ones behind this criminal act are Zionist intelligence agents, whether deceived or deceiving Egyptians, or non-Egyptians. This is what we hope will be discovered by Egyptian security authorities."

Dr. Salim al-'Awa: Zionism Is Behind the Alexandria Church Bombing
almoslim.net, January 4, 2010
The Vice President of the Supreme Islamic Shi'ite Council in Lebanon, Sheikh 'Abd-al-Amir Qablan, denounced the bombing which occurred in front of Saints' Church in Alexandria, in northern Egypt, and which led to the death of 21 people.

Qablan said in a statement: "This terrorist act bears the mark of Zionism, which is accustomed to destroying religious holy places, and is in the interest of Zionism, which seeks to sow fitna, and foment sectarian and ideological differences."

Arab and international condemnation of the bombing of Saints' Church
shorouknews.com, January 1, 2011
What happened in Egypt, specifically in Alexandria, was not a passing attack on Christian regions and churches in order to displace them.
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Removing the Christians from the East is a Zionist project, for the true enemy of Israel is the Christian, who embodies the phenomenon of a natural coalition surrounding him, and interacting with him, and giving him a pattern for living and for coexistence between the religions, cultures, and civilizations.

That There Be No Second Israel or More!
elnashra.com, January 11, 2011
...He [Sheikh al-Qaradawi] pointed to the possibility of a foreign hand being behind the attack, with the purpose of igniting sectarian strife in Egypt, stating: "I fear that there may be a foreign hand behind this action, for it does not make sense for an Egyptian or a Muslim to be behind it. Perhaps a foreign hand is attempting to ignite sectarian strife...

Al-Qaradawi: Those Behind the Alexandria Bombing Are Criminals and Blood-Shedders; Islam Is Innocent of Them
sabq.org, January 3, 2011
The president of the Unity Party, former minister 'Abd-al-Rahim Murad, condemned the attack on the Coptic Church in Alexandria, stressing that it is "clear evidence of Zionist-Western attempts to target the national fabric of Egypt, and the unity of the sons of this ancient Arab country, which has long enriched us with its national solidarity, and its ability to overcome foreign attempts to sow sedition and division."

Murad further stated that, "Whatever labels those criminal hands place on their work, it will not deceive Egyptian and Arab public opinion, for they are working to further the plans of Zionists and Westerners who want to strike at the unity of our national and Arab societies in order to justify the legitimacy of their own religious nation, which was established on extortion and abhorrent racism."

Murad: The Alexandria Church Bombing Was a Zionist-Western Attempt to Target the National Fabric of Egypt
alintiqad.com, January 2, 2010
Boko Haram an American conspiracy to destroy Islam in Nigeria

Boko Haram are the Islamic terrorist organization behind the 2011 Christmas day church bombings and are responsible for the deaths of at least 219 individuals in the first 21 days of 2012.[17]
Boko Haram was conceived to destroy Islam and Muslims in Nigeria withthe sole aim of splitting the country as predicted by the United States of America agents, the Dean, Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies of Usman Danfodio Univeristy, Sokoto, Professor Aliyu Mohammad Bunza has said.
Delivering a lecture entitled "Who is a terrorist?," during a lecture organised by the National Council of Muslim Youth
Organisations(NACOMYO), stressed that the concept was a conspiracy to destroy Muslims and to make the prediction by the West that Nigeria would disintegrate come 2015 become a reality.Bunza emphasised that Islam was a religion of peace and urged Muslims in the country to stand up to resist any attempt to label Islam as a terrorist group. He urged government and the media in the country to desist from labelling Islam as a religion that condone terrorism.

Nigeria: Boko Haram Conceived to Destroy Islam - Prof. Bunza
Daily Trust, February 8, 2012
Leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Sayyed Ibraheem Yaquoub Zakzaky says, the current wave of attacks in the name of Boko Harma is a delibrate agenda to suppress Islamic resurgence in Nigeria, with special focus on the Islamic Movement in Nigeria.
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According to him, there is a growing fear by the western world that Nigeria as a regional power, if allowed to embarce Islam as a doctrine, will have multiplier effect on the whole African continent. “This is why they are now trying to destablize the country in the name of Boko Haram, he added.
He also stated that, a Nigerian security official has sent a message informing him that, all the waves of attacks in the name of Boko Haram currently going on, is a smoke screen and diversionary tactics targetting the Islamic Movement in Nigeria.
. . .He expressed concern on how innocent lives are being wasted in cold blood in order to actualize a sinister motive, and blaming it on Islam and Muslims.

African Shia Cleric: Boko Haram attrocity is a conspiracy against Islamic resurgence in Nigeria
Ahlul Bayt News Agency, February 8, 2012
Soft Drinks

Pork extracts in colas

This conspiracy theory states that Pepsi and Coca Cola Contains Pork (Pig) extracts
The following news article has been published in Al-Riyadh Newspaper on 20 th August 2006. This is the translation of the news article. Please see the attached news in Arabic.

The scientific and medical research says that drinking Pepsi & Cola leads to cancer because the key element is taken from Pigs sausage. The heavenly books Quran, Bible and Torah forbids eating Pork, as it is the only animal that eats dirt, dung and urine, which makes lethal and deadly fabric polluted germs and microbes.
According to a report published in Jordanian magazine, the head of Delhi University's Science and Technology Center , Dr. Mangoshada scientifically proved that the key element in Pepsi and Cola contains extract from the intestines of Pig which causes cancer and other deadly diseases.
The Indian university conducted tests on the impact of drinking Pepsi and Coca Cola which proved that drinking them lead to more rapid heart rate and low pressure. Also drinking 6 bottles of Pepsi or Cola at a time causes instant death. It also contains chemicals such as carbonic and phosphoric acids, citric acid which harms teeth and causes bone fragility. Bones kept in the Cup of Pepsi melts during the week knowing that the bones of the dead remain in the grave for thirty years. Research itself confirmed that the calcium dissolved in Pepsi and it weakens the bladder, kidneys, kills the pancreatic, leads to diabetes and infectious diseases.Pepsi or Coca-Cola lovers nothing to worry as it is not the only drinks available on this earth, as we have other healthy alternatives such as natural fruit juices, canned coconut water, flavored milks, buttermilk etc., all of them are conveniently available even in the small stores.[18][19]
In 2011, an Israeli Muslim filed a NIS 1.2 billion class action suit against Coca Cola for containing alcohol.
An Israeli Muslim filed a NIS 1.2 billion class action suit against The Central Bottling Company Group Ltd. (the Israel franchisee for Coca Cola) in the Jerusalem District Court today for compensation for mental anguish and infringing the independent choices of the individual.
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The plaintiff, an Israeli Muslim, filed the suit following publication on the web last week of what is apparently the secret recipe of Coca Cola, and which allegedly contains alcohol.
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Alcohol is forbidden by Islam, and the plaintiff cites he has been unwittingly drinking alcohol for years.
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The plaintiff says that his class action suit comprises NIS 1,000 compensation for each of the 1.2 million Muslims living in Israel.
. . .The suit said, "This is one of the greatest deceptions in the history of consumer affairs, when a company ignores the existence of alcohol as an ingredient despite being aware that the Muslim world abstains from products like these.

Israeli sues Coca Cola for containing alcohol
Globes, Israel Business News, February 20, 2011
Coca-Cola logo is anti-Islamic

This conspiracy theory claims that the Coca-Cola logo, when reversed, states in Arabic "No Muhammad, No Mecca".

Myths & Rumors/Middle East
Official Coca-Cola website, Aug 03, 2004
Pepsi a Zionist acronym

One conspiracy theory states that PEPSI is actually a Zionist acronym that stands for:

MEMRI TV, Video No. 1760
Interview with Hamas MP Salem Salamah - Al Aqsa TV, April 23, 2008
Supernatural and Science Fictional

Mobile phone virus that kills the recipient

Mobile phones and the internet, the pervasiveness of which is often cited as a measure of a society's progress and modernity, have become a means of spreading fear in the Muslim world. Text messages, originating from the Pakistani city of Sialkot, recently warned people of a virus if people answered phone calls from certain numbers. The virus would not hurt the phone, the messages said, but would rather kill the recipient.

The panic caused by the rumours forced the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority to issue a denial. Phone companies sent out text messages urging people to be calm. A newspaper rejected the rumour but featured the headline, Killer Mobile Virus.

Reasons for decline of the Muslim world
Husain Haqqani, Gulf News, May 2, 2007
Sudanese men and their disappearing penises

Last month mass hysteria apparently swept the capital city, Khartoum, after reports that foreigners were shaking hands with Sudanese men and causing their penises to disappear. One victim, a fabric merchant, told his story to the London Arabic newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi. A man from West Africa came into the shop and "shook the store owner's hand powerfully until the owner felt his penis melt into his body."
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Al-Quds reported, "The store owner became hysterical, and was taken to the hospital." The country's "Chief Criminal Attorney General" Yasser Ahmad Muhammad told the Sudanese daily Al-Rai Al-A'am that "the rumor broke out when one merchant went to another merchant to buy some Karkady [a Sudanese beverage]. Suddenly, the seller felt his penis shriveling."
The invaluable Middle East Media Research Institute, in its exhaustive coverage, noted that the penises of Khartoum were vulnerable not merely to handshaking. "Another victim, who refused to give his name, said that while he was at the market, a man approached him, gave him a comb, and asked him to comb his hair. When he did so, within seconds, he said, he felt a strange sensation and discovered that he had lost his penis."Tales of the vanishing penises ran rampant round the city, spread by cell phones and text messages. Sudan's Attorney General Salah Abu Zayed declared that all complaints about the missing penises would be brought before a special investigative committee, though doctors had determined that the first plaintiff was "perfectly healthy."

Muslim paranoia: Enemies made us impotent!
Mark Steyn, Jewish World Review, October 28, 2003

Iranian TV report exposes "Zionist" companies
Evil Zionist companies such as Revlon, Intel, McDonalds, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Sara Lee, Marks & Spencer, Nestle, Marlboro, Disney and more.[20]
Barack Obama is a "Muslim"

A 2011 Pew survey found that 10 percent of US Muslims believe Barack Obama is a Muslim, and a further third say they don't know or refused to answer.
[Obama] is losing much of his 2008 base of voters with one notable exception: Muslim-Americans. They remain exceedingly loyal to the president. In fact, their enthusiasm for Obama has swelled.
Last month, Pew Research Center released a survey of U.S. Muslims that was almost universally overlooked. It found that Muslims overwhelmingly approve of the way Obama is handling his job as president. Fully three-quarters (76%) favor him, compared with just 46% of the general public. Listen to the Podcast Subscribe through iTunes
President Bush, in contrast, garnered a lowly 15% approval rating among Muslim-Americans. "Muslim-Americans clearly see a friend in Obama," Pew said in its report.
Obama came into office pledging to improve relations with the Muslim world, and he's more than delivered on that promise. Almost two-thirds of U.S. Muslims say Obama is generally friendly toward them, Pew found. Just 4% see him as unfriendly.
And many see him as one of their own. One in 10 say they think the president is a Muslim, while a third say they don't know or refused to answer.
Nonstop pandering has also made Obama popular in the Muslim community.He's appointed a record number of Muslims to his administration — including at least three radical Muslim Brotherhood agents to White House jobs, according to Muslim reformer Tarek Fatah. And he's killed Justice Department probes of Muslim Brotherhood front groups at home, while paving the way for Brotherhood-run theocracies abroad.

A Muslim President, After All
Investor's Business Daily, September 29, 2011
Entire nation of Switzerland a "Jewish plot"

A columnist for the Saudi Arabian daily newspaper Al-Riyadh has finally uncovered the cornerstone of the Jewish plot for world domination. It is Switzerland. Yes, the entire nation of Switzerland is apparently a Jewish plot.
Writing on September 4, Fahd 'Amr Al-Ahmadi pointed out that over the past four centuries, Europe has experienced numerous major wars, and yet Switzerland sat there right in the middle completely unscathed. At the same time, Switzerland refused to join any major international alliances or organizations (it only became a UN member in 2002).
The conclusion for Al-Ahmadi is simple: Switzerland must be the "safe haven where the [Jews'] wealth can be guarded against the wars they themselves spark," a safe haven spoken of in the czarist blood libel The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
For those in the West who naively believe that holocaust-enducing anti-Semitism is a thing of the past, blood libels such as The Protocols are actually an increasingly prominent part of political discourse in the Middle East. So much so that major Arab newspapers reference The Protocols as thought it were common knowledge fact that the Jews are planning a global takeover. And to them, it is.Of course, Al-Ahmadi's reasoning ignores the subhuman treatment of the Jews throughout all those wars during which their wealth was supposedly piling up and being guarded in Switzerland. A sane person may wonder why such powerful and wealthy Jews, capable of turning a whole nation into their private assistant, did not use some of that money and power to protect themselves from expulsion, forced conversion, pogroms and genocide.

Saudi paper says Switzerland is a Jewish plot
Ryan Jones, Israel Today Magazine, October 10, 2011
Tom and Jerry a "Zionist cartoon conspiracy"

Note that this conspiracy theory erroneously claims the "Jewish Walt Disney Company gained international fame with this cartoon". Tom and Jerry is a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer creation and not a Disney cartoon.
Professor Hasan Bulkhari, a senior cultural adviser to Iran's Education Ministry, recently stated that the animated series 'Tom and Jerry' was created as part of a Jewish conspiracy.
Bulkhari explained that the cartoon aimed at shifting the image of mice - often attributed to Jews by the Nazi regime - from a negative one to a more positive, friendly, intelligent one, according to Worldnetdaily.
Speaking on a televised program on Iranian television, the advisor explained, "The mouse is the wise and smart one, and he violently beats the poor cat.
And yet, this cruelty does not cause you to despise the mouse. He looks so nice, and he is smart."
"The Jews were degraded and termed 'dirty mice.' 'Tom and Jerry' was made in order to change the Europeans' perception of mice. One of terms used was 'dirty mice.'"
"It should be noted that mice are very cunning ... and dirty."
"The program was produced in an attempt to erase the image of the mouse from the minds of European children and to show that the mouse is not dirty and that he even has nice characteristics," he pointed out.
"The Jewish Walt Disney Company gained international fame with this cartoon," he said.
"If you study European history, you will see who was the main power in hoarding money and wealth in the 19th century," continued Bolkhari. "In most cases, it is the Jews. Perhaps that was one of the reasons which caused Hitler to begin the anti-Semitic trend, and then the extensive propaganda about the crematoria began. ... Some of this is true. We do not deny all of it."
Created in 1939 creation by Joe Barbera and Bill Hanna, the MGM series was launched as World War II began.Over 200 cartoons featuring Tom and Jerry were created, and the cartoon remains popular to this day.

"Zionist cartoon conspiracy"
Al Bawaba News, March 15, 2006
Selling alcohol in Jammu and Kashmir, part of a "well planned conspiracy"

Ameer Karwani Islami, Maulana Ghulam Rasool Hami, has expressed serious concern over the alleged role of Christian missionaries in converting young Kashmiri Muslim boys and girls to Christianity.
Addressing a gathering here on Sunday, Hami said some Christian missionaries were trying to alter the Muslim majority character of Jammu and Kashmir at the behest of America and Israel. “We ask Muslims who have fallen for the trap of these missionaries and converted to Christianity to present themselves before Ulema before Eid-ul-Azha, and seek repentance from Allah,” he said.
“Otherwise, Karwani Islami and Darul-Ifta will convene a joint session of Ulema and Muftis on November 11 and issue a fatwa(decree) of social boycott against these converts,” Hami said.
Hami said the Ulema will not remain silent over the activities of Christian missionaries. “ They are luring young Muslims with money to convert and we will go to any extent to stop their activities,” he said.
Hami said, being a Muslim majority state, liquor should have been banned in Jammu and Kashmir. “Instead, the government under a well planned conspiracy is promoting liquor among youth ,” he said.
Hami said it was ironic that the government had allowed a liquor shop opposite the Children’s hospital in Sonawar. “If the government doesn’t revoke the license of the liquor shop, Karwani-i-Islami would take to the streets,” he said.He appealed youth to follow the footsteps of Hazrat Amir Kabeer, Sheikh Noor-ud-Din Noorani, and fight the conspiracies being hatched against Islam.

Repent or face social boycott: Karwan to ‘Christian converts’
Kashmir Dispatch, October 30, 2011
See Also

Conspiracies - A hub page that leads to other articles related to Conspiracies
Antisemitism - A hub page that leads to other articles related to Antisemitism

External Links

The Conspiratorial Mind of the Arab World - Robert Spencer, FrontPageMagazine
Tin Foil Turbans: The 6 Stupidest Conspiracy Theories that Millions of Muslims Believe - Kathy Shaidle, NewsRealblog


&#8593; Freedom Research - The Jewish hand behind Internet - RadioIslam, June 2009
&#8593; Hodapp, Christopher; Alice Von Kannon (2008). Conspiracy Theories & Secret Societies For Dummies. (Pg. 106) Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN 0470184086.
&#8593; Survey: 'government hasn't told truth about 7/7' - Channel 4 news
&#8593; "Unraveling Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories." New York: Anti-Defamation League, 2003. p. 1
&#8593; http://usinfo.state..../14-260933.html "which appeared in the September 12th internet edition of the Jerusalem Post. It stated, "The Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem has so far received the names of 4,000 Israelis believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon at the time of the attacks."
&#8593; A survey of the 1,700 victims whose religion was listed found approximately 10% were Jewish indicating around 270 in total. A survey based on the last names of victims found that around 400 (15½%) were possibly Jewish. A survey of 390 Cantor Fitzgerald employees who had public memorials (out of the 658 who died) found 49 were Jewish (12½%). According to the 2002 American Jewish Year Book, New York State's population was 9% Jewish. Sixty-four percent of the WTC victims lived in New York State.
&#8593; The Mitzvah To Remember (09/05/2002) Gary Rosenblatt, August 3, 2007
&#8593; The Resuscitation of Anti-Semitism: An American Perspective: An Interview with Abraham Foxman 1 October 2003
&#8593; The 4,000 Jews Rumor: Rumor surrounding Sept. 11th proved untrue January 2005
&#8593; The 4,000 Jews Rumor
&#8593; Cashman, Greer Fay. "Five Israeli victims remembered in capital", The Jerusalem Post, The Jerusalem Post, 2002-09-12, p. 3. Retrieved on 2006-10-17
&#8593; Holocaust Denial Versus 9/11 Truth.
&#8593; The Rebellion Within, An Al Qaeda mastermind questions terrorism. by Lawrence Wright. newyorker.com, June 2, 2008
&#8593; "Al-Qaeda accuses Iran of 9/11 lie", BBC News, 2008-04-22. Retrieved on 2008-08-05
&#8593; http://edition.cnn.c...iri.targets.ap/ " Al-Zawahiri also denied a conspiracy theory that Israel carried out the September 11 attacks on the U.S., and he blamed Iran and Shiite Hezbollah for spreading the idea to discredit the Sunni al Qaeda's achievement.Al-Zawahiri accused Hezbollah's al-Manar television of starting the rumor."The purpose of this lie is clear: [to suggest] that there are no heroes among the Sunnis who can hurt America as no else did in history. Iranian media snapped up this lie and repeated it," he said."Iran's aim here is also clear: to cover up its involvement with America in invading the homes of Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq," he added. "
&#8593; FOXNews.com - Al Qaeda No. 2 Accuses Iran of Spreading 9/11 Conspiracy Rumor - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News at Fox News - Breaking News Updates | Latest News Headlines | Photos & News Videos
&#8593; At least 143 killed in north Nigeria sect attacks - Associated Press, January 21, 2012
&#8593; Pork extract in Pepsi and Coca Cola - The Eagles Lodge, May 28, 2009
&#8593; Pepsi and Coca Cola Contains PORK (PIG) extracts - PROVEN!! - saeidahab.multiply.com, April 2, 07
&#8593; Iranian TV Report Exposes "Zionist" Companies - Coca Cola, Pepsi, Marlboro, Hugo Boss, McDonald's and more - MEMRI TV, Video No. 1277, July 29, 2006

This page was last modified on 13 February 2012, at 07:41.

I KNOW, WIKIISLAM. But they give plenty of references.
Good luck with making anyone read all of that ! :woot:

I don't think I'll be 'MAKING' anyone do ANYTHING. But the beauty of the post is that you can read one or two of the goofy theories, take a break, and read a few more. Hey ARMSTRONG, do you have any idea why muslims are into this goofy stuff ?
I'm still wondering why you haven't got an infraction for false flagging. Are you to ashamed of your own flag?
The article is really long so I didn't read it word by word, but it's clear that all of the conspiracy theories stated are too foolish to believe. The one regarding the name "Pepsi" is a good example, I admit I have heard this theory, but I never believed it. For those who don't know, the name "Pepsi" actually comes from the name of the enzyme called "pepsin", this enzyme as far as I know was used in the drink. I have never heard of some of the other conspiracy theories stated in this article though.

Most of the people I believe that will fall for these theories are those that aren't well educated. Education is the key to eradicate superstition & promote logical thinking in a society. For some people though conspiracy theories are just entertainment, they may not believe these conspiracies themselves but they enjoy fooling those who are gullible enough to believe them.
I don't think I'll be 'MAKING' anyone do ANYTHING. But the beauty of the post is that you can read one or two of the goofy theories, take a break, and read a few more. Hey ARMSTRONG, do you have any idea why muslims are into this goofy stuff ?

I read the first few...never heard anything of the sort here in my city or my country. The wildest thing I ever heard was that the Americans are using information to distort Islam and corrupt the minds of our youth...hence we should ban CNN from Pakistan ! But thats hardly comparable to some of the juicy bits mentioned above.

I believe we've got a whole bunch of conspiracy theorists in every culture from the Holocaust deniers, to the Hitler didn't die, to 9/11 truth finding missions etc. and no one religion or culture has a monopoly on this. I believe that this gets highlighted as a Muslim malaise more so than that of others partly because yes...some Muslims do indulge in this kinda stuff and partly because its one additional thing that can be talked about in the 'clash of civilizations' context.
Muslims especially Pakistanis seem to believe in anything, no matter how absurd it is, if the logic of it relieves them of any wrongdoing. In other words, if the blame is laid on others then it is a perfectly valid theory. After all everyone is coming after Pakistan to crush it.
WikiIslam is a Islamphobic hate site.

So it doesn't make sense to form opinion about Muslims based on news reports from various countries that have a muslim majority.
For example, what Pakistanis think about India is not shared across the Muslim world. It should be country specific. Then there are conspiracy theorists in every country. Infact, 40% of Americans don't believe in the official 9/11 version of events. Most of them are not Muslims.
In India, there are a section of people who have all kinds of conspiracy theories about Italian Church control via Sonia Gandhi over the India govt. that doesn't mean all Hindus or all Indians believe such silly ideas.

Look at this way, you want go to a Nazi website to learn what Jews think and believe in. So why would you go to an Islamaphobic hate site as some authentic site about Muslims.
WikiIslam is a Islamphobic hate site.

So it doesn't make sense to form opinion about Muslims based on news reports from various countries that have a muslim majority.
For example, what Pakistanis think about India is not shared across the Muslim world. It should be country specific. Then there are conspiracy theorists in every country. Infact, 40% of Americans don't believe in the official 9/11 version of events. Most of them are not Muslims.
In India, there are a section of people who have all kinds of conspiracy theories about Italian Church control via Sonia Gandhi over the India govt. that doesn't mean all Hindus or all Indians believe such silly ideas.

Look at this way, you want go to a Nazi website to learn what Jews think and believe in. So why would you go to an Islamaphobic hate site as some authentic site about Muslims.

Well said !
oh man, I hate Muslim conspiracy theories.
Like the one where Muslims were all like "America is making up lies to invade Iraq for Oil"
I mean what nut jobs. Clearly Saddam had WMDs.

Or have you heard the one where Muslims believe that Osama Bin Laden was supplied and trained by the CIA in the 80s to fight the Russians?
Clearly crazy people.

My favorite is the crazy on about American's supporting oppressive dictators in their own countries so that America can get access to oil and other resources at the detriment to the people.
COO-COO am I right?
I went through the first two.....realized that I was muslim..........realized that I didn't believe them.........then I.........

This particular listing is an intentional effort to further stereotype the Muslims.

Usually people who believe in conspiracy theories are those who feel things are beyond their control. Most Muslim governments are not true representatives of their peoples' will, rather each one of them is a system that happens to be patronized/manipulated by islamophobes or vested interest groups. Consequently in the activities of their government people don't see a reflection of their will.

Even democracy as it is practiced is an imported system of procedure that didn't grow in our land. So participation of people in politics has not been spontaneous. People have long been familiar with a political format that worked incredibly well about 1500 years ago. Naturally they were reluctant to adopt or adapt to a system brought in by oppressors. It will take some time for people to get used to this practice and make the best out of it.
I read the first few...never heard anything of the sort here in my city or my country. The wildest thing I ever heard was that the Americans are using information to distort Islam and corrupt the minds of our youth...

SEE !! Another STUPID M.E./ ASIAN conspiracy theory. Glad you got something from this post.:tup:

'My Hooptie' ? Isn't music haram ? Or do you just look at the pictures ?

WikiIslam is a Islamphobic hate site...

Plenty of UNBIASED references there, chief.

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