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Muslims in indian army

@Divya: Its wrong. Neither of them have been charged. The terrorists have been spreading wrong information as always.

None the less .. Lets get back to topic.
Its sleep time. And the thread has moved away from Muslims representation in Army to Mr.Modi to Mr.Geelani.

Lets get back to track.

Good Night.

If you hadn't started trolling about Pakistan's minorities and the Blasphemy Law, we wouldn't be here. Good night.
@Divya: Its wrong. Neither of them have been charged. The terrorists have been spreading wrong information as always.

None the less .. Lets get back to topic.

Then why is your link dated October 29, 2010; while the other links are more up-to-date (November 30, 2010)?
@Divya: Its wrong. Neither of them have been charged. The terrorists have been spreading wrong information as always.

None the less .. Lets get back to topic.

indians are spreading wrong information and lying shamelessly as always.
Then why is your link dated October 29, 2010; while the other links are more up-to-date (November 30, 2010)?

I stand corrected (My earlier post was incorrect). A FIR has been files against them by a lower court. But, its not the GoI that is pushing for them to be prosecuted. Rather a petion was filed in the lower court, based on which police have just lodged a FIR. No one has been arrested.

Sedition case registered against Arundhati Roy, Geelani

She herself acknowlesges that its not the government, but the extemist mob which is harassing her and Mr.Gilani.

Arundhati Roy and Indian De-MOCK-racy « Active Voice
The Government has indicated that it does not intend to go ahead with the charges of sedition against me and the other speakers at a recent seminar on Azadi for Kashmir. So the task of punishing me for my views seems to have been taken on by right wing storm troopers. The Bajrang Dal and the RSS have openly announced that they are going to “fix” me with all the means at their disposal including filing cases against me all over the country. The whole country has seen what they are capable of doing, the extent to which they are capable of going. So, while the Government is showing a degree of maturity, are sections of the media and the infrastructure of democracy being rented out to those who believe in mob justice?
^^^ Thank you for your correction. My point stands that a sedition case has been registered against the two. I won't go into the details, or look for justifications or anything. The facts speak for themselves.

Indian Army slowly rectifies Arjun tanks' night blindness. But it'll be ALWAYS blinded by RELIGION.

No one can can question if Indian Army is flooded by Muslims. There's no religious parity in Indian armed forces.

I'm neither a Hindu nor a Muslim, but an atheist and a Tamilian, and I don'nt bother about TAMILIAN's representation in Indian Army. If we WANT, WE'LL DO!

Anyone can join Indian Army, Navy, Air-force IRRESPECTIVE of his/her religion/region/ethnicity/colour/creed...


^^^ Thank you for your correction. My point stands that a sedition case has been registered against the two. I won't go into the details, or look for justifications or anything. The facts speak for themselves.


I think you accept that we are not in a win/loss debate. Your initial point, as per me, was that people like Teesta have been criticized in India whereas Pakistanis have been very liberal to those demanding secession. You then moved onto Arundhati.

As per me,Both of this ladies, have never been arrested (Teesta has never been Anti India), with Arundhati accepting that GoI has been understanding. Proving that GoI has never prosecuted enemy of state.
In IB and RAW Muslims are debarred. :p
are u kidding me,,the current indian IB chief n the current indian foreign minister is a muslim :P
muslims are not deliberately marginalized in army.they are yet to grow in army just like they have to grow in any other field..there are many reasons for it one of them is politics of course govt still gives majority of its revenues for muslim education to madrasas even when just a minority go to it.this and several reasons.
GOI has commissioned sachar committee on the issue and they have come up with this report
and most of the recommendations are accepted
Government approves 72 recommendations of Sachar committee - Economic Times
Press Information Bureau English Releases
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there is no fault of army
it depends on your family background,
though being from royal family and being a Rajwada Soon i will be appearing for SSB
This part of the article is very interesting
The Indian Rebellion of 1857 occurred as the result of an accumulation of factors over time, rather than any single event.

The sepoys were local soldiers, the majority Hindu or Muslim, that were recruited into the Company's army. Just before the Rebellion there were over 300,000 sepoys in the army, compared to about 50,000 British. The forces were divided into three presidency armies: Bombay, Madras, and Bengal. The Bengal Army recruited higher castes, such as "Rajputs and Brahmins", mostly from the Awadh and Bihar regions and even restricted the enlistment of lower castes in 1855. In contrast, the Madras Army and Bombay Army were "more localized, caste-neutral armies" that "did not prefer high-caste men."[12] The domination of higher castes in the Bengal Army has been blamed in part for initial mutinies that led to the rebellion. In fact, the role of castes had become so important that men were no longer "selected on account of the most important qualities in a soldier, i.e., physical fitness, willingness and strength, docility and courage, but because he belonged to a certain caste or sect".[this quote needs a citation]

The reason for this disparity lies in history. The Indian army’s recruitment pattern was set 150 years ago by India’s 1857 uprising. Traumatised by the rebellion, the British army adopted a recruitment policy that punished the groups which rebelled and rewarded the ones that stayed loyal. Because Muslims of Awadh, Bihar and West Bengal led the uprising, the British army stopped hiring soldiers from these areas.
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