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Apr 27, 2016
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Every ruler coming into power in Pakistan never forgot to repeatedly raise his slogan showing his extreme love, care and affection for the Overseas Pakistanis (Pakistanis working abroad). Every ruler termed these Overseas Pakistanis as real ambassadors of Pakistan and praised them for sending their remittances which is the main back bone of the country to Pakistan.

2. Nawaz Sharif coming into power raised slogans that Overseas Pakistanis whether holding Pakistani or foreign passports were all family members who can come into their home anytime freely. Immediately, then, he imposed a permanent heavy repeat tax in the name of separate English language National ID Card for these very family members. PM Imran Khan before coming into power and during his tenure as Prime Minister never got tired of shouting with full mouth open slogans for the welfare of Overseas Pakistanis. To prove his practical love for the Overseas Pakistanis, he tagged a feather in his cap of being the sole single in the world by imposing about 30 to 40% duty on a mobile an Overseas Pakistan held in his hand while coming from coming abroad into Pakistan on leave or so. Anyone Pakistani or a foreign national could use his mobile with a foreign or Pakistani SIM for 30 days from his landing after which system blocked it unless a 30-40% duty was not paid.

3. Last month the authorities at Karachi airport seized from the arriving passengers their Mobile phones held in their hands (under their personal use), chocolates, foodstuff, travelling bags, headphones and sunglasses for “contravention of Customs Act” under the disguise of recently imposed ban by the present Government on “import of luxury” items to control outflow of Dollars from the country. It is another thing due to joint blessing hands of bureaucracy and the politics almost everything from a TV to vehicle tyres, from an air conditioner to luxury vehicles smuggled through Afghan borders are easily available.

4. This has created a confusion viz if my mobile in my hand with a Bahraini SIM in to be replaced with a Pakistani SI next day would now be immediately on my land confiscated in the contravening the ban or still I will be allowed to use it in Pakistan for 30 days pending payment of 30% if my stay prolongs? For years over years as a frequent traveler, then, due to airlines weight limitation, I always purchased 3 or 4 packs of 2.5 kgs NIDO milk for my child and 4 to 5 different packs of chocolates for the family due to quality concern from Bahrain Duty Free Shop before taking my seat in the plane. From Karachi airport I took it home without any eye brow raised. Would this time my chocolates, sunglasses etc be allowed or confiscated? Would I be able to take duty free my Laptop and TAB, like before home or it would be confiscated under the banner of a ban.

5. World has, un-declaredly, recognized and accepted Mobile device an extended external integral part of the human body. It has today become also a supplementary international travel document like e.g. your Covid certification at airports is recognized only through mobile app not a printed copy. Services, including in Pakistan, are being constantly through mobile apps. There are many Forms (print or online), Applications, documents which remain incomplete unless a mobile number is given despite knowing that fact even today there are many who don’t have a mobile. I am old man computer illiterate. I have a mobile for telephoning and sometime SMS. It is prepaid line. I have no monthly package giving me any GBs or free minutes. I have no Facebook, youtube etc. My child through his MiFi downloaded Bahrain Covid Application on my mobile and vaccination certificate. Twice last year I was refused entrance to supermarket because my Vaccination Certificate will pop-up there without internet. How essential and mandatory this device has become.

6. Ex Pakistan PM Imran Khan who imposed an exorbitant duty on a mobile in use, with much fanfare introduced a Prime Ministerial Complaint Cell under him named Citizens Portal. Only those having a mobile could use the portal. Despite this Overseas Pakistanis loving PM Imran Khan and his Government earned the distinction of being the first and the sole in the world imposing heavy duty for one’s sin of holding a mobile in hand for approaching him through the exclusive path viz the Citizens Portal. This was technically a cost of approaching him by an ordinary on whose vote he came into power. Bangladesh or Philippines etc can learn from Pakistan as to how raise income through Duty collection at airports from their nationals and foreign visitors visiting their country.

7. There used to be clock rooms almost word over on railway stations and airports where passengers could deposit their baggage for a few hours or a day or two enabling them to move without baggage. Such a clock room used to be till mod 1990s at Karachi Airport and myself used extensively Lahore Railway Station clock room. After 9/11 for security reasons, I understand this facility has at many places been withdrawn. Rather than getting mobile confiscated, perhaps Bahrain Airport Services could be requested to create a clock-room facility for Pakistan bound passengers like it has a very nice car leaving facility.

8. It will be a great service to the Pakistanis in Bahrain if the Pakistan Embassy Bahrain in the larger interest of the whole community issued guidance on the issue through this space to save us from expense like purchasing chocolates, kit kat etc from Bahrain Airport only and only to fetch harassment and humiliation after three hours after landing in Pakistan.
I don’t think mobile phones or personal laptops are being seized at airports? There was a notification issued by govt

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