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Myanmar's Suu Kyi says don't 'exaggerate' Rohingya plight

Calling someone a bigot is not "calling names".
I know what's the meaning of the word bigot bro,
what I ment was ,since they have a different point of view from what you believe dsnt make them bad people.
Yes let's not exaggerate genocide ...... What an absolute nasty piece of work.... Completely and utterly unsuitable to continue to hold the Nobel....

Not a single Muslim has been allowed to stand for election and all Muslim are barred from voting beyond Rohingya .....

Total fascist scum
Her only statement on the issue is a pathetic one... So much for being the peace n tolerance "icon" she has been projected and sold as .. An cun cho chi'

Where was this twat hiding when the rohingyas were being massacred when they were being forced to flee .. All that is still happening and this .... has yet to even make 1 simple sympathetic statement about those ppl..

Yes let's not exaggerate genocide ...... What an absolute nasty piece of work.... Completely and utterly unsuitable to continue to hold the Nobel....

Not a single Muslim has been allowed to stand for election and all Muslim are barred from voting beyond Rohingya .....

Total fascist scum

Says the Bangladeshi whose country also is a partner in all this....... A country that shares ethnic links with rohingyas and yet doesn't help them !
Her only statement on the issue is a pathetic one... So much for being the peace n tolerance "icon" she has been projected and sold as .. An cun cho chi'

Where was this twat hiding when the rohingyas were being massacred when they were being forced to flee .. All that is still happening and this .... has yet to even make 1 simple sympathetic statement about those ppl..

Says the Bangladeshi whose country also is a partner in all this....... A country that shares ethnic links with rohingyas and yet doesn't help them !

BD houses millions of rohingyas and have done so since the burmese started their ethnic pogrom since the 1970's. Go check the figures before commenting.

as to current government policy, it was done so that international spotlight falls into this situation and in that respect it has been a success. However I am not comfortable with it at all. You claiming that BD is a partner is Rohingya genocide is plain retarded. BD does not control the fascist action of burmese, all it had done is sought to protect itself from fallout.

In BDs position what would any nation have done? If I was a BD policy maker i would have taken the same stance but the application of the rules would have been softer. I do not think it is good enough to turn back unarmed people fleeing from their homes due to attacks by racists. BD reaction could be more nuanced and BD does deserve criticism but it is not a partner in the Rohingya genocide.

I like her more everyday.

Except that's not true.

can you provide some documentary evidence that counters widely reported scenario that sui chi has not put up a single muslim candidate? can you provide any evidence that suggests muslims have not been entirely disenfranchised from the election.

if you can't then your feeble protestation is just that.
can you provide some documentary evidence that counters widely reported scenario that sui chi has not put up a single muslim candidate? can you provide any evidence that suggests muslims have not been entirely disenfranchised from the election.

This was your initial quote, nothing to do with 'sui chi' :

Not a single Muslim has been allowed to stand for election and all Muslim are barred from voting beyond Rohingya .....

A lone Muslim campaigns in Myanmar's stronghold of radical Buddhism| Reuters

Your next statement is clearly false and doesn't need proof. Muslims are not barred from voting.
Here I am quoting one of PDF's favorite Indian Secular Members
Not sure about that but then my English was always the weakest link.

My friend - Selective outrage is no crime. You can't force anyone to take umbrage at each and every social ill or injustice. People have and always will speak for their pet causes.

I might find proliferation of starving, dying cows on Streets a huge nuisance and appeal to the govt to euthanize them in absence of conscientious Hindus who would spend their time and money to care for the said cows. That could be my pet cause.


I might make Govt implementation of Uniform Civil Code my cause.


I might find shamelessness of Modi who utilized the riots to win elections worthy medium for my outrage..

The point is we all have our causes, don't force yours on everyone.
This was your initial quote, nothing to do with 'sui chi' :

A lone Muslim campaigns in Myanmar's stronghold of radical Buddhism| Reuters

Your next statement is clearly false and doesn't need proof. Muslims are not barred from voting.

I should have been more specific in my earlier comment, whilst my condemnation of the fascist Burmese is a general one as the OP related specifically to sui chi comment I was talking about NLDs decision to bar all Muslim candidates. Your link refer to an independent candidate standing so does not disprove NLDs racism.

That a token Muslim is standing I suppose mean some token Muslims will be able to vote. Should you do a Google search you see empirical evidence of systematic disenfranchisement of Muslims across all spectrum. Are these all lies made up by the Muslim loving world press?
I should have been more specific in my earlier comment, whilst my condemnation of the fascist Burmese is a general one as the OP related specifically to sui chi comment I was talking about NLDs decision to bar all Muslim candidates. Your link refer to an independent candidate standing so does not disprove NLDs racism.

That a token Muslim is standing I suppose mean some token Muslims will be able to vote. Should you do a Google search you see empirical evidence of systematic disenfranchisement of Muslims across all spectrum. Are these all lies made up by the Muslim loving world press?

That's a smart move from her party to gain as many votes as possible. The NLD has a near monopoly on the 'ethnic' vote and most Burmese muslims support her unconditionally. That is the importance of the big picture. The Rohingya are not allowed to vote unless they have citizenship. Which is fine as most of them are not considered citizens of Myanmar. Citizens are not allowed to vote. Simple as that.
That's a smart move from her party to gain as many votes as possible. The NLD has a near monopoly on the 'ethnic' vote and most Burmese muslims support her unconditionally. That is the importance of the big picture. The Rohingya are not allowed to vote unless they have citizenship. Which is fine as most of them are not considered citizens of Myanmar. Citizens are not allowed to vote. Simple as that.

Really no different from the nazis
I know what's the meaning of the word bigot bro,
what I ment was ,since they have a different point of view from what you believe dsnt make them bad people.

Suu Kyi returned to Burma from abroad in 1988, amidst the slaughter of protesters rallying against U Ne Win and his iron-fisted rule. She began speaking out against him, with democracy and human rights at the fore of her struggle.

So, basically what you are saying is don't call her on it because she changed her mind, about what constitutes as human rights? If she came to power has Humans rights advocate, and all this is happening under her watch, then she is a bloody hypocrite and a power hungry moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Politics. But she's better than her rivals, from a minority PoV.

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