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NASA finds Evidence of Life on Mars


Feb 15, 2012
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Nasa's Mars rover, Curiosity, dispatched to learn if the most Earth-like planet in the solar system was suitable for microbial life, has found clear evidence its landing site was once awash in water, a key ingredient for life, scientists said Thursday.

Curiosity, a roving chemistry laboratory the size of a small car, touched down on August 6 inside a giant impact basin near the planet's equator. The primary target for the two-year mission is a three-mile (five-km) -high mound of layered rock rising from the floor of Gale Crater.
Scientists suspect the mound, known as Mount Sharp, is the remains of sediment that once completely filled the crater. Analysis of a slab of rock located between the crater's north rim and the base of Mount Sharp indicate a fast-moving stream of water once flowed there.

The stones inside the rock are too big to have been moved by wind, Curiosity scientist Rebecca Williams, with the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, told reporters on a conference call.

"The consensus of the science team is that these are water-transported gravel in a vigorous stream," she said.

The rock is believed to be from the floor of an ancient stream which was once between ankle- and knee-deep.

The analysis is based on telephoto images taken by the rover, which is en route to a patch of land named Glenelg where three different types of rock intersect.

Scientists have not yet decided if the slab of rock warrants a chemical analysis, or if there are better targets for Curiosity to look for the building blocks of life and the minerals to preserve it.

The question about habitability goes beyond the simple observation of water on Mars," said lead scientist John Grotzinger at the California Institute of Technology.

"Certainly flowing water is a place where microorganisms could have lived. This particular kind of rock may or may not be a good place to preserve those components that we associate with a habitable environment," he said.

The $2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity mission is Nasa's first astrobiology mission.

Nasa's Mars rover finds first evidence of water - a river of it - Hindustan Times
Title is misleading......finding some rocks that supposedly moved with the help of a stream is not evidence for life.
well now that's for sure that there once was life on mars.
Not again. I'm tired of this Alien life bullcrap

science was not a subject in your school?

Title is misleading......finding some rocks that supposedly moved with the help of a stream is not evidence for life.

Misleading? Science class - did you sleep through it? where there is water , there was once life. not all life is 4 feet tall with two big eyes and an oval face.
@jayAtl am fedup explaining everything again and again.... Am totaly dissapointed that many people on PDF not keeping an eye on my posts.... Anyway.... There is plenty of evidence on mars which shows nuclear war.... Now its upto u people believe it or not.... To be honest its not a religion to believe it or not.... Its a 'FACTS' that nuclear war took place on Mars which was near planet sun but been pushed away by Astroids and tiny black hole didnt harm Mars but the gravitational force of saturn and jupiter thrown mars away and millions died.... It was done by Alpha draconians who stole technology from Annunakis....
Exraterrestrial Atomic War: Evidence of a Nuclear Blast on Mars? | Mysterious Universe
Evidence of a Nuclear War on Mars? « Aliens, Angels, Ghosts
YouTube - Life on Mars planet Evidence weapons, skull, ruins, helmet, bone, bottle
Misleading? Science class - did you sleep through it? where there is water , there was once life. not all life is 4 feet tall with two big eyes and an oval face.

Water is not the only prerequisite for life, it is just essential. Theres one or two ingredients missing. But i guess you would have known that if lets see, you weren't sleeping during science class if you had any that is.
@jayAtl am fedup explaining everything again and again.... Am totaly dissapointed that many people on PDF not keeping an eye on my posts.... Anyway.... There is plenty of evidence on mars which shows nuclear war.... Now its upto u people believe it or not.... To be honest its not a religion to believe it or not.... Its a 'FACTS' that nuclear war took place on Mars which was near planet sun but been pushed away by Astroids and tiny black hole didnt harm Mars but the gravitational force of saturn and jupiter thrown mars away and millions died.... It was done by Alpha draconians who stole technology from Annunakis....
Exraterrestrial Atomic War: Evidence of a Nuclear Blast on Mars? | Mysterious Universe
Evidence of a Nuclear War on Mars? « Aliens, Angels, Ghosts
YouTube - Life on Mars planet Evidence weapons, skull, ruins, helmet, bone, bottle

Hats off sir, another brilliant masterpiece. I seriously mean hats off sir. the shiny kind..
@Forcetrip....were you aware the tatoo in your avatar is of a type worn by many neo-nazis? (runes with wolf...):what:
Oneday a curiosity from another galaxy will land on earth to find out whether there was life or not.
Of course there's life on Mars. Only they're hiding it from us.

@Forcetrip....were you aware the tatoo in your avatar is of a type worn by many neo-nazis? (runes with wolf...):what:

Wow .. Nice grab. Hats off to you too sir. They do think the runes indicate their heritage and are descendants of vikings..
Wow .. Nice grab. Hats off to you too sir. They do think the runes indicate their heritage and are descendants of vikings..

lol you knew? i caught that avatar of yours some time back, i know how life/death runes look like and wolf's head is rather selfexplanatory, but i thought you wasnt aware and are just having it for the lulz or for the "cool" factor.

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