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NASA to echo Sanskrit in SPACE.Can India use it for Defence,Cyber and Space



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Jul 12, 2012
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NASA to echo Sanskrit in SPACE!!!!! Can India use its Ancient Technology for Defence and Space Projects ?


Yes you have heard it right! Scientist in NASA have decided to use Sanskrit as a computer language. When the scientist asked Indian scholars to teach Sanskrit scientist have asked the younger generation in learn Sanskrit. Rick Briggs a scientist at NASA had invited 1000 Indian scholars to NASA to teach Sanskrit but the scholars refused to allow the language to be put to foreign use. Rick Briggs admitted that Sanskrit is the only language that can be used to message through computer with least number of words.

After the refusal of the Indian scholars to help the NASA scientists understand the scientific concept of the language, American kids were imparted with Sanskrit lessons since their childhood. The scientists at NASA have named this mission as Mission Sanskrit and has describe it has the best language for computers.

Scientists have also discovered that Sanskrit also helps in speech therapy besides its help in mathematics and science.The alphabets used in the language are scientific and thereby help in improving the pronunciation and tone of speech. Sanskrit also help improve concentration. This news is an addition to India's pride as it is the country where Sanskrit was found.If India makes use of such a wonderful language, definitely it will become a developed country.

Life is beautiful : NASA to echo Sanskrit in SPACE!!!!!
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Don't you know according to our resident Aryan that Sanskrit is a Europoid language? It's the white man's just like Lord Buddha was a blue eyed Aryan. No need to be proud boys, it isn't ours. :laughcry:
Sanskrit is language of Gods.... Its superior language alot difficult to learn.... Sanskrit is my life.... I have said million times that sanskrit is not religion. Its science.... Sanskrit is everything u are. Sanskrit is universe. Yet u people made fun of me. I tried to help u all by giving u all secrets of Moksha. Yet u people refuse to follow the Secret i have.... Well than end up in hell.... By the way the evil hitler loved indian Mahabharat and ramayan. After reading it he found Noble race known as Aryan Brahmin race. Aryan is a sanskrit word u fools. Its not german word. Than take the hint what hitler did.... He stole Aryan word and indian swastika and turned it evil. Aryan means noble. Aryan brahmins are the superior race and than its warrior race kshatriya and so on.... i am a hybrid of brahmin and kshatriya race. NASA knows the truth. Yet they hide and uses indian language and god symbols. Follow my post in facebook galacticfederation33@gmail.com or http://www.facebook.com/shiva.bhakt.3
There is great influence of Sanskrit on most of Asian and European language.
A lot of such old languages are being echoed through space like Amharic, Mandarin, etc....
This is BS...Sanskrit is an artificial language refined from prakrit..undoubtedly it is the most perfect language on the earth...it is said to be best for writing computer programs as the language is already in in a context free form unlike any other language in the world.

Panini Backus–Naur

any language can be used for programming after it is transformed into context free grammar form...advantage of sanskrit is that it already has context free grammar.
The worst thing which given by the English system is to learnt Grammer and not others. Grammer is worst and most typical part of any language and they learnt us the same. so we have hate for our language. Else this is very nice language and lots fun in speaking it.

I purchase on small book "Sanskrit Svyam shikshak" from "Cross Word" published by 'Rajpal and sons, delhi' and good and cheap book to learn or know about sanskrit.
For great Enjoy I refer this book to Members.

This is BS...Sanskrit is an artificial language refined from prakrit..undoubtedly it is the most perfect language on the earth...it is said to be best for writing computer programs as the language is already in in a context free form unlike any other language in the world.

Panini Backus–Naur

any language can be used for programming after it is transformed into context free grammar form...advantage of sanskrit is that it already has context free grammar.

Are You sure the Prakrit is came from Sanskrit and not reverse. I think so.
Sanskrit is language of Gods.... Its superior language alot difficult to learn.... Sanskrit is my life.... I have said million times that sanskrit is not religion. Its science.... Sanskrit is everything u are. Sanskrit is universe. Yet u people made fun of me. I tried to help u all by giving u all secrets of Moksha. Yet u people refuse to follow the Secret i have.... Well than end up in hell.... By the way the evil hitler loved indian Mahabharat and ramayan. After reading it he found Noble race known as Aryan Brahmin race. Aryan is a sanskrit word u fools. Its not german word. Than take the hint what hitler did.... He stole Aryan word and indian swastika and turned it evil. Aryan means noble. Aryan brahmins are the superior race and than its warrior race kshatriya and so on.... i am a hybrid of brahmin and kshatriya race. NASA knows the truth. Yet they hide and uses indian language and god symbols. Follow my post in facebook galacticfederation33@gmail.com or http://www.facebook.com/shiva.bhakt.3

yes we are so noble and god like that mughal,arabs,iranian,british and god knows who else screwed us and right now our politicians are busy screwing us but and this is a big one we are a noble race.

@angeldude13 yet india going strong. World came, looted and benefited by india.... Yet india always reach at top. This time too will. Now let me explain u what made india suffer. India wasnt india. It was many small nations. However old india known as bharat was golden bird due to mantras power.... Every house of india use to have someone in family who use chant mantras and followed every rule of spiritual science. It made india strong and rich.... However when indian gods left earth than indians slowly stopped following spiritual science. Tell me how many of u new ape generation chants mantra? And how many of u new ape generation watch p0rn movies, action sad emotional movies? Do u all know the law of universe? The CIA agent recently adviced humans not to watch tv news, movies and songs as CIA knew law of universe.... They approached many singers and told them to sing evil songs. They knows evil song will bring disease, sadness and war. We get what we ask from universe. Evil songs has negative words frequency. I wish i can explain u all.... Really sad that u people trapped in ur own maya.... Your negative mind killing u all. Natural disasters are biggest proof of it. How to help u all? I cant.... You all are doomed.... None new generation can live above 60years. This will reduce even further down. More chances u all would be dead by natural disasters if disease dont get u all....
CIA Agent Warns: “Never Watch the TV, the Greatest Scientific Indoctrination Tool” – Alan Watt | Newsnet 14
CIA Agent "NEVER watch television"!! - YouTube
CIA Agent Warns: "Never Watch the TV, the Greatest Scientific Indoctrination Tool"
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A lot of such old languages are being echoed through space like Amharic, Mandarin, etc....

Yes you have heard it right! Scientist in NASA have decided to use Sanskrit as a computer language. When the scientist asked Indian scholars to teach Sanskrit scientist have asked the younger generation in learn Sanskrit. Rick Briggs a scientist at NASA had invited 1000 Indian scholars to NASA to teach Sanskrit but the scholars refused to allow the language to be put to foreign use. Rick Briggs admitted that Sanskrit is the only language that can be used to message through computer with least number of words.

After the refusal of the Indian scholars to help the NASA scientists understand the scientific concept of the language, American kids were imparted with Sanskrit lessons since their childhood. The scientists at NASA have named this mission as Mission Sanskrit and has describe it has the best language for computers.

Scientists have also discovered that Sanskrit also helps in speech therapy besides its help in mathematics and science.The alphabets used in the language are scientific and thereby help in improving the pronunciation and tone of speech. Sanskrit also help improve concentration. This news is an addition to India's pride as it is the country where Sanskrit was found.If India makes use of such a wonderful language, definitely it will become a developed country.
What about this How many languages been converted for Computer Programs :omghaha::yay:
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