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Nasrin Sotoudeh is one of Time’s 100 Most Influential People of 2021


Nasrin Sotoudeh is an exemplary Iranian woman and lawyer who for years has been struggling to restore women’s rights.

When my friends and I founded the Society for Protecting the Rights of the Child in 1994, I invited Nasrin to collaborate. She defended juveniles under the age of 18 who had been sentenced to death, and in many cases was able to prevent their executions. A few years later, I founded the Defenders of Human Rights Center with some colleagues. She joined us and bravely defended political prisoners, particularly women who had been arrested for protesting discriminatory laws.

Nasrin has been imprisoned many times for her work. In 2019, she was sentenced to 38 years in prison, 12 years of them with no possibility of parole. Even inside prison, she demonstrates inspiring clarity of purpose, last year making headlines worldwide by twice going on hunger strikes to demand the release of political prisoners. The 2020 documentary Nasrin tells her story.

As she strives to promote human rights and human values, Nasrin Sotoudeh inspires others to follow in her footsteps.

whatever happened to julian assange?
She defended juveniles under the age of 18 who had been sentenced to death, and in many cases was able to prevent their executions.
so she was the reason criminals went unpunished and got out to terrorize the masses?
Simple Formula!

1) Find a Muslim (especially female) who is anti Islam or is anti Muslim Countries' culture or is pro west living in an anti western regime.
2) Fund and propagate that person's stance through media and arts.
3) Shower that person with globally recognized awards.
4) Use that persons' face and work to mock Islam, culture or regime.
5) Give that person western residency.
6) Use that person's story to justify Western global aggressive policies (war, sanctions, forceful regime changes and installation of dictators by overthrowing democracies etc)
7) The person got western passport, west got an example to satisfy its masses that we have the moral higher ground. Win Win for west and its puppets.
8)Meanwhile the masses in country of origin get destroyed by sanctions, war and brutal pro western regimes. This further proves how barbaric non westerners are!

If someone in Pakistan wants USA visa, become a supporter of LGTBQXYZ..!, say Islam is evil, Journalists are being tortured in unknown cells, genocide is taking place, girls are treated as cattle, spread your views on social media, say your life is under threat....... in six months you would be in LA, enjoying worldly life and telling horror stories in local media.
Find a Muslim (especially female) who is anti Islam or is anti Muslim

" Surely, those who level a false charge against the chaste, naïve and believing women are cursed in this world and the Hereafter, and for them there is a mighty punishment "

Surah Nur
(24, 23)

Kindly point out to one word or one act that this woman did or say , which is anti Islam .

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Kindly quote complete point atleast!
Simple Formula!

1) Find a Muslim (especially female) who is anti Islam or is anti Muslim Countries' culture or is pro west living in an anti western regime.
2) Fund and propagate that person's stance through media and arts.
3) Shower that person with globally recognized awards.
4) Use that persons' face and work to mock Islam, culture or regime.
5) Give that person western residency.
6) Use that person's story to justify Western global aggressive policies (war, sanctions, forceful regime changes and installation of dictators by overthrowing democracies etc)
7) The person got western passport, west got an example to satisfy its masses that we have the moral higher ground. Win Win for west and its puppets.
8)Meanwhile the masses in country of origin get destroyed by sanctions, war and brutal pro western regimes. This further proves how barbaric non westerners are!

If someone in Pakistan wants USA visa, become a supporter of LGTBQXYZ..!, say Islam is evil, Journalists are being tortured in unknown cells, genocide is taking place, girls are treated as cattle, spread your views on social media, say your life is under threat....... in six months you would be in LA, enjoying worldly life and telling horror stories in local media.

" Surely, those who level a false charge against the chaste, naïve and believing women are cursed in this world and the Hereafter, and for them there is a mighty punishment "

Quran (Sura: 24, Verse: 23)

Kindly point out to one word or one act that this woman did or say , which is anti Islam .

Are these two Jewish?

Most in the West's mainstream media, on the controlling positions are Jews. But take note that they are more Zionists than Jews and not all Jews are bad people. There are still those among them (albeit a tiny amount) who have faith in the ONE GOD, Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.

Zionism which hijacked and has taken over Judaism. Zionists pretend to be both Jews and Christians, but have neither the soul, nor the will to be a true Christian or Jew. The same way we have Munafiqs amongst Muslims, they have Zionists among Christians and Jews. The only difference between Munafiqs and Zionists is that the latter has accumulated enormous wealth and power to dominate the Western World. The Munafiqs are their (Zionist's) lackeys.
" Surely, those who level a false charge against the chaste, naïve and believing women are cursed in this world and the Hereafter, and for them there is a mighty punishment "

Quran (Sura: 24, Verse: 23)

Kindly point out to one word or one act that this woman did or say , which is anti Islam .


If you had the slightest clue on how one studies and quotes the Noble Qur'an, then you would not have made such a nonsensical blunder. Be please, go right ahead with your nonsense, I most certainly am not going to do you any favors on understanding the Noble Qur'an, since you are one of those who have no faith in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.
Kindly quote complete point atleast!

your whole point is based on slander of an innocent brave woman who was thrown into to prison for 38 years , all she did was defend MUSLIMS.

How can i refer to the rest of of what you wrote if you base your assumption on slander.

I most certainly am not going to do you any favors on understanding the Noble Qur'an,

That is very noble of you.

Though i am sure i understood very well what is the Quran position on slander . . .

your whole point is based on slander of an innocent brave woman who was thrown into to prison for 38 years , all she did was defend MUSLIMS.

How can i refer to the rest of of what you wrote if you base your assumption on slander.

That is very noble of you.

Though i am sure i understood very well what is the Quran position on slander . . .


Typical mentality .... predictable, pathetic and useless.

Yeah, keep going bud ... you're doing great ... just vindicates me on what your kind really is.
Nasreen? Reminds me of a famous Pakistani YouTuber.
your whole point is based on slander of an innocent brave woman who was thrown into to prison for 38 years , all she did was defend MUSLIMS.

How can i refer to the rest of of what you wrote if you base your assumption on slander.

That is very noble of you.

Though i am sure i understood very well what is the Quran position on slander . . .

Any chance that you`ll post a link to a movie about say....oh....Mordechai Vanunu,perhap?.Not to mention his suffering at the hands of zionist israel for daring to tell the truth,or is it only politically motivated films that deliberately bash iran that get your [zionist] seal of approval?:rolleyes1:
Soooo,let me guess...you give this movie 4 stars[of david] out of 5 stars[of david],am I right?[you dont have to answer that]
just vindicates me on what your kind really is.

What is sure here , that your kind is the kind that not only stay silence when an innocent woman is thrown into prison , but also interrupts when others speak out.

Any chance that you`ll post a link to a movie about say....oh....Mordechai Vanunu,perhap?.Not to mention his suffering at the

Vanunu was a spy ( even he btw got 18 years in prison not 38 like Nasrin , In your country he would for sure would have been executed ) Nasrin Sotoudeh is a human rights lawyer who dedicated her life to defending Iranians . Can you tell the difference ?

Or is it that you claim that she is a spy , in that case i would refer you again to Surah Nur (24, 23) . . ..

Or since Nasr , is not happy with this verse , other verses like (Quran 49: 12 )

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What is sure here , that your kind is the kind that not only stay silence when an innocent woman is thrown into prison , but also interrupts when other speak out.

Vanunu was a spy ( even he btw got 18 years in prison not 38 like Nasrin , In your country he would for sure would have been executed ) Nasrin Sotoudeh is a human rights lawyer who dedicated her life to defending Iranians . Can you tell the difference ?

Or is it that you claim that she is a spy , in that case i would refer you again to Surah Nur (24, 23) . . ..

Or since Nasr , is not happy with this verse , other verses like (Quran 49: 12 )


Buddy you're not dealing with a run of the mill clueless Muslim, so your tact, however fanciful it is, ain't working. Quoting the Noble Qur'an does not mean you know the Holy Book or Islam.

It's less than unamusing, unimpressive and predictable what you're doing. But please by all means continue grasping at straws!!
What is sure here , that your kind is the kind that not only stay silence when an innocent woman is thrown into prison , but also interrupts when other speak out.

Vanunu was a spy ( even he btw got 18 years in prison not 38 like Nasrin , In your country he would for sure would have been executed ) Nasrin Sotoudeh is a human rights lawyer who dedicated her life to defending Iranians . Can you tell the difference ?

Or is it that you claim that she is a spy , in that case i would refer you again to Surah Nur (24, 23) . . ..

Or since Nasr , is not happy with this verse , other verses like (Quran 49: 12 )

And you only seem to be interested in human rights when its some iranian human rights martyr.

Ah,no,vanunu wasnt a spy,that would be someone like pollard.A spy is someone who works for another power,either for financial remuneration or ideological [or other] reasons.Vanunu by comparison would be considered as a whistle blower.However the point that I was making was not so much about that,but rather israels illegal kidnapping of him from another nation in order to get him back to israel,and then holding a secret trial behind closed doors.

Oh,by the way,I think that you`re operating under a misconception,you see I`m no more iranian than I am muslim,indeed by most standards I would be considered to be about as western a westerner as you could get,however,that doesnt mean that I support the wests policies in the mena region,far from it in fact.
Quoting the Noble Qur'an does not mean you know the Holy Book or Islam.

I never claimed to be an expert on Islam or the Quran.

But i did give the Quran enough credit , by thinking it would not approve of locking an innocent woman in prison for 38 year , Nor would it approve of the slander towards her as expressed by some of the members here .

And i don't think i was wrong about that,

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