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Nation to mark Kashmir Solidarity Day today: February 5th

I always feel a culture clash with you people, i wonder why :rolleyes:

you may wonder, but I can see the reason in the following post.:tsk:

One of our great leaders of Pakistan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the father of Benazir Bhutto once said that we Pakistanis are willing to wage a thousand years Jihad on India over Kashmir.
We Pakistanis will keep his legacy alive inshAllah :pakistan:
What happened to the ban? Was it a temp ban like the ones on defence.pk? :D

Your country is suffering more, frankly. If you're fine with Jehadis addressing public rallies then what can anyone say about it.

very good question. how come banned guys are conducting mass rallies?:angry:
Kashmala wins TT trophy, Seema clinches badminton title on Kashmir Solidarity Day

PESHAWAR, Feb. 05 (APP): Kashmala clinched the trophy of the Kashmir Day Table Tennis organized by NWFP Women Sports Directorate here at PSB Coaching Center on Thursday.

In the final of the event Kashmala defeated Muniba by 3-2 in the thrilling final. Muniba failed to click in the first set won by Kashmala at 11-9 but she won the second set by 7-11. After leveling the tally 1-1, Muniba also got the third set by 6-11 but Kashmala first tied the tally 2-2 after winning the fourth set at 11-8 and did a nice come back by winning the decisive set by 11-7.

In the third position match Aysha Khan secured victory against Farah Ahmad by 3-1, the score was 7-11, 11-5, 11-6 and 13-11. It was tough battle between Aysha Khan and Farah for the third position.

Meanwhile, in the Badminton Women event played at Wadood Hall, Seema beat Sumbal by 3-1, the score was 21-14, 17-21, 23-21 and 21-19. Seema, a member of the gold medalist team that won the gold medal in the 3rd Inter-Provincial Games held here, faced some resistance against Sumbal and lost the second set but overall she dominated the proceedings. In the third position match Gul Rukh beat Zaibunisa by 3-0, the score was 21-15, 21-13 and 21-16.

Irum, a student of class 6th in her brief speech expressed solidarity with people living in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. She, in her speech gave a detailed account of the nature and background of the Kashmir problem.

As a mark of respect to the valiant struggle of Kashmiris in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, one minute silence was observed before the start of the final of both Table Tennis and Badminton. Irum also threw light on the struggle of Kashmiris for the self determination in accordance with UN resolutions.

At end, Directress Sports NWFP Sports Directorate Rashida Ghaznavi gave away trophies, certificates and cash prizes to the winners and runners-up.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Kashmala wins TT trophy, Seema clinches badminton title
British MP for settling Kashmir Dispute

ISLAMABAD, Jan 29 (APP): British Member of Parliament Sir Gerald Kaufman has supported Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir and admitted that Kashmir Dispute was of serious nature. In a letter to President Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Raja Zulqarnain Khan, the British MP held out the assurance that he would make best efforts to find a peaceful solution of the Kashmir Dispute.

Sir Gerald Kaufman’s letter came a week ahead of Kashmir Solidarity Day being marked on February 5, which Pakistanis and Kashmir, at home and abroad, enthusiastically observe to condemn illegal Indian occupation of the held valley as well as support indigenous freedom struggle.

The day would also features rallies, seminars and other events to be attended by people from all walks of life.

Besides, Pakistanis and Kashmiris would also form a ‘Human Chain’ three bridges that connects Kashmir to Pakistan as a sign to express solidarity with the Kashmiris.

The people would strongly abhor excesses done to innocent Kashmir people by India through brutal force.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - British MP for settling Kashmir Dispute
wats wrong with his post????? didnt u guys fight britishers (jihad) when they were treatin india as a colony???

its not 'u', mate, it is 'WE'. we fought britishers when they were treating india as a colony. but did we kill innocent britishers in london? no.

btw, all the terrorists were pakistanis(punjabi/sindhi) not kashmiris. so comparing it to OUR freedom struggle is wrong.
well it was the organisation which got banned and not all its workers. hope u know the difference.

werent its leaders put under house arrest? how come they are roaming freely?

and to think that you guys were chanting 'evidence evidence'.....:angry:
Dialogue part of freedom struggle: Mirwaiz

Hakeem Irfan
Srinagar, Feb 05: Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (M) Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Thursday said pro-freedom leadership was ready for constructive dialogue to break status quo on the resolution of Kashmir issue and added dialogue process was a part of freedom struggle.

Addressing a seminar ‘Importance of Kashmir Issue in Changing World Scenario’ marking the 35th Kashmir Solidarity Day, Mirwaiz in his speech at party’s Rajbagh headquarters said New Delhi was in a ‘denial mode’.
“Constructive dialogue is a viable option and India has to think seriously over it,” he said.
Mirwaiz also thanked Pakistan for their continuous support in highlighting Kashmir issue and helping Kashmir diplomatically, morally and monetarily.
“Pakistan has supported Kashmir struggle through thick and thin. We’ve to be thankful to every individual in Pakistan. However at our own level we have to strive to break status quo in a stepwise manner,” Miwaiz said. “Dialogue process is part of freedom struggle. Hurriyat has to create avenues for the resolution. Mere pelting of stones, raising slogans, staging protests and calling strikes cannot keep the sentiment alive.”
Mirwaiz said New Delhi should sincerely come forward and start a dialogue process with Pakistan and pro-freedom leadership in Kashmir.
“India is wasting time. It can prove dangerous for India as the global situation is changing,” he said. “On the contrary, Pakistan even suggested out of box solutions. The flexible Pakistan approach favours Kashmir. It exposes India at the international level.”
Stressing on the need to strategize the freedom movement, Mirwaiz said: “We have sacrifices but we need to advocate the cause in a strategic manner. We have to introspect and see what the real needs of the situation are. We are fighting with a massive power. We need to tackle the opposition in the best possible way.”
Mirwaiz said Pakistan’s support and sacrifices offered by tens of thousands of Kashmiris had brought international attention to the Kashmir dispute.
About Hurriyat’s restructuring, Mirwaiz said: “It is an internal problem of the organization. We are working on a program that will be made public within two or three months.”
Mirwaiz said the recent editorial in Washington Post had suggested involving Indian diplomats at Track II level for resolving Kashmir issue if they cannot send an envoy to Kashmir.
“Kashmiri intellectuals only write in the newspapers and criticize our policies. They should come forward with suggestions but they themselves are fearful of Indian oppression. Some of them have even stopped visiting residences of pro-freedom leaders.”
Senior Hurriyat leader Fazlul Haq Qureshi stressed on analyzing realities and the ground situation.
“International community is stressing on the need to resolve Kashmir dispute. Time is with us now and we have to take steps cautiously. All irritants have to be removed.”
Spokesperson of Hurriyat Conference (G) Ayaz Akbar said: “Pro-freedom leadership has to formulate a strategy and work effectively. It is not a sin to urge international community to resolve Kashmir dispute but we have to prepare ourselves as well.”
About the recently held elections, Akbar said: “We did not get a level playing field.”
Senior Hurriyat Conference (M) leader Moulana Abbas Ansari said pro-freedom leadership should not pin hopes at the international community and work for its resolutions.
“We believe in Allah. He will create opportunities for us. UN has done nothing during the past 60 years. We just have to unite and stop pulling one another down.”
President Jamiat Ahlihadees Moulana Showkat Ahmed Shah said: “If somebody is pelting stones outside Jamia Masjid without any program, Mirwaiz sahib should take note and regulate the situation. However it is Indian oppression that forces our youth to pelt stones and retort to force used against them.”
Senior Hurriyat leader Agha Hassan Budgami and Muhammad Abdullah Tari expressed concern over the distance within Hurriyat leadership.
“We have to move toward unity in a stepwise manner. The masses should discourage leaders who are bent upon creating individual organizations and prefer a separate platform,” said Tari.
Deliberating on the present situation, Bar Association General Secretary Advocate G N Shaheen said: “We must reject all accords with New Delhi but we don’t have to live in a denial mode. We have arrived at a situation where even militant leadership is reluctant to talk. Statements from freedom camp after elections show their depression. Salahuddin sahib, Geelani sahib and Umar sahib all know this.”
Thanking Pakistan for its support Shaheen said: “Nearly 15000 Pakistani youth have laid their lives in Jammu and Kashmir during the past 20 years. Pakistan is supporting us at all levels.”
The Hurriyat leaders also expressed solidarity with detainees languishing in different Indian jails.
Hurriyat leaders Zafar Akbar Bhat, Javed Ahmed Mir, Hakim Abdul Rashid, Chowdhary Shaheen and Muhammad Yousuf Naqash also spoke on the occasion. Mukhtar Ahmed Waza, Salim Geelani, Jehangir Ali, Shamsur Rehman and other leaders were also present on the occasion.

Rising Kashmir, Daily Newspaper, Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir - Dialogue part of freedom struggle: Mirwaiz
its not 'u', mate, it is 'WE'. we fought britishers when they were treating india as a colony. but did we kill innocent britishers in london? no.

btw, all the terrorists were pakistanis(punjabi/sindhi) not kashmiris. so comparing it to OUR freedom struggle is wrong.

I suggest you leave this thread. A Kashmiri leader is thanking us for support and he mentioned it OUR freedom struggle. Is Mirwaiz Umer Farooq also Punjabi/Sindhi? I think you had your head stuck in the toilet for too long.
and cant u show some maturity???? only muslims in kashmir are being affected by indian rule there so y would u expect me to offer my support to ppl of other religion???

What about Hindus who are thrown out from from valley by ??????? I thinks they do not matter in great scheme of things. :undecided:
I suggest you leave this thread. A Kashmiri leader is thanking us for support and he mentioned it OUR freedom struggle. Is Mirwaiz Umer Farooq also Punjabi/Sindhi? I think you had your head stuck in the toilet for too long.

I dont have such hobbies, and I suggest you quit it too.

my post was in relation to fact that banned JUD/LET leader were part of a rally.
time for you to clear your head from bs, and read all the posts before you reply. your eagerness to post is appreciated tho a well informed post would have been better.
Kashmir Day

Thursday, February 05, 2009
Shakir Husain

Kashmir Day is today, and people all over Pakistan are trying to figure out what to do with their Thursday. Nobody quite knows what they're supposed to do on Kashmir Day other than sleep late, eat halwa puri, and maybe watch a few Indian movies. For the more involved, Kashmir Day provides a day for people like Qazi Hussain Ahmed to lead marches supporting the Kashmiris – Qazi Sahib is probably not too fond of halwa puri or Bollywood; and at his age sleeping in is probably not an option either. Most people that I have talked to find it absurd that Qazi Sahib and his friends never find the time to protest when militants decapitate fellow Muslims in Swat (and elsewhere in Pakistan) and blow up girls' schools in the Northern Areas.

Most Pakistani citizens have more than enough problems on their plate to really care about Kashmir. I mean this in the most non-offensive way possible. But let's be honest and look around us for a moment – our country is a mess. Politically, we have had to watch insecure pygmies with fragile egos duke it out without really caring about the people who voted for them. And for good measure our political leadership's ability to sympathize with the "masses" is manifested by them acquiring luxury vehicles, VIP perks for themselves and their families, and the pursuit of VIP aircraft which can ferry them across our pure land. The greed and avarice that's on display would put even the most brazen Citibankers to shame – I'll exclude Shaukat the First from that list though.

Next up is our crumbling infrastructure about which the less said is better. Despite having mysteriously acquired nuclear weapons, Pakistani companies (both state and private) are unable to build a road which can withstand a rain or two. And then there is the power "situation". There's an acute shortage of power in a country which has no business having a power shortage given our geography in terms of natural water reservoirs. While far poorer countries than ours have resolved to reduce their dependence on oil as a primary source of energy for power, our bureaucrats and politicians remain clueless. For the past 9 years I have been hearing about CNG buses for Karachi as Delhi has done to reduce carbon emissions, yet nobody quite knows where these buses went to. We've been hearing about mass transport facilities for the citizens of our urban centers which have failed to materialize for all the wrong reasons – money. Yet there's enough money to buy luxury vehicles for everyone and their grandmothers.

Law and order in Pakistan would be a good idea but the less said about it the better. Our crime fighting capability is still stuck in the 18th century and I was amused to read a statement by a police official in Karachi that the fingerprint unit was going to be "reactivated". Yes, good idea officer especially since the technology is a couple of centuries old now. While senior officials wouldn't be caught dead (no pun intended) in anything but the latest four-wheel drive, the average cop is untrained, outgunned, unfit, dangerously unmotivated and also understaffed with some of the lowest police/population ratios in the world. The few good officers that are left in the police force and other law enforcement agencies are transferred around on the whims of politicians and bureaucrats sitting on their high perches. So it's not exactly a surprise as to why there has been a complete breakdown of law and order.

Most Pakistanis are under the misinformed impression that the Kashmiris under Indian rule want to join Pakistan. Ladies and Gentlemen, I hate to break this to you but the Kashmiris are way smarter than that. They have no desire to join Pakistan given the state of our nation; rather in the best case they seek independence as has been clearly stated by their leaders. They are even willing to settle for quasi-independence if push came to shove. But to join Pakistan is definitely not an option given what a royal mess we've made of our own four provinces. Indian occupation has been harsh as all occupations are, but before we go out to liberate Kashmir, Palestine, and every other Muslim land in the world let us first look within and sort the matters out in our house before we embark on these ambitious journeys. And let us stop the madness and stop declaring holidays – there are far better ways to express solidarity with a people than eating halwa puri and watching mindless television.

The writer is an entrepreneur and

business consultant. Email: shakir. thenews@gmail.com

Kashmir Day


I dont have such hobbies, and I suggest you quit it too.

my post was in relation to fact that banned JUD/LET leader were part of a rally.
time for you to clear your head from bs, and read all the posts before you reply. your eagerness to post is appreciated tho a well informed post would have been better.

God Bless Jammat-ud-Dawa they were the first ones to help Kashmiris in the earthquake of 2005 and no one in Azad Kashmir have ever forgotten that. If you want to discuss Jammat-ud-Dawa go discuss it somewhere else. This thread is about Kashmir Solidarity Day.
constructive and direly needed article. it adds some sanity to discussions on kashmir.

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