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NATO jet fighters fly on the Pak Afghan border

Let's not make a mountain of a mole hill.

This kind of stuff routinely happens, such is the nature of the area. They get close to the border and sometimes overshoot, so do we.

Heck PAF and IAF even regularly cross over to the other side briefly.

so what ADA means for PAF ?:lol:

ADA isn't all that on the edge towards the western border AFAIK. The most alert it got was during the Russian invasion, when pilots would be sitting in the cockpits GPU's connected, and a umbrella on top, and reading the morning paper!!!

Now it is much more relaxed, and these kind of things do not give a big surprise to the PAF, that's what I heard.
Err.. That's what Military brass is supposed to do.. What if analysis.. that is... If your army soldiers acts without a well thought out analysis done by Army analysts at GHQ, and purely on the basis of bravado, then incidents like Salala are not only possible, but highly probable.. Plus, the USA's assertion that PA was equally to be blamed for that incident also holds a lot of water..

Posts at Pak-Afghan border were upgraded with AA weapons (most likely ANZA MKIII) thus giving our soldiers the ability to shoot down any attack helicopter, unlike Salala where the soldiers were not armed for Air Combat (as they were posted to check and prevent Talibaan movement across the border).

And US's assertion holds no water for any logical conclusion.
I dont see it as bravery frankly... Its an empty gesture which can spiral into a bigger incident with no possible fruitful outcome

Empty...??? had one or more rounds struck somewhere sensitive.....the gesture would have been driven home.. !!
The Army should have Anza portable SAMs with them at all times. You don't want another salala type incident...
Empty...??? had one or more rounds struck somewhere sensitive.....the gesture would have been driven home.. !!

I am sure.. But just like the incident last year in Salala, the retribution would have been swift and deadly.. All this on a minor border violation between 2 allies ... Meh! seems pretty empty to me..
I dont see it as bravery frankly... Its an empty gesture which can spiral into a bigger incident with no possible fruitful outcome

No body is asking u either!
its our army if we think its brave then its brave for us n bye the way we saw yr bravery in 1948,1965 and Mumbai drama:rofl:
Posts at Pak-Afghan border were upgraded with AA weapons (most likely ANZA MKIII) thus giving our soldiers the ability to shoot down any attack helicopter, unlike Salala where the soldiers were not armed for Air Combat (as they were posted to check and prevent Talibaan movement across the border).

And US's assertion holds no water for any logical conclusion.
:lol: .. Ok.. May the force be with you ;)

No body is asking u either!
its our army if we think its brave then its brave for us n bye the way we saw yr bravery in 1948,1965 and Mumbai drama:rofl:

I guess you meant to say by the way... Right?? I mean there is nothing else worthwhile in your post to comment on ;)
:lol: .. Ok.. May the force be with you ;)

I guess you meant to say by the way... Right?? I mean there is nothing else worthwhile in your post to comment on ;)

LOL dude its obvious yr as an enemy of pakistan will say that, more over whatever i write i stand for my words, nobody is asking u be a teacher checking papers of exams of their class students just to point out spell mistakes:lol:
Whatever i said was right ie they r our soldiers not yrs who r u to judge them or their acts either right or wrong.
Yr at its best is a citizen of an enemy country thats all nothing else!!!!!
Remember yr place.
LOL dude its obvious yr as an enemy of pakistan will say that, more over whatever i write i stand for my words, nobody is asking u be a teacher checking papers of exams of their class students just to point out spell mistakes:lol:
Whatever i said was right ie they r our soldiers not yrs who r u to judge them or their acts either right or wrong.
Yr at its best is a citizen of an enemy country thats all nothing else!!!!!
Remember yr place.

And you remember your spellings and grammer ...:lol:
I am sure.. But just like the incident last year in Salala, the retribution would have been swift and deadly.. All this on a minor border violation between 2 allies ... Meh! seems pretty empty to me..

That is now to be seen.....Salala was a different ball game.....troops stationed in crudely erected posts equipped with basic weaponry only to monitor and stop militant cross border movements.....troops have since been given fire-power to be able to at least defend themselves against a similar incident.... and since your vessel is empty, one wonders why did they even bother giving warning shots.!!
NATO cheif met our FM Hina khar only yesterday.They couldnt have done anything stupid today.
That is now to be seen.....Salala was a different ball game.....troops stationed in crudely erected posts equipped with basic weaponry only to monitor and stop militant cross border movements.....troops have since been given fire-power to be able to at least defend themselves against a similar incident.... and since your vessel is empty, one wonders why did they even bother giving warning shots.!!

Seriously, you believe your western border is fortified enough to withstand a punitive reaction by NATO against downing of one of their planes ?? That belief dude, is what's empty ;).. I mean getting down a drone would be the 1st step to prove it to be otherwise ...
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