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Nawaz Sharif leaves for three-day Turkey visit










I have said it before and I will say it again. China and Turkey have won a jackpot with Nawaz Sharif coming into office. Both of these countries will earn billions in investments. Not only Pakistan's economy will thrive, but China's and Turkey's economy will also benefit from it.
No, its not because of :usflag: . Stop blaming everything on :usflag: because leaders like Zardari and Nawaz aren't American, they are Pakistanis just like the rest of the 180 million Pakistanis.

U will be surprised to know the leaders want this to happen because it will benefit the regional countries most and this will make public happy and public happy means the Leaders will be more praised in public. Hence ultimate beneficiary r the leaders.

But this :usflag: is someone who cant see that because its consumer market will die hence will be a thread to its capitalism. This:usflag: actually is controlling things more dynamically then u ever think of. for example it has completely destroyed ME and its economies specially those country which opposed them like Libya and Syria. But same system of governance like it is in all ME is in the GCC countries too including saudia arabia!

So then why Mr Good boy this:usflag: has not bothered to attack and destroy them?

Because this :usflag: blackmails them first if they agree then they r speared if not then they r made Libya,Syria and Iraq.

Bro living in :usflag: and seeing outside world from their and base yr opinion on that is not the wise thing to do.
U really need to get out of this:usflag: force field and then analyse the world closely from independent way.
What do Pakistanis think about Turkeys founder Mustafa Kamal Ataturk?
We are pleased to see the new Pakistani government’s efforts to revitalize the nation’s economy and boost bilateral and multilateral cooperation and trade. These steps, along with bringing stability and security to Pakistan, will hopefully bring more and more foreign investment in the country and strengthen economic ties with partner states. We will continue to support Pakistan’s reform efforts and encourage positive steps towards trade and investment for the overall growth and prosperity of Pakistan and the region.

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command
What do Pakistanis think about Turkeys founder Mustafa Kamal Ataturk?
That he is the father of modern Turkey of course. Not stuck in the mindset of 1930s Khiafat Movement....
What do Pakistanis think about Turkeys founder Mustafa Kamal Ataturk?
That he is the father of modern Turkey of course. Not stuck in the mindset of 1930s Khiafat Movement....
how ironic that the news doesnot mention that the whole sharif family is with nawaz, including CM Sindh and CM Balochistan.

That so nice! Ask them and the country is in bad economic mess. But they dont even pretend to show austerity, let alone practice it!
What do Pakistanis think about Turkeys founder Mustafa Kamal Ataturk?

Pakistanis are impressed by Kamal Ataturk. He was a visionary and a great leader. Our own Mohammad Ali Jinnah was also impressed by his leadership abilities. Pakistan generally draws a lot on inspiration from Turkey's movement of Independence.

Dont also forget that at almost the end of Ottoman Empire, Mustafa Kamal led Turkey to victory over Britain and France - the superpowers of that time, in Çanakkale - Gallipoli Campaign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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