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Nehru ceded India's permanent seat on the UNSC to China?

as everyone knows. According to the Yalta conference in 1945. China is a founding member of the United Nations. It has a permanent seat on the UNSC. This is a fact written into the Charter of the United Nations.

But the Indians announced. Nehru ceded India's permanent seat to China in 1971 (but as far as I know, Nehru died in 1964).

This is very different from the world common sense I accepted.

According to United Nations Resolution 2758. The people's Republic of China is the only legal representative of China in the United Nations!

This is UN Resolution 2758.

View attachment 861767

This is the voting result of UN Resolution 2758.

View attachment 861768

This is a live video of the vote on UN Resolution 2758.

So here comes the problem. Indians announced: This is Nehru giving up the permanent seat of UNSC to China. In fact, the whole world supports India to become a permanent member of UNSC.

Now Indians want me to accept this "Indian fact". And emphasize that I'm lying. Now Indians say that UN Resolution 2758 is a CCP lie.

well! whole world! You know what? The whole world supports India to become a permanent member of UNSC. But Nehru ceded India's permanent seat to China.

Now I want someone to tell me. All over the world. Which country supports India to become a permanent member of UNSC?

@Faxapis Promise you. Let the world know how honest Indians are.
After getting independence he did not try to get a seat in UN security council .
Nehru created many problems for india , any way we are now on right track to solve all problems created by Nehru and his family .
that’s Republic of China and not People’s Republic of China. ROC(Taiwan) retained its membership and security council seat until resolution 2758.
Ah. "the Republic of China" participated in the Yalta conference in 1945 on behalf of Taiwan Province..."

"The Republic of China is not China".

Is this your understanding of our human history?
After getting independence he did not try to get a seat in UN security council .
Nehru created many problems for india , any way we are now on right track to solve all problems created by Nehru and his family .
How does India get UNSC seats?

Does India qualify for a UNSC seat?

Does PRC restoration of UNSC seat have anything to do with India??
How does India get UNSC seats?

Does India qualify for a UNSC seat?

Does PRC restoration of UNSC seat have anything to do with India??
Why should india convince you or xi xing ping ? We know the right places where we can claim our due place in security council and veto power . We are moving in right direction .
Why should india convince you or xi xing ping ? We know the right places where we can claim our due place in security council and veto power . We are moving in right direction .

Wishes and fantasies are good to have not good to air.
You are wrong.

India was formally offered the UN permanent seat twice by the US.

Before August 1950 an offer was made to assist India in assuming a permanent seat at the UN Security Council.

The proof is in the letter from the Indian Ambassador to the US , Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, Nehru’s sister and is part of Indian official record held at the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library (NMML), New Delhi.

The letter says,

"One matter that is being cooked up in the State Department should be known to you. This is the unseating of China as a Permanent Member in the Security Council and of India being put in her place. I have just seen Reuter’s report of your answer to the same question. Last week I had interviews with [John Foster] Dulles and [Philip] Jessup, reports of which I have sent to Bajpai. Both brought up this question and Dulles seemed particularly anxious that a move in this direction should be started. Last night I heard from Marquis Childs, an influential columnist of Washington, that Dulles has asked him on behalf of the State Department to build up public opinion along these lines. I told him our attitude and advised him to go slow in the matter as it would not be received with any warmth in India. "

"Dulles" mentioned here is John Foster Dulle who later became Secretary of State in 1953.

Nehru's response was also quite startling, THIS is what he wrote back,

"In your letter you mention that the State Department is trying to unseat China as a Permanent Member of the Security Council and to put India in her place. So far as we are concerned, we are not going to countenance it. That would be bad from every point of view. It would be a clear affront to China and it would mean some kind of a break between us and China. I suppose the state department would not like that, but we have no intention of following that course. We shall go on pressing for China’s admission in the UN and the Security Council. I suppose that a crisis will come during the next sessions of the General Assembly of the UN on this issue. The people’s government of China is sending a full delegation there."

This move by the US was after the June 1950 Korean War which china supported and India opposed.

Also to be noted here is the China's membership was still pending since it was the ROC (Taiwan) who was the founding member and not PRC (china).

PRC membership was kept in limbo right till 1971.

Also to be noted was the fact that USSR was not attending the UN till August 1950 (it had Boycotted the UN) and till then US called the shots in the UN.

USSR made the offer of adding India as the Sixth UN Permanent member in 1954-55. This is part of USSR official record. This was after USSR serious differences with china. India till then had full support of the US and with USSR warming up this could have fructified if it wasn't for the paranoia of Nehru.

Nehru's official response is also part of recorded history,

Nehru: “Perhaps Bulganin knows that some people in USA have suggested that India should replace China in the Security Council. This is to create trouble between us and China. We are, of course, wholly opposed to it …”

This offer was made in the context of the Charter envisaged a General Conference before the tenth annual session of the General Assembly. If this was not done, article 109 mandated ‘the proposal to call such a Conference shall be placed on the agenda of the session of the General Assembly’. This deadline was fast approaching in 1956. USSR wanted to push India before this time frame.

If India had negotiated a understanding with both the US and USSR by 1955-56, we would have been a permanent member. But for the obstinate Nehru.

In fact India continued to support china's seat as permanent member EVEN AFTER CHINA ATTACKED INDIA in 1962.

This too is part of our official record and is documented in various world media. In fact this question was directly put the Indian govt. by the US media when we went to attend the UN post India china war and our reply was that it was two separate issue and Indian stand was based on its "moral conviction". :china:

In fact you might want to read up on Dr. Ambedkar's view on Nehru and his foreign policy w.r.t China. He was blunt and contemptuous of Nehru's cowardice and fence sitting. Hence it has been white washed from history.

ROC is Republic of China, so it wasn't Taiwan, it was ROC, which happen to sit in Taiwan, represented China, and PRC simply inherited it once the world recognizes PRC as China instead of ROC. Once again, it's internal transfer from one china to its successor and had 0 to do with India, India still has no say since China, regardless of which chinese government representing it, still gets to hold the UN permanent seat. Meaning even if India didn't "cede" seat to China, China gets the seat regardless.

Why should india convince you or xi xing ping ? We know the right places where we can claim our due place in security council and veto power . We are moving in right direction .
the fact that India hasn't been able to get your security council permanent seat and veto power despite your 70 years of trying shows exactly your place in the world, which isn't much. Yeah, China put India in your place, cry me a river.
True. You are merely reiterating what I stated. They were informal feelers sent.
1. A personal letter cannot prove its authenticity.

2. Even if it is true, it means that India once wanted to steal China's UN seat through the USA, rather than India ceding the UN seat to China.

3. The USA simply has no ability to hand over China's seat to India. In 1971, the USA could not prevent China from resuming its seat in the UN, which was proof.
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If it wasn't for the pressure put by India and NAM, china would have NEVER got the seat. That is a Fact.

In any case its about Indian UN seat, not chinese.

Finally I don't want to waste my time talking to chiense bots who come here only to do propaganda. Don't bother to reply.

Then why did you reply me? And that's the whole point, China would have retained its UN permanent seat anyway, regardless what India does, doesn't matter it's ROC or PRC, seems you are the one that get confused.
The UNSC p5 was formed by 5 major allied powers that fought the ww2 and won.

India was simply a colony from where the British extorted some conscripts, like any other British colony,it has no more right to p5 than the Philippines has, because they are both colonial dumps of anglos which was then also used to tilt the representation balance against the soviet and their communist allies at UN.

India and Philippines are on the same footing here legally,as so-called founding members but under anglo colony. P5 membership isn't a gift to be handed out by Soviets or the US, let alone India,and neither of them can control the general assembly vote. China has always been a country with huge geopolitical weight and proven mettle in battle . But Indians have this asinine narrative that India was awarded p5 membership but Nehru handed it over to China...
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Why should india convince you or xi xing ping ? We know the right places where we can claim our due place in security council and veto power . We are moving in right direction .
You need to try to persuade Xi to give you an UNSC seat. Because ~ is P5 management UN. not UN managed p5.

If it wasn't for the pressure put by India and NAM, china would have NEVER got the seat. That is a Fact.

In any case its about Indian UN seat, not chinese.

Finally I don't want to waste my time talking to chiense bots who come here only to do propaganda. Don't bother to reply.
Look who is a robot... Hard to understand, Indian robots bring these Indian jokes to the world.


No matter who represents China, China will always be a founding member of the United Nations! UNSC has nothing to do with Indians!
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These were not feelers but considered offers made by the US state department under directions from its President and by the USSR defense minister carrying direct message of Nikita Khrushchev.

Unless you think the US and USSR high office does loose talk during official state meetings and official communications.

congress tries to white wash its sins by attempting to brush it away as "feelers" to underplay Nehru's extreme naivety and incompetence. This treacherous behavior is what gives currency to chinese propaganda.

It was for India to take up that offer and make a deal by offering something in exchange to the satisfaction of all parties. That is how international diplomacy gets played.

Nehru however choose cowardice and timid approach masked as "morality". Unless we call a spade a spade, we will continue to play right into chinese hands.
China is a founding member of the United Nations! Indian robots are hard to understand this human common sense??? When will Indian robots understand ~ The United Nations was founded in 1945. India became independent in 1947. UNSC has nothing to do with India!!!

United Nations Resolution 2758 determines that PRC is the only legal representative of China in UNSC!!

No matter who represents China. China is a permanent member of UNSC! This has nothing to do with the regime! an indian! Leave your jokes in India!
that’s Republic of China and not People’s Republic of China. ROC(Taiwan) retained its membership and security council seat until resolution 2758.
Whatever it was called. It was Chinese people who sacrifized their lives to fight Japanese invasion. Taiwan people served for Japan Empire back then.
That is fake, the UNSC was created in 1945 when India was a colony. China is in charge of Asia, there is no way the British will ever allow India to have a seat since they have a seat themselves.

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