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Netanyahu heads to US to tell Obama ‘truth’ about Iran


May 25, 2013
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U.S. President Barack Obama is pictured with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.(Reuters / Jason Reed

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with Barack Obama to discuss the “smokescreen” the Iranian president used to fool Western powers. The White House meeting will take place before Netanyahu addresses the UN General Assembly on Tuesday.

"I intend to tell the truth in the face of the sweet talk and charm offensive of Iran," Netanyahu said before boarding the plane to New York.

"Telling the truth at this time is essential for world peace and security and, of course, for Israel's security," AFP cites him as saying.

After Iranian President Hassan Rouhani addressed the United Nations General Assembly last week, Netanyahu called the speech "cynical" and "full of hypocrisy," saying it was aimed at fooling the Western powers while Iran continues advancing towards a nuclear weapons capability.

Following the historic conversation between the leaders of Iran and US on Friday - the first such talk in more than three decades - Netanyahu instructed his ministers and senior officials to keep silent and not comment on the development.


Iran's President Hassan Rouhani addresses the 68th United Nations General Assembly at UN headquarters in New York, September 24, 2013. (Reuters / Ray Stubblebine)

Following the phone call, Iranian hard-liners hurled shoes and eggs at Rouhani’s car chanting “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” as he arrived in Tehran.

Netanyahu will speak with Obama on Monday during a two-hour long meeting in Washington, where the two leaders are also expected to discuss Syria and Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.

On Tuesday, the Israeli PM will be the last speaker to address the 68th UN General Assembly in New York.
This only shows that Iran is successful in their approach as Netanyahu is getting insecure.

If Israel truly care about the world community then they would and should listen to Iran this time and not ignore them now that they for once are willing to hold talks.

But as we know.. No one really care about anyone except themselves so Israel's interest lies in sanctions on Iran which they do not want lifted in any way hence Netanyahu running to Obama like his dog.
Netanyahu has an IQ of 180. This man is a genius and my idol.
Will be interesting to see if Netanyahu gets his way or not. He is obviously panicked by the possibility of America and Iran thawing relations.
I wonder where he draws his red line this time! :lol:

America - Iran ties will definitely improve but not at the expense of Israel
He hasn't utilized his mind for the goodwill of humanity. Yes, you can call him devil of devils.

That's incredibly subjective. Just because muslims have an issue with him doesn't mean humanity does.
Speaking of truth, this joker has been saying that Iran is only 6 months away from a nuclear weapon since early 90s.

Netanyahu has an IQ of 180. This man is a genius and my idol.

Sir, only because someone has a high IQ doesn't mean he won't do stupid things, he won't promote hatred and war and it doesn't mean he will act rationally. Having a good IQ does not mean that someone isn't an extremist. We have had mad geniuses and scientists in history.

And btw, 180 isn't true, can you back it up?
The Smartest People In The World - Business Insider

Speaking of truth, this joker has been saying that Iran is only 6 months away from a nuclear weapon since early 90s.

Sir, only because someone has a high IQ doesn't mean he won't do stupid things, he won't promote hatred and war and it doesn't mean he will act rationally. Having a good IQ does not mean that someone isn't an extremist. We have had mad geniuses and scientists in history.

And btw, 180 isn't true, can you back it up?

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