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New jacket Invented in India, tested by Indian army in -40C at Siachen gla

The idea and its potential future applications are tremendous !!! With practical applications like this

There may also be a medical application for the technology. The team is working on a product called Haemosave which can freeze blood oozing out of a wound.

It is described as a potential life saver. It uses cryo or ice therapy to stop the blood flow and contract the blood vessels.

we can quite easily develope it further and incorporate it into a future soldier program ( F-INSAS) -- The soldier thus equipped might be able to sustain a greater number of hits thus increasing lethality .

Indian engineering talent rocks !!! :tup: :tup: :tup:
Nice Innovation ...but the battery life is to short. If this is ever gonna get used in special operations we need a battery life that lasts at least a day.
U cant expect them to carry heavy battery packs on far off patrols .
Nevertheless the future application and potential is endless.

we can quite easily develope it further and incorporate it into a future soldier program ( F-INSAS) -- The soldier thus equipped might be able to sustain a greater number of hits thus increasing lethality .

Indian engineering talent rocks !!!

The Cryo suit tho is a marvel it should be Inducted towards all front line troops and police forces.
Really a nice development.Will be specially helpful to tank crews in rajastan heat.
But peltiers are not that electrically efficient so they will require heavy bulky batteries unless the inventor has a clever answer to that with new tech batteries

Secondly, when current passes through a peltier one side heats up and other cools down. To continuously keep it heated, the cold should should lose energy rapidly or else the peltier will reach point of equilibrium. Removing cold energy in cold climate sounds like a challenge already in -40 C.

Thirdly, to call it an invention is mis leading because such gear has been used by motorcycle riders for years. Just Google

peltier heated jacket - Google Search

And the commercially available gear has battery life of 10-12 hours nominal.

Dont be in hurry to jump the indigenous band wagon.

We will over come thanks, And you dont jump to say another failed product.


Nanotech Clothing Warms in Winter, Cools in Summer

A freshly developed nano-tech turns your clothes into personal A/Cs and heaters.
As a student at MIT perpetually whipsawing between the bone-chilling, soul-crushing cold of the Cambridge winter and his centrally heated dorm, Kranthi Vistakula alit on an idea: clothing whose climate you control.

Thus was born ClimaWare, a line of jackets, shoes, helmets, and other gear that transforms on demand into personal heaters or A/Cs. At the press of a button, the apparel can get as cool as 64 degrees F and as hot as 104 degrees F for up to eight hours on a single set of batteries. And it’ll work in all kinds of ungodly weather -- Dubai in July, Alaska in January. Though you wouldn’t want to try it out in Antarctica, where the mercury regularly drops below -40. (ClimaWare is only effective when the outdoor temp falls between -22 degrees F and 122 degrees F.)

The technology at play here is an adaptation of the Peltier Effect, which occurs when electricity is run through two different metals connected to each other: One metal will become cool, while the other metal will become hot. Vistakula's nano-based technology uses that effect inside those puck-like inserts on the vest above. Thermoelectric materials that touch the skin either heat or cool your body; it's your choice. The pucks are placed at points where sweating is low, but blood vessels are very dense -- in other words, the most efficient places for regulating body temperature.



[Thermal imaging shows skin temperature after wearing the ClimaWare jacket for 5 minutes; cooling above, heating below]

The Indian edition of MIT’s Technology Review named Vistakula a 2010 “Innovator of the Year”. For a diagram of the tech, see here.

ClimaWare isn’t the first climate-controlled apparel on the market. But Vistakula says what sets his India-based company Dhama Apparel Innovations apart is that his products are extremely lightweight, which makes them ideal for athletes, soldiers, and pretty much anyone who doesn’t want to look like this come winter. The jacket weighs about as much as a pair of jeans.

The technology also has vast potential in other industries, including health care and the military. According to Technology Review, quoting Harshal Shah, whose company has invested in Dhama Apparel, Dhama's product team is working with the Army to develop a heating and cooling mechanism for missiles.

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More from Climaware


ClimaWare-Shoes give complete protection to the feet with instant heating/cooling function for frostbite and heat-injury prevention.

Since the advent of armed conflict, frostbite has always plagued large numbers of soldiers serving in harsh climates with primitive or inadequate protection from the elements. Feet are particularly vulnerable and extra foot care is required for cold-weather operations. Protection of feet is strongly dependent on heat input by peripheral blood circulation and insulation by footgear. Cold numb feet can disrupt balance and walking and increase the risk of slipping, thereby creating an unwarranted danger for the soldier's life. Soldiers also face a diametrically opposite situation where standing duty and movement on scorching terrains makes their feet susceptible to heat burns and injuries.

Lightweight and extremely rugged ClimaWare-Shoes are designed to handle both these extreme situations for maximum protection. They have strategically placed heating/cooling points that help the soldiers maintain vigilance, dexterity and strength even while treading on threateningly cold or hot surfaces.


ClimaWare-Headgear is complete protection for the most vulnerable point on the soldier’s body… The head.

Military performance, training and surveillance often entail enormous activity in hostile climatic conditions. Apart from direct physical stress due to heat, the constant vigilance demanded from the soldiers overloads the processing capability of their brains. This causes a colossal build-up of heat in the brain that often goes unnoticed and can cause permanent impairment and even death.

For soldiers working in extremely cold climates, more than 50 percent of body heat is lost through the head, leaving them susceptible to cold-related body damage.

The lightweight and extremely rugged ClimaWare-Headgear is designed to handle this critical factor of soldier health and performance. The ClimaWare-Headgear range of products is available in three variants that cater to specific individual requirements:
heating/cooling modules (as a band) that can be seamlessly integrated into the existing bulletproof helmets.
heating/cooling modules (as a band) that can be incorporated into the Patka (headgear/cap) of the military.
heating/cooling head bands.

It is an absolutely non-interfering and easy to-adapt technology that helps the soldiers retain their presence of mind in stressful and critical situations when it matters the most.


ClimaWare - Neck Wrap cools the blood flowing to the brain to keep the body comforted and focused for maximum performance.

Soldiers working in extreme temperatures experience tremendous thermal stress that affects their focus at work and even causes accidents and deaths on duty. Reducing this stress can enable soldiers to maintain diligence in formidable temperatures and perform to the best of their capacity with the best of their health.

ClimaWare-Neck Wrap is an extremely lightweight product geared for heavy-duty performance in extreme temperatures. Powered with rechargeable batteries with fast response time, this neck wrap is capable of neutralizing the effects of adverse climate on the entire body by cooling/heating the blood that flows to the brain. The compact design is rugged and can handle extreme conditions. ClimaWare-Neck Wrap is easy to store, carry and put on in times of need.


Maximum protection and maximum performance with minimum weight addition. ClimaWare - Jacket for the soldiers working constantly under extreme temperatures.

Carrying 30 to 40 pounds of gear under a blistering 40oC sun could easily lead to heat exhaustion, heatstroke or even a loss of life. Yet soldiers brave these conditions everyday in hostile locales with extreme temperatures that make survival a challenge for them. Our revolutionary product lessens their ordeal without adding to their burden.

The ClimaWare-extreme performance jacket, ingrained with unique high - technology heating/cooling function, is specially designed for use by soldiers. Weighing no more than a regular pair of denims, it is an extremely lightweight product that aids survival and enhances performance without hampering movement and agility. It is designed to combine compactness and ruggedness to match up to the toughest of military requirements.

Dhama Innovations

ClimaWare - Neck Wrap cools the blood flowing to the brain to keep the body comforted and focused for maximum performance.

Soldiers working in extreme temperatures experience tremendous thermal stress that affects their focus at work and even causes accidents and deaths on duty. Reducing this stress can enable soldiers to maintain diligence in formidable temperatures and perform to the best of their capacity with the best of their health.

ClimaWare-Neck Wrap is an extremely lightweight product geared for heavy-duty performance in extreme temperatures. Powered with rechargeable batteries with fast response time, this neck wrap is capable of neutralizing the effects of adverse climate on the entire body by cooling/heating the blood that flows to the brain. The compact design is rugged and can handle extreme conditions. ClimaWare-Neck Wrap is easy to store, carry and put on in times of need.


Dhama Innovations
This is great. I'm thinking of buying one such jacket. Will be of immense help in the searing North India heat.
Yup it can be modified and made for civilian use too na?

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