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New Moderator: taimikhan

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plz some one help me.tell me tht how i post the videos.plzzzzzz

Just copy and paste the link of the video but it should be either from youtube or if you have something personal in your PC, upload it on youtube and from there paste the link in your post.

Sir, Umbaraka sha... Congratulations.

Your quality posts has always kept my spirit up...

May Allah swt bless you more with knowledge and courage to keep us kiddos under your guidance...Ameen
Congratz.But remember With great power there comes great responsibility.
Congratulations to Taimikhan & bezerk
It is a wonderful addition to the forum
Hey can you delete my this post as a Start. Bismillah tu karo.
Congratulations are in order.

Good luck TK, and many more.
Congrates Taimikhan !

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