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New provinces and provincial autonomy

Pakistan has 27 divisions, FATA, and Azad Kashmir. This distribution has hardly been opposed by any force in the country. So declaring Divisions as provinces after dissolution of all federating units, the capital territory, FATA, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan into 30-or-so smaller provinces, will evoke no adverse reaction. Resultantly, the federation will be strengthened and Pakistan will become more democratic and prosperous.

Hw can u guys make these disputed areas as Pakistani provinces..?
Does it not give further ammunition for us on the world stage vis-a-vis kashmir issue..?
also divide Baluchistan into three parts,Sindh into two parts,fata as new province
The issue of new provinces is discussed on and off on various talk shows, politicians and journalists carry on about their usual beliefs and ideas, in the end, nothing of substance is agreed upon and the same routine repeats itself the next day. The issue of more provinces is one that requires much more attention and urgency. Many communities in Pakistan are calling for separate provinces, most notable among them are Hazara, who call for partition of Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa along racial lines, Seraiki, who call for division of Punjab into southern and northern territory, the southern part being for the Seraiki people and finally the Bahawalpuris who call for amalgamating territories which previously belonged to the Bahawalpuri Princely state into a separate Bahawalpuri province. Stated below are the Pros and Cons of establishing new provinces. I will try my best to do justice to this sensitive issue, comments are welcome.
More provinces will mean that the area to be governed by each provincial government will be smaller, which means that the leaders will be much more aware of the problems faced by their respective communities and funds could be better utilized to counter that problem. Smaller areas will also be much easier to govern, civil unrest would be much easier to put down and the Police and other Para-military outfits could be utilized much more effectively. At present, high-ups in tax collection have to oversee activities over an extremely large and densely populated area(as in Punjab), this means that residents can dodge paying their taxes by bribing the tax collector in their area or by abusing their authority to intimidate him, unfortunately this kind type of thing happens on a regular if not daily basis. In a smaller province, the tax collection process could be refined to yield better results.
Establishing more provinces will highlight the racial differences in Pakistan and may serve to increase the racial divide between the numerous communities that reside in Pakistan. As I heard from a Hazara lady who said, “We can’t live with the Pathans anymore” when I asked her why, her response was, “We just Can’t”. This kind of situation may encourage people to demand secession or incite them towards rebellion which may lead to civil war and subsequently to “The Yugoslavia Effect”, which means the individual provinces may choose to form separate states with their distinct race and language, unfortunately, we have already seen the “Yugoslavia Effect” occur in Pakistan in 1971 when East Pakistan broke away with the help of India to become a separate state, Bangladesh. The Baloch feudal lords also took this as a sign of weakness in the federation and raised the cry for establishment of a Baloch Nation.

As stated before this is a topic that requires much debate and discussion, your comments are welcome.
Establishing more provinces will highlight the racial differences in Pakistan and may serve to increase the racial divide between the numerous communities that reside in Pakistan.

That depends on how are the provinces divided, if its based on culture or on ethnic basis then of course we are going for a disaster but if it is done by focusing on geography and administrative problems it would be a step towards prosperity.

The current issues that we have in Pakistan regarding racial differences is itself because all our provinces belonging to a specific ethnic group or culture.

If the new provinces are created such that people of two different bordering provinces are merged together, it would then be better to remove these differences.
But that is the problem, ALL of the provinces being demanded are based on racial division.
strange argument if a 'ZHOBWAL' or 'ZARIATWAL' pathan from southern PASHTOONKHAWA settles in any part like at SAWAT or BANNU of northern PASHTOONKHWA. how could he be named someone else other than Pathan... so is the case of a Punjabi from any part of Punjab... -As far as having absence of personal experience of dealing with Urdu speakings is concerned, ask poor Sindis and now Balochs...it was argued that Urdu speakings sacrificed for Pakistan...is a sheer joke as they sacrificed what? they calmly infiltrated during 60s, 70s and still on, in this federation having divided Punjab after instigating and fueling the element of religion, which caused Punjabis massacre unfortunately by Punjabis....and what Urdu speaking (Hindustanis) had to loose? however Bangalis and Punjabis lost half parts of their mother lands. Sindis are loosing politically and economically and Balochs were enforced to be the part of this federation on the barrel of gun....were they not? ask them...! -Pathans were deceived as Zia-ul-Haq deceived people in his referendum on the name of religion...didn't he? -it was claimed with a mind suffering with the inferiority complex,that "Urdu speakings are intelligent and they increased competition..." so let us discard Urdu, then tell who are more intelligent??? the natives' children, who have been in a fix since 1947 or prior to that, when Urdu was imposed on them and the early ten precious years of their education life, they merely spend in learning an aliens language (Urdu)...not to speak of gaining knowledge even kudos to them, that compete these alien Hindustanis in every field of life...yet are called/titled uncivilized, uncultured etc. just sit among these Hindustanis, then you people would come to know the irrefutable reality... - as far as ones intelligence is concerned, keeping in view the first gentleman claimed in his argument... one may dare to ask why Britishers were asked to quit India even though they were far more intelligent and an atmosphere of competition could have been developed in the presence of those more intelligent people, above all they were at least not hypocrites because they kept never meddled in the religious and personal liberty of any community and rather secured it... didn't they? -Finally natives of this federation are now sick up of listening the slogans of Islam Islam Islam... these words have been misused and misquoted a lot enough to exploit the sons of the soil of this federation(who are of course Muslims) by imposing a UPite version of Islam on us. But has someone from Punjab ever thought that it is a religion of pure nature or against of it... for instance poor Bengalis and Sindis with total devotion and purity endeavored to get emancipation from the linguistic, political and economical subjugation of UP based "BAMAN(IN PUNJABI ACCENT)the upper class of Hindus". But soon after the emergence, do you guys know what happened...the same Bengalis and Sindis were attempted to be deprived one of their very basic fundamental rights I mean "language" by the nexus of dominating ‘UPite’ class of Hindustani Urdu speaking and mesmerized Punjabi vultures' establishment. The very first self-proclaimed Governor General of this newly created federation, while addressing in DHAKA University, tried to impose Urdu on well aware and educated Bengalis, who out rightly rejected this arbitrariness. Later on political and economical deprivation turned Bengalis sense of deprivation to its culmination point. And a vast majority got liberation from a minority in the world’s history for the very first time, who sacrificed a lot for the creation of this federation in order to live a peaceful and prosperous life in an atmosphere based upon equity and justice. Later on after striving a lot in 70s, even Sindis got partial success to some extent by getting their national language (Sindi) declared the official national language of sind and the integral of their curricula though yet they are politically and economically subjugated to their own upper ruling vultures and above all the Urdu speaking wolves, whose major chunk since 50s, 60s, 70s (after the settlement of the dust of Punjabis’ massacre ironically by Punjabis, displacement and division right in 1947) has been infiltrating in this federation apparently on the name of religion from UP, CP, BIHAR etc. through WAGHA, SEA, AIR & now KHOKARAPAR merely in search of better economic opportunities. This massive influx of Hindustanis mainly in Sind has almost changed the demography of Sind. It is no more a secret now that the same racist swarm of these Urdu speaking again attempted to settle new colonies in the coastal belt of Balochistan at GAWADAR in their own Hindustani dictator Musharraf’s time by building a coastal belt in order to link GAWADAR to Karachi (interestingly where already two ports are operating) instead of linking GAWADAR directly through the interior Balochistan up to Quetta and then other parts of the federation via fort MANROO, Afghanistan via CHAMAN, Iran and central Asian states, for which this port was supposed to be established. The malicious self-explanatory purpose was to get easy access to this region and settlement of new Urdu speaking colonies, which could ultimately not only take the control of Balochistan’s politics and economy by them but also the whole federation would become under their thumb. That is why MQM always fight for two federal portfolios of ‘port and shipping’ and ‘housing and works’. If Balochs hadn’t launched another armed struggle specifically after the martyrdom of Lion NAWAB BUGTI, the said region would have been fallen prey so earlier to this racist Urdu speaking mafia thriving and enjoying the perks and privileges under the extremely condemnable shield of ignorant Punjabi masses, whose minds have been intoxicated by portraying 'Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam, Urdu' as holy symbols. The genuine national question of the nationalities of this federation (which eventually resolves all the political, cultural and economical issues) has always been attempted to be countered by using state forces and religion in the first five to six decades... but with the passage of time as the sense of alienation and deprivation lingered on among Sindis, Pathans and Balochs due to the exploitation of the said mafia, ignorant Punjabi masses have been used as a scapegoat by getting them abused by their centuries old Sindi, Baloch and Pathan neighbors by the nexus of 5% upper ruling class of all natives of this federation (among whom sons of the land of five rivers are no doubt more being large in numbers) and the extremely well organized racist Urdu speaking hyenas. As soon as the element of religion for the said exploitation has been abating and losing its charm and shelf life, the above described establishment (ruling class of all natives particularly Punjabis of this federation plus Urdu speaking mafia) maneuvered another conspiracy of cutting iron with iron in order to counter the same genuine national question by engineering so-called nations within nations on the basis of ethnicity or dialects. So that a conundrum could be created in the minds of masses of this federation particularly ignorant Punjabis, and either they finally could be agreed on single virtual “PAKISTANI” nation or be divided into further number of nations. Which would of course give more opportunities in terms of new governor, chief minister houses, assemblies, portfolios etc to the upper ruling class of all the natives particularly Punjabis and above all would set a precedence for the Urdu speaking aliens finally to demand for a share in the pie and yes its best part (coastal belt of this federation) for them. It is well said that deeds are louder than words. Shah Abdul Lateef’s centuries old plant, when couldn’t be rooted out by these Urdu speaking hyenas, they strategically surrendered by painting themselves, from MOHAJIR QOOME MOVEMENT to so-called MUTAHIDA QUME MOVEMENT and cunningly started introducing themselves as ‘new Sindis’. But their deeds (no need to explain here) always proved against their claims. The biggest contradiction in their claim is this that never owned the language and culture of the sons of the soil of this federation due to their superiority complex (though it is known the acme of inferiority complex). Even though most of them have learnt the languages of the regions as a tool to plunder more and more the natives, they don’t own it at their homes and even in educational institutions. In this regard their way of crime is far more lethal than English or other colonialists, who rather studied the history, psychology and learned the language of the people of the region, which they occupied. Robert Sandaman and Jacob’s race was not hypocrite, they developed the areas, they ruled and didn’t touch the personal laws and individuals liberty of the natives. However, the BHAEES’ of GANGA JAMNA civilization from MUMBAI, used every weapon in the skins of MULLAHs, PAKISTANIs & now so-called “new Sindis’. but how long they successfully carry on their dirty game, depends upon the ignorance or awareness of the huge population of one the units of this federation, living in the lands of five rivers (Punjab). Whose criminal ignorance on the one hand put them in the hot water since 1947 or far earlier, when they accepted Urdu’s hegemony over their own rich saints’ language (Punjabi), while on the other hand got their Sindi, Baloch and Pathan neighbors suffered by the said illegitimate rule of the exploiters. Now this criminal ignorance of the natives of five rivers is going to disintegrate and quarrel the sons of KHAWAJA GHULAM FAREED, SHAH HUSSAIN, PIR MEHR ALI SHAH, WARIS SHAH, BULLHAY SHAH, BABA FAREED, SULTAN BAHOO, MIAN MUHAMMAD BUKSH at the behest of the above described wolves, hyenas and vultures. Ironically those saints, who spread the universal message of peace of love based on equality and justice, are now being labeled as SERIAKIS, POTOHARIS & PUNJABIS by the ignorant sons of the lands of five rivers due to multiple stigmatized sorts of reasons and purposely by the ruling mafia of opportunist Politicians of the land of five rivers like all the land lord politicians of south Punjab and even now by the apes from the central and upper Punjab like SHUJAT BROTHERS, AITZAZ HASSAN, ABIDA HUSSAIN, SKEIKH RASHEED etc; who were born on the other side of the blanket (of INDUS VALLEY) as their real fathers belonged to GANGA JAMNA civilization because they proudly own Urdu and un-naturally try to emulate their GANGA JAMNA's civilization brothers even though they can't and are made butt of joke by the same JANGA JAMNA breed. Contrary to the sweet language of the saints of five rivers, who could be proved a natural binding force between the sons of the five rivers’ land if these saints were purely and consciously owned by the natives of five rivers by introducing their language in educational institutions (as Bengalis and Sindis did) instead of Urdu literature and rest of the subjects would be kept in English (which is a lingua franca across the globe and provide handsome bread and butter and modern knowledge too). It is neither un-Islamic nor illegitimate; rather it is one of the basic fundamental rights of the humans, which has been accepted by all the saints, philosophers, prophets, religions and civilizations. Until and unless the Urdu speaking aliens own the language and culture of the land in its true letter and spirit, stop instigating brothers (living side by side in any particular geographical region for centuries) against each other on the basis of peculiar regional religious, linguistic or ethnic sentiments and psychology, and stop occupation like JEWS on the coastal belts of our Sindi and Baloch brothers lands, they can never merge in the natives. It would of course beget another massacre and migration, and peace (Islam) could never prevail. Bengali, Sindi, Baloch and Pathan brothers are well aware about the malicious design of establishment, but sons of the land of five rivers are still living in deep criminal ignorance and hibernation because of their unlimited ardent desire. That is why they are the most vulnerable segment of this federation, which could easily fall prey to the ulterior motives of the said nexus of establishment. The nationalists of other units of this federation should also realize that the division of Punjab would ultimately be the culmination point of their division, as the formula advised by the ruling exploiters’ nexus and annoyingly supported by the nationalists (PONAM etc.) applies/fits much more appropriately on them than it applies on Punjab. The intellectuals and litterateurs of Punjab shall have to quit planting the tree of GHALIB in the land of five rivers, as it is against the very laws of nature. Because a mango can’t be planted in Quetta nor an apple or almond tree could grow in Sind and Punjab. However if on smaller scale by using expensive state resources, these are grown in an artificial atmosphere, they can’t produce the fruit having the similar flavor in their natural habitats. So how could GHALIB, MOLVI FAZAL HAQ, MIR DARD blah blah blah could be flourished in the lands of RAHMAN BABA, KHAWAHA GHULAM FAREED, GHUL KHAN NASEER, SHAH ABDUL LATEEF BHATTAI or RABINDAR NATH TAGOOR. Any un-natural imposition or division always leads to a further chaos and mayhem. In the present turmoil sons of the lands of five rivers have been suffering the most and their misunderstanding and myopic vision has been one of the prime reasons of other neighbors’ sufferings as well (the cruel and illegitimate army operations in PASHTOONKHWA & above all in Balochistan are the open secrets for every one), so it is the first and foremost responsibility of the sons of five rivers to try to figure out the actual disease and smoke out the described real culprits, who have been capitalizing from their criminal ignorance by widening the gulf between them and their Baloch, Sindi and Pathan neighbors… May Allah bless Punjabis the true vision and cognizance of the situation….! A PUNJABI
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Mianwali and Mankera are missing. Fail MAP

It took me 20 minutes to read half your post and my eyes hurt .... MAN please make paragraphs.....

BUT I have to agree with majority of your arguments.

We need a fix to this solution some way some how.
We've discussed creation of new provinces in quite detail earlier as well. I fully support demarcating new provincial boundaries. Greater power to the people - stronger federation.


Merging threads.

PS : Since a post here stated the promise to reinstate Bahwalpur state, I'd like remind you that the support for the one-unit scheme from the then NWFP government was obtained by not only promising but writing it down in constituent assembly act that Peshawar would be the capital of the one-unit, not Lahore.
I was just passing through this thread and to b honest, all of you guys should be ashamed on youselves....because you all forgot the mean of Pakistan, how the name of pakistan came into being...!!!!

I am totally sick of it, when ppl call them Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi, Kashmiri, Pathan.....why cant we js say, we r all Pakistani. Being a united Pakistan, we stands together and fight against the problem and against those international lobbies who are working against Pakistan.....

remember: We are One Nation, Pakistan is the only country in the world who came into being just for sake of Islam. Quaid-e-Azam made Pakistan for Muslims with the pillars of "Unity,Faith,Dicipline" but not on the basis of racism....If Balochis, Sindhis, Punjabis, Kashimiris, Pathans are upset & angry upon each other then why cant we solve our problems together without any international interfarence.....Wat we are doing now, just to plan to divide,re-naming or ruling which is only leading to destruction.....

People of Pakistan....plsss wake up, Pakistan Zindabad
Punjabi alone is not a single classification but there are further ethinic subdivision inside a single nation. As the population grows, emergence of new provinces is a just need of manageability. There is nothing wrong with this usual process of human evolution and those trying to paint political colors all over it should get some education in political science.
apropos of 177# remarks, I would only like to advise him, go and ask for the division of UP... Which has alone more population than the whole federation of Pakistan has got...as far as his/her remarks for Punjabi nation are concerned, what sauce is good for the goose is sauce for the gander...an un-natural division/gulf has been attempted to be created again (at the behest of establishment in order to linger its illegitimate rule) between the masses living for centuries side by side in the land of five rivers similarly as the unfortunate successful attempt was made between the same masses having similar culture and language in 1947...i wonder so-called visionary political scientists could visualize the ethnic division within vulnerable Punjab, but they can't dare to see it in other provinces.where it is more prominent, yet the different ethnic groups have been living in those provinces shoulder to shoulder without any conflict for centuries. while Pakistan was born yesterday...Above all the fundamental cultural and linguistic rights of all four major nations of this remaining federation have been suppressed by imposing an alien language interestingly on them on the name of religion (Islam), which doesn't prohibit any nation from its fundamental right being purely a religion synchronizes with nature...Salman Farsi (R.A) was maintained Salman Farsi rather Salman Arabi... Genuine national question can't be countered/undermined by creating pseudo-nations within them...if the said nefarious practice is carried on, chaos would prevail and peace would merely be dream... I challenge the supporters of the division of Punjab to visit Balochistan, Sind or Pashtoonkhwa and demand for their division in their capitals, their carcasses would be disappeared...because the sons of their soils love their lands a lot and in their plural societies, different elasticities and even religious minorities have been living peacefully...but yes due to the criminal ignorance of Punjabis towards their language and culture, they are sitting ducks, who have been not only been butchered/massacred since 1947 but also have been divided time and again... may Punjabis come out of hibernation and own KHAWAJA GHULAM FARID, SHAH HUSSAIN, BAB FAREED,SULTAN BAHOO, WARIS SHAH, MIAN MOHAMMAD BUKSH, PIR MEHR ALI SHAH, BULHAY SHAH and many more, which are the binding force between them and could lead them to salvation...
New provinces = more state ministers = more tax payers money going to corrupt politicians. So do i think we should make new Provinces? NO WAY
strange argument if a 'ZHOBWAL' or 'ZARIATWAL' pathan from southern PASHTOONKHAWA settles in any part like at SAWAT or BANNU of northern PASHTOONKHWA. how could he be named someone else other than Pathan... so is the case of a Punjabi from any part of Punjab... -As far as having absence of personal experience of dealing with Urdu speakings is concerned, ask poor Sindis and now Balochs...it was argued that Urdu speakings sacrificed for Pakistan...is a sheer joke as they sacrificed what? they calmly infiltrated during 60s, 70s and still on, in this federation having divided Punjab after instigating and fueling the element of religion, which caused Punjabis massacre unfortunately by Punjabis....and what Urdu speaking (Hindustanis) had to loose? however Bangalis and Punjabis lost half parts of their mother lands. Sindis are loosing politically and economically and Balochs were enforced to be the part of this federation on the barrel of gun....were they not? ask them...! -Pathans were deceived as Zia-ul-Haq deceived people in his referendum on the name of religion...didn't he? -it was claimed with a mind suffering with the inferiority complex,that "Urdu speakings are intelligent and they increased competition..." so let us discard Urdu, then tell who are more intelligent??? the natives' children, who have been in a fix since 1947 or prior to that, when Urdu was imposed on them and the early ten precious years of their education life, they merely spend in learning an aliens language (Urdu)...not to speak of gaining knowledge even kudos to them, that compete these alien Hindustanis in every field of life...yet are called/titled uncivilized, uncultured etc. just sit among these Hindustanis, then you people would come to know the irrefutable reality... - as far as ones intelligence is concerned, keeping in view the first gentleman claimed in his argument... one may dare to ask why Britishers were asked to quit India even though they were far more intelligent and an atmosphere of competition could have been developed in the presence of those more intelligent people, above all they were at least not hypocrites because they kept never meddled in the religious and personal liberty of any community and rather secured it... didn't they? -Finally natives of this federation are now sick up of listening the slogans of Islam Islam Islam... these words have been misused and misquoted a lot enough to exploit the sons of the soil of this federation(who are of course Muslims) by imposing a UPite version of Islam on us. But has someone from Punjab ever thought that it is a religion of pure nature or against of it... for instance poor Bengalis and Sindis with total devotion and purity endeavored to get emancipation from the linguistic, political and economical subjugation of UP based "BAMAN(IN PUNJABI ACCENT)the upper class of Hindus". But soon after the emergence, do you guys know what happened...the same Bengalis and Sindis were attempted to be deprived one of their very basic fundamental rights I mean "language" by the nexus of dominating ‘UPite’ class of Hindustani Urdu speaking and mesmerized Punjabi vultures' establishment. The very first self-proclaimed Governor General of this newly created federation, while addressing in DHAKA University, tried to impose Urdu on well aware and educated Bengalis, who out rightly rejected this arbitrariness. Later on political and economical deprivation turned Bengalis sense of deprivation to its culmination point. And a vast majority got liberation from a minority in the world’s history for the very first time, who sacrificed a lot for the creation of this federation in order to live a peaceful and prosperous life in an atmosphere based upon equity and justice. Later on after striving a lot in 70s, even Sindis got partial success to some extent by getting their national language (Sindi) declared the official national language of sind and the integral of their curricula though yet they are politically and economically subjugated to their own upper ruling vultures and above all the Urdu speaking wolves, whose major chunk since 50s, 60s, 70s (after the settlement of the dust of Punjabis’ massacre ironically by Punjabis, displacement and division right in 1947) has been infiltrating in this federation apparently on the name of religion from UP, CP, BIHAR etc. through WAGHA, SEA, AIR & now KHOKARAPAR merely in search of better economic opportunities. This massive influx of Hindustanis mainly in Sind has almost changed the demography of Sind. It is no more a secret now that the same racist swarm of these Urdu speaking again attempted to settle new colonies in the coastal belt of Balochistan at GAWADAR in their own Hindustani dictator Musharraf’s time by building a coastal belt in order to link GAWADAR to Karachi (interestingly where already two ports are operating) instead of linking GAWADAR directly through the interior Balochistan up to Quetta and then other parts of the federation via fort MANROO, Afghanistan via CHAMAN, Iran and central Asian states, for which this port was supposed to be established. The malicious self-explanatory purpose was to get easy access to this region and settlement of new Urdu speaking colonies, which could ultimately not only take the control of Balochistan’s politics and economy by them but also the whole federation would become under their thumb. That is why MQM always fight for two federal portfolios of ‘port and shipping’ and ‘housing and works’. If Balochs hadn’t launched another armed struggle specifically after the martyrdom of Lion NAWAB BUGTI, the said region would have been fallen prey so earlier to this racist Urdu speaking mafia thriving and enjoying the perks and privileges under the extremely condemnable shield of ignorant Punjabi masses, whose minds have been intoxicated by portraying 'Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam, Urdu' as holy symbols. The genuine national question of the nationalities of this federation (which eventually resolves all the political, cultural and economical issues) has always been attempted to be countered by using state forces and religion in the first five to six decades... but with the passage of time as the sense of alienation and deprivation lingered on among Sindis, Pathans and Balochs due to the exploitation of the said mafia, ignorant Punjabi masses have been used as a scapegoat by getting them abused by their centuries old Sindi, Baloch and Pathan neighbors by the nexus of 5% upper ruling class of all natives of this federation (among whom sons of the land of five rivers are no doubt more being large in numbers) and the extremely well organized racist Urdu speaking hyenas. As soon as the element of religion for the said exploitation has been abating and losing its charm and shelf life, the above described establishment (ruling class of all natives particularly Punjabis of this federation plus Urdu speaking mafia) maneuvered another conspiracy of cutting iron with iron in order to counter the same genuine national question by engineering so-called nations within nations on the basis of ethnicity or dialects. So that a conundrum could be created in the minds of masses of this federation particularly ignorant Punjabis, and either they finally could be agreed on single virtual “PAKISTANI” nation or be divided into further number of nations. Which would of course give more opportunities in terms of new governor, chief minister houses, assemblies, portfolios etc to the upper ruling class of all the natives particularly Punjabis and above all would set a precedence for the Urdu speaking aliens finally to demand for a share in the pie and yes its best part (coastal belt of this federation) for them. It is well said that deeds are louder than words. Shah Abdul Lateef’s centuries old plant, when couldn’t be rooted out by these Urdu speaking hyenas, they strategically surrendered by painting themselves, from MOHAJIR QOOME MOVEMENT to so-called MUTAHIDA QUME MOVEMENT and cunningly started introducing themselves as ‘new Sindis’. But their deeds (no need to explain here) always proved against their claims. The biggest contradiction in their claim is this that never owned the language and culture of the sons of the soil of this federation due to their superiority complex (though it is known the acme of inferiority complex). Even though most of them have learnt the languages of the regions as a tool to plunder more and more the natives, they don’t own it at their homes and even in educational institutions. In this regard their way of crime is far more lethal than English or other colonialists, who rather studied the history, psychology and learned the language of the people of the region, which they occupied. Robert Sandaman and Jacob’s race was not hypocrite, they developed the areas, they ruled and didn’t touch the personal laws and individuals liberty of the natives. However, the BHAEES’ of GANGA JAMNA civilization from MUMBAI, used every weapon in the skins of MULLAHs, PAKISTANIs & now so-called “new Sindis’. but how long they successfully carry on their dirty game, depends upon the ignorance or awareness of the huge population of one the units of this federation, living in the lands of five rivers (Punjab). Whose criminal ignorance on the one hand put them in the hot water since 1947 or far earlier, when they accepted Urdu’s hegemony over their own rich saints’ language (Punjabi), while on the other hand got their Sindi, Baloch and Pathan neighbors suffered by the said illegitimate rule of the exploiters. Now this criminal ignorance of the natives of five rivers is going to disintegrate and quarrel the sons of KHAWAJA GHULAM FAREED, SHAH HUSSAIN, PIR MEHR ALI SHAH, WARIS SHAH, BULLHAY SHAH, BABA FAREED, SULTAN BAHOO, MIAN MUHAMMAD BUKSH at the behest of the above described wolves, hyenas and vultures. Ironically those saints, who spread the universal message of peace of love based on equality and justice, are now being labeled as SERIAKIS, POTOHARIS & PUNJABIS by the ignorant sons of the lands of five rivers due to multiple stigmatized sorts of reasons and purposely by the ruling mafia of opportunist Politicians of the land of five rivers like all the land lord politicians of south Punjab and even now by the apes from the central and upper Punjab like SHUJAT BROTHERS, AITZAZ HASSAN, ABIDA HUSSAIN, SKEIKH RASHEED etc; who were born on the other side of the blanket (of INDUS VALLEY) as their real fathers belonged to GANGA JAMNA civilization because they proudly own Urdu and un-naturally try to emulate their GANGA JAMNA's civilization brothers even though they can't and are made butt of joke by the same JANGA JAMNA breed. Contrary to the sweet language of the saints of five rivers, who could be proved a natural binding force between the sons of the five rivers’ land if these saints were purely and consciously owned by the natives of five rivers by introducing their language in educational institutions (as Bengalis and Sindis did) instead of Urdu literature and rest of the subjects would be kept in English (which is a lingua franca across the globe and provide handsome bread and butter and modern knowledge too). It is neither un-Islamic nor illegitimate; rather it is one of the basic fundamental rights of the humans, which has been accepted by all the saints, philosophers, prophets, religions and civilizations. Until and unless the Urdu speaking aliens own the language and culture of the land in its true letter and spirit, stop instigating brothers (living side by side in any particular geographical region for centuries) against each other on the basis of peculiar regional religious, linguistic or ethnic sentiments and psychology, and stop occupation like JEWS on the coastal belts of our Sindi and Baloch brothers lands, they can never merge in the natives. It would of course beget another massacre and migration, and peace (Islam) could never prevail. Bengali, Sindi, Baloch and Pathan brothers are well aware about the malicious design of establishment, but sons of the land of five rivers are still living in deep criminal ignorance and hibernation because of their unlimited ardent desire. That is why they are the most vulnerable segment of this federation, which could easily fall prey to the ulterior motives of the said nexus of establishment. The nationalists of other units of this federation should also realize that the division of Punjab would ultimately be the culmination point of their division, as the formula advised by the ruling exploiters’ nexus and annoyingly supported by the nationalists (PONAM etc.) applies/fits much more appropriately on them than it applies on Punjab. The intellectuals and litterateurs of Punjab shall have to quit planting the tree of GHALIB in the land of five rivers, as it is against the very laws of nature. Because a mango can’t be planted in Quetta nor an apple or almond tree could grow in Sind and Punjab. However if on smaller scale by using expensive state resources, these are grown in an artificial atmosphere, they can’t produce the fruit having the similar flavor in their natural habitats. So how could GHALIB, MOLVI FAZAL HAQ, MIR DARD blah blah blah could be flourished in the lands of RAHMAN BABA, KHAWAHA GHULAM FAREED, GHUL KHAN NASEER, SHAH ABDUL LATEEF BHATTAI or RABINDAR NATH TAGOOR. Any un-natural imposition or division always leads to a further chaos and mayhem. In the present turmoil sons of the lands of five rivers have been suffering the most and their misunderstanding and myopic vision has been one of the prime reasons of other neighbors’ sufferings as well (the cruel and illegitimate army operations in PASHTOONKHWA & above all in Balochistan are the open secrets for every one), so it is the first and foremost responsibility of the sons of five rivers to try to figure out the actual disease and smoke out the described real culprits, who have been capitalizing from their criminal ignorance by widening the gulf between them and their Baloch, Sindi and Pathan neighbors… May Allah bless Punjabis the true vision and cognizance of the situation….! A PUNJABI

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