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NINETY VEHICLES TORCHED - 23 killed in Karachi


May 1, 2011
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Tried every thing in his power except actually come back from England and be in Karachi to do some thing.

Perhaps the person that needs to be giving the 24 hour warning is Kayani?
This AQM - ANP vendetta really seems out of control. What will it take to solve this problem?
Remind me the days, when Indian communists use to kill ppl... Indian communists have their own Army... Hope karachi be peacefull soon...
90 (yes, Irony.. Nine Zero) vehicles set ablaze and 23 people killed in an apparent MQM vs ANP fight in which innocents are being gunned down

Ninety vehicles torched in Karachi | Metropolitan | DAWN.COM

Twenty-three lives lost as Karachi bleeds again | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

2nd Aug 2011


Altaf "Bhai" gives deadline... Altaf gives govt 48 hrs

No one have balls ....
Declare curfew ... sealed all political offices.. Get their registers .. put all politically associated people in one school or some where together ... put them under house arrest their (technically not jail)...
Any one with weapon should try under attempted murder only.. under fast track courts(decision in 1 or 2 trials) .. put them behind bar for 5-10 years ... keep doing this.. for couple of weeks ...
Sealed all bank accounts of those and their political masters .... stop cell phone service and SMS service first .. track all SMS in case don't stop service...
put all political leaders small to big under house arrest or take them out of Karachi put them under arrest in some hotel in Islamabad or some where .. unknown location for week..
and see the change in situation .. without leaders .. all chamchas will be powerless

with help of court invalidate all MNAs from Karachi..... reduce bargaining power of those parties who are doing this as daily business
No one have balls ....
Declare curfew ... sealed all political offices.. Get their registers .. put all politically associated people in one school or some where together ... put them under house arrest their (technically not jail)...
Any one with weapon should try under attempted murder only.. under fast track courts(decision in 1 or 2 trials) .. put them behind bar for 5-10 years ... keep doing this.. for couple of weeks ...
Sealed all bank accounts of those and their political masters .... stop cell phone service and SMS service first .. track all SMS in case don't stop service...
put all political leaders small to big under house arrest or take them out of Karachi put them under arrest in some hotel in Islamabad or some where .. unknown location for week..
and see the change in situation .. without leaders .. all chamchas will be powerless

with help of court invalidate all MNAs from Karachi..... reduce bargaining power of those parties who are doing this as daily business

I hope all that you have mentioned would be possible. Right now we are enjoying the fruits of PPP and Zardari's so called reconciliation policy. PPP is the worst group of thugs ever in the human race.
You all ignorant people .. try research first .. ANP People burned all these vehicles of Saraiki speaking people ... ANP is running by Rapers , Jihadist Criminals by ashirwad of PPP .....

God help karachi ...
All political people should be rounded up especially MQM and ANP thugs and send to make shift concentration camps. Learn from the history of Europe. We dont have to be as that hightech...round them up in some open ground and drop gas bombs! Survivors shall be shot by snipers!
You all ignorant people .. try research first .. ANP People burned all these vehicles of Saraiki speaking people ... ANP is running by Rapers , Jihadist Criminals by ashirwad of PPP .....

God help karachi ...

weren't ANP people all truck drivers and taxi drivers and transporters??? now where did serayki come into this?? and ashirwad of PPP??? i guess you watch too much star tv! but anyways serayki check,ANP check PPP check what about rthe biggest pargest strongest party of karachi MQM???
weren't ANP people all truck drivers and taxi drivers and transporters??? now where did serayki come into this?? and ashirwad of PPP??? i guess you watch too much star tv! but anyways serayki check,ANP check PPP check what about rthe biggest pargest strongest party of karachi MQM???
They were shedding crocodile tears in london :d
weren't ANP people all truck drivers and taxi drivers and transporters??? now where did serayki come into this?? and ashirwad of PPP??? i guess you watch too much star tv! but anyways serayki check,ANP check PPP check what about rthe biggest pargest strongest party of karachi MQM???

here you go ... i little research will help you

In what appears to be yet another ethnic clash, property worth millions was torched and at least 10 people were killed on Monday night.
Authorities worry that the incident, believed to be a fight over land-grabbing between Seraiki-speaking people from southern Punjab and Pashto-speaking people, may be the beginnings of a new ethnic war.
Surjani’s population is a mix of Urdu-, Seraiki- and Pashto-speaking people. Usually clashes between ethnic groups across the city are thought to be between certain groups but for the first time, a new group has entered the fray.
“This is the first time that I have seen Seraiki- and Pashto-speaking people fighting,” said Additional IG Saud Mirza, who has been in a slew of meetings with officers across the city in an attempt to stem the violence. “It is definitely not a good sign.” He feared that this new violence could escalate and spread. More and more law enforcers have been deployed to Surjani in an attempt to nip the danger in the bud, he added.
A police official told The Express Tribune that the whole issue, like most political clashes in the city, is the land mafia’s doing. In the beginning, two land grabbers locked horns and the scuffle gradually went from two ethnicities fighting to a political clash.
He said that land grabbers and the supporters of political parties use each other to their own advantage. “If you compare the Seraiki and Pashtun, then you find that the Pashto-speaking men are more in number,” he said. “The Seraiki do not have the resources, weapons or manpower to take on the Pashtun.”
Both are, however, backed by political parties.
Pakistan Seraiki Qaumi Ittehad (PSQI) chairman Colonel (rtd) Jabbar Abbasi told The Express Tribune that the clash was not a random, isolated incident but was the result of a chain of many small fights that have been breaking out between the two groups for a couple of months now. He denied the involvement or support of any political party.
He claimed that it started when a Pashto-speaking person allegedly urinated on a newly constructed house belonging to the PSQI general secretary, Haji Nazeer Ahmed, in Surjani, leading to a fight between the two groups.
Next, a Seraiki-speaking person identified as Allah Dita, was killed and four others were wounded in firing while they were on their way to the Northern Bypass to hold a protest over the abduction of Seraiki children, also apparently by the rival group. “We are targeted each time,” he said. “How long are we meant to bear it? The police never catches the actual culprits.”
On Sunday, Tahir Khan, identified as Allah Ditta’s killer, by the Seraiki group, was murdered in Surjani. “The Seraikis and Pashtun have always lived together in harmony, but recently these small fights have escalated into a bigger problem,” Abbasi said. “When Tahir died, the Pashtun began attacking our houses and we did what we had to do to protect ourselves.” Pashtun leader Younus Buneri contradicted Abbasi, claiming that the Seraiki and Pashtun have nothing against each other and the Pashtun have always supported the Seraikis. He said that the same force that is behind the violence across the city is responsible for the unrest in Surjani. The people behind the violence take minor scuffles over personal matters and turn them into ethnic or political issues, he added.
Published in The Express Tribune, August 3rd, 2011.

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